Jan., 10, 2008




The FT. Riley Museum Has Been Closed.
Stone Monument
Our Monument will be placed next to EUCOM Headquarters in Stuttgart.

From the National Commander of the U.S. Constabulary
[A note from the editor, these are intentions and not yet a fact.]

Greetings to all Elected and Appointed Officers of our US Constabulary Association.

     Many of our members are wondering and concerned about the status of our Museum that is located in Fort Riley, Kansas. I have been informed by Trooper Sam Zafran of OP 5 that all of our exhibits that were in place at the museum have now been packed up and stored in an unknown location. Sam also tells me that the only thing remaining in what was the museum is the Honor Plaque that we had hanging there. I have been trying to contact Bill McKale curator, and I also have asked Sam if he can talk to someone at Fort Riley that would let us retrieve our Honor Plaque since it was not an item of inventory. So I am trying to get it back in our hands.

      I have also been in Contact several times now, with Col. Pete Posseger the curator of the Fort Bliss Museums. Since Fort Bliss is to be occupied soon by the Elements of the First Armored Division (Remember MG Harmon was once the Commander of 1st Armor) and Elements of Calvary units. I am trying to get some space for our material stored at Fort Riley transferred to Fort Bliss, Texas. Since Many of our US Constabulary units were made up from Armor and Cavalry units. I felt it was a perfect spot for us to blend into the very units that we came from when the US Con. was born. There are many road blocks. One of course is funds to move the equipment from Riley to Bliss. Another serious one that is hard to believe is that we must be accredited as a recognized unit of the US Army. To sum this report up. Here is where we stand. One. we have to realize that this move is unique. Two. We will be competing against the First Armor Division for Space. I think you can see that as a problem. There are many hurdles to go over. However let me assure you that I will do everything I can to make this move happen. I will not just give up. I will keep trying. As a matter of fact. I am going to visit Fort Bliss in April and I will meet The curator. and whomever else will talk to me. So that is where we stand on the Museum Business.

     Now I ask. Since I am finding things have been quiet. Are there any Members of the Executive Board or the Executive Council having any problems. I have not received any complaints recently and that is good news. I hope that all of you are planning on attending at least one Reunion this Spring. I so far have made arrangements to attend OP 4, 7 and 8. If I can squeeze more in I will. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your work and devotion to this Association. Without all of you we would not have an Association I must ask you all to monitor the dues situation. Remember and remind your Troopers. January 1st was the due date for dues. If the dues is not paid by January 31. That person will not be receiving the Lightning Bolt or will be eligible to attend planned functions such as Reunions. So let us keep this thing going as long as we can. A lot of us are still packing a lot of steam so lets use it to help the guys that need our help also. Identify Troopers that need help and lets not just talk about it. Lets do it.

Jim Deming
National Commander
15051 SW 13th CT,
Sunrise, FL 33328-1924
e-mail: jimrene@mindspring.com
Ph # 1-954-476-8443


     As you may recall. Back in February of this year I asked for your approval to contract a project to build a permanent Stone Memorial to the United States Constabulary in Stuttgart, Germany. Every member of both boards approved this project. I am happy today to tell you that a check in the amount of $7202.75 was sent to the contractor of our Stone Memorial by Our Treasurers as requested and approved by myself and all of you. The Check was processed on June 6th by LTC David Jones. The good LTC Has been working hard to get all the work and paper work done that is required by this project. Our Monument will be placed next to EUCOM Headquarters in Stuttgart. The location will be in a heavy pedestrian area under a great Oak Tree. For all visitors and tourist that visit that area. The estimated time of construction is now 7 - 8 weeks. The possible dedication date is maybe on Veterans Day in November. We have some input on a dedication date if anyone can justify a better date your request will be considered. I remind you that we had decided to use the funds that we have in the bank that were ear marked for the Museum Fund. The check we sent was from that fund. We now have a balance of approximately $2800.00 dollars left in the Museum Fund. Since we no longer have a Museum and a decision was made that we do not need one anymore. I am recommending we agree to abolish the Museum find and transfer the Approximately $2800.00 to our General Fund. It will certainly help our National Treasurers with book work and it will give the General Fund a nice boost. I like that idea since a couple of our Outpost never did kick in a $1000.00 dollars when we really needed it.
National Commander Jim Deming