Sailor Starlights Info & Pics

                   Sailor Star Fighter/Kou Seiya
                                Birthday: May 30
  Seiya is the Senshi known as Sailor Star Fighter. He is the lead vocalist in the idol band, the Three Lights. In his past, he was a girl, and still transforms into one when he becomes a senshi.
  Seiya likes Usagi a lot. Amazingly, Usagi didn't even know who he was when she bumped into him on the streets.
  When the other senshi found out who the Sailor Starlights were, they told Usagi to stay away from him and the Starlights told Seiya to stay away from her. UIsagi asked why, since he was a Sailor Senshi also, but the others said that their enemies were also Sailor Senshi, and they couldn't trust them.
  Haruka has a big problem with him because he flirts with Michiru, who actually lets him. Later, when she and Michiru die, Haruka tells Sailor Star Fighter to protect Sailor Moon.

Sailor Star Healer/Kou Yaten
                              Birthday: February 8
  He plays the keyboard for the idol band, the Three Lights, and is also responsible for the arrangement. Yaten has a really bad attitude problem. He's loud, obnoxious, and has a really big ego. He's also very impatient and has a sensitive temper.

Sailor Star Maker/Kou Taiki
                                  Birthday: July 30
  Taiki is the Senshi known as Sailor Star Maker. He is the Guitarist in the idol band, the Three Lights, but he can also play the keyboard and helps write the lyrics. Taiki is very similar to Ami and does excellent academically.

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