The B-29 Enola Gay on the island of Tinian in the Mariana group on the morning before the Atom Bomb attack on Hiroshima
B-29 Enola Gay Aug. 6 1945
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The plume over Hiroshima about 1 hr,  after the in-air detonation of 'Little Boy'
Little Boy carried by The B-29  Enola Gay Aug. 6 1945 and Fat Man delivered 3 days later from B-29 Bocks Car over Nagasaki
The Hiroshima blast killed about 20,000 Japanese and Korean workers instantly. Another 20,000 died the first week and another 30,000 within 1 year.  The decision to use the weapons was weighed against an estimated 1 million allied invasion forces casulties and 3 million Japanese military and civilian losses from a conventional attack. The Imperial forces had reeked atrocious havoc on over 30 million victims throughout the duration and had to be stopped.