About Me
My name is Joe Philips and while I haven't had a web page for several years, I decided to again "go on line" to share my intrests in aviation, woodworking and the design arts.  My  first web page was about my design and construction of radio controlled 1/4 scale Stearman Biplanes.  I got away from this hobby to focus primarily on the construction of my French designed "Piel Super Emeraude CP328".  I will be sharing information about this project that fellow builders from around the world can view, as we are a unique group!
I haven't really thought so much about the Stearmans, lately.  However, after losing an old Arkansas friend in a recent aviation airshow accident, I feel compelled to continue this work for others to enjoy this finest of radio controlled airplanes. 

Also, I will share aerial photos taken on flights around the state of Texas and interesting old airfields and aviation related architecture.
Super Stearman , four aileron, modified center section
My Favorite Links:
Yahoo! Games
Yahoo! Photos
Yahoo! Greetings
My Info:
Name: Joe Philips
Email: philips@txcyber.com