From: (Lynnaea AelCaymarth)
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 20:23:15 -0600 (CST)
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE:  My Way

MD 01.1030
SD 90228.0045
Scene:  CSO's Quarters
        Her furnishings had been shipped from Starfleet Academy upon news of
her billeting.  They were in boxes, scattered across the floor, with packing
strewn everywhere.  
        Ensign Aelyria Keyrin, fresh from ALB training and the Chesapeake's
first Chief Security Officer, sat in the middle of the chaos.  Dissonant,
driving music blared over the speakers, the low bass undercurrents vibrating
through the floor.  
        She moved quickly and efficiently, gracefully dancing her way
through her quarters, feet moving in time with the rhythm, finishing off one
box after another and depositing the plasticrates in the recycler for
disposal.  The packing material was last to follow, until the floor could
finally be seen again. 
        "COMPUTER!"  she shouted to be heard over the music.  "DISCONTINUE
        The silence was deafening.  <>
        She slowly inspected her now furnished quarters.  They looked nice,
she had to admit.  Her book collection, decidedly the showpiece of the
living area, was in its bookshelf beside the couch.  An expensive-looking
set of porcelain figurines her grandparents had given her in her last stay
on Risa resided on the hunt table in the hallway.  Holographic replicas of
her favorite Terran fine art -- Rosetti, Whistler, and Da Vinci -- adorned
the walls.  The fabric colors she chose from the program were rich and warm
and well-coordinated. 
        The work area, however, had been left austere.  In its own corner,
there was a bare desk, a comfortable chair, and a computer terminal.  Within
the desk were her personal files and more outmoded writing utensils -- paper
and pen.  
        "Computer.  One mocha coffee please, double shot, with cream."   A
steaming cup and saucer appeared in the replicator terminal and she
retrieved them, savoring the taste of her favorite addiction -- caffeine --
as she sat down at her desk, pulling the PADD before her.  
        She reviewed the recent activities of the ship, from its
comissioning at the shipyards to the final preparations made shortly before
her arrival.  She reviewed the activity of each department and noted what
diagnostics had been run on each computer systems.  She shook her head.  No
obvious problems... there would have to be a shakedown period in the first
few days of flight to work out the minor bugs.  
        But she didn't want there to be minor bugs.  She wanted a finely
honed ship in fighting condition with zero deficiencies.  Nothing for it but
to call a staff meeting... "Computer.  Which conference rooms are available
this afternoon?"  
        "When is 3A available?"  she interrupted.  
        She tapped out a quick memo on her console.  
        She hit "send" and turned back to the status displays.  As she
worked, typing up a brief outline of the points she wished to make to the
XO, she considered her initial impression of him.  Very polite, very
professional, and very friendly.  
        *I like him,*  she thought with a grin.  
        She wondered when she'd report to the captain.  She needed to.  She
didn't like not knowing what personality of CO she was working for.  Maybe
she'd seek her out after the status report tomorrow...        
[Time:  1300.  Scene:  Conference Room 3A.]
        The security staff settled itself in quickly and quietly, displaying
considerable discipline and a minimum of fuss.  
        Aelyria was *very* pleased.  *This could be fun...Hot damn, I love
having things my way!* 
        "Just to introduce myself -- My name is Aelyria Keyrin and I'm your
new CSO.  I'd like you all to please state your names, your position if
you've been assigned one, and your experience."  
        The complement was fairly standard.  Most had one to five years
experience in Starfleet and standard proficiencies and specialties.  There
were one or two newbies that she might have to take under her wing... 
        ... and then there was Dannon Torr.  He was a tall, solidly built
man, with ten years experience serving on combat vessels.  He ran a hand
through his salt-and-peppered hair -- he was going prematurely gray, Keyrin
decided, for he couldn't be *that* old -- and concluded of himself, "And I
was assigned Acting CSO until your arrival, sir."  
        "Very good.  Judging from your experience, Torr, you're now assigned
as my Assistant."  She shot him a wry grin.  "Unless you've any objections."  
        "None, sir."  
        "Good.  Life is easier when you agree with me.  I'll send you a memo
and arrange to meet with you privately sometime soon."  She raised her voice
slightly and glanced around at the table.  "Now, let's hear what's been
going on around here..." 
[Two hours later.]
        "...thank you all for your cooperation.  Excellent job.  Dismissed!"  
        Aelyria returned to her quarters to type up her final draft of the
status report.  She finished late that night and turned into her bed tired
but content.
[The next morning, time: 0545.]
        Aelyria stepped out of the shower, wringing a towel around her
soaked hair.  "Computer.  What is the located of XO Brennan?" 
        She sent a quick message that she was ready to see him at his
convenience.  Forty-five minutes later, just as Keyrin was finishing her
breakfast, her combadge trilled.  "Brennan to Keyrin.  Let's see that
report, shall we?"  
        "On my way."  
[Twenty minutes later.] 
        "So to conclude, science is pretty well set except for some
diagnostics we need to run -- it looks like the CSciO is installing some new
equipment in there, and that'll need to be checked when she's finished with
it.  Supplies are fine.  Personnel training is fine, but the number of
personnel isn't quite there yet -- I'm assuming we'll have the last
stragglers come in within the next few days.  Flight and Nav really is the
most behind... I'll get with the FCO as soon as they report."  She checked
her PADD.  "Engineering is almost done shaking out the bugs.  The only thing
I'm not sure about is weaponry and defense.  The systems *look* fine but you
never know for sure if something works until you actually use it."  She shot
Brennan a questioning look.  "Is there any way we can target practice a bit
before shipping out?"
        Brennan looked slightly bemused.  "I'll see what we can do."          
        "Oh, and one last thing -- I'd like to run some security situational
drills this week, but I realize that could play major havoc with other
departments... especially certain scenarios.  Should these wait a bit longer
or can I go ahead and arrange them now?"  
NRPG:  All:  Welcome to Dannon Torr, my Assistant, whom I shall
affectionately refer to as "Thug."  Everyone needs someone to do the grunt
work, right?  *G*  Expect to see more of this little henchman of mine... and
please do consider him protected for the time being, until I've got him
better established.
Just out of blatant curiosity, what does BUPERS stand for?  (Prize to the
first who answers! *G*)
Amy:  When's a good time for Keyrin to see you? 

Respectfully submitted, 
Lynnaea AelCaymarth, aka
Ensign Aelyria Keyrin

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