From: (Masako Goto)
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 17:53:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE: Murray's (Non)Amazing Inbox Adventure 

SD 90228.2200
Murray's Quarters
MD 1.1600
	Following the CSO's advice, Anne decided to let Derek Fielding
handle the department for the rest of the day.  After he had gone, she
finally studied her quarters for the first time.
	The carpet was still the annoying shade of blue, but perhaps
she could have a different color installed.  In the meantime, she 
would simply not look down, that's all.
	There weren't too many boxes, and Anne was a quick worker
when she had to be.  She arranged all her things within fifteen
minutes, glad that she had thought to pack carefully before leaving
her previous post.
	When she was done, the atmosphere had changed.  A large filing
cabinet stood next to her desk, and a bookshelf stood near the 
separating her working area from her sleeping area.  The bookshelf was
filled with what seemed like boxes upon boxes of colorful puzzles and
folders; in fact, they were her collection of psychometric testing
kits that she had acquired over the years.
	Anne took fifteen more minutes to "freshen up" before returing
to her desk and looking at the computer console for the first time.
It was blinking to indicate new messages.
	"Computer, display index of new messages."
	"Five hundred...!" Anne was beginning to think that she
had made a mistake in programming syntax when she realized that
at least three hundred of them were from the Science Department,
all detailing each staff member and detailing responsibilities
and positions.  She shrugged, downloading them into data chips.
She would look at them later, when she had gone through the
rest of her mail.
	There were messages about meetings (including the
one she had sent about her own department meeting), others
from members of her former department, a visual message from
her former CSciO, another visual from her parents, and a visual
from her cousin.  She watched the last intently, then got a
message recorder and saved the message.
	Oh.  A message from Lieutenant Commander Brennan 
indicated that she was to submit a status report by 2300 the 
next day.  Well... Anne supposed that she could do that; she 
had helped Dameon with those so many times.  A second message 
from the XO recommended that she see a Lieutenant Commander 
th'Tellan about "installing" something in the Main Science 
Laboratory look-alike.  She hoped that the 20 would be as 
understanding as the XO apparently was.
	A message from the aCMO indicated that Mr. Kirko had,
indeed, sustained a broken arm and that he was being kept there
for observation until 1900 or when the CMO had a look at him,
whichever came first.  All right, Anne would go see him as
soon as she was done with the correspondences...
	The next message was one that informed her of the required
medical for every new staff member of USS CHESAPEAKE.  Anne frowned
slightly, her hand hovering over the delete key.  No, she decided,
she'd better keep it after all.
	O-ho.  A Senior Officer dinner of some sort was happening
at 2100.  Interesting... Anne wasn't a social person by nature, but
she would be able to speak with Ensign Keyrin again without its
appearing odd... and she wanted to thank the young woman for giving
her a Gratuitous Parental Advice that should probably be included
in future.
	There were several messages detailing status of machinery
on Deck 17; the oxygen dispenser had been made more secure.  There
would be less chance of its discharging pure oxygen without the
proper controls.
	More messages... oops, she had forgotten all about the little
matter of emergency procedure... Dameon would have her head if this
ever got back to him.  Anne grinned.  It had been signed, "from
You-Know-Who in SEC/TAC."
	The final message left her feeling cold, even though the
temperature in the room was at least 20 degrees.  It was from
a Lieutenant Tats-Marush, the Ship's Counselor, about setting up an 
appointment.  Anne shrugged.  She closed her eyes, convinced herself 
that she didn't see anything, and casually pressed the delete button.  
She opened her eyes.  Yup, no message.  It worked every time... well, 
it used to work in the Science Department when the kids had become
a little too excited about a mission.
	The messages satisfactorily disposed (or saved), Anne
got up and prepared to go visit Mr. Kirko.
Respectfully submitted,
Masako Goto
Lt. Anne Murray, Ph.D.
Takako: Anne will probably contact Brennan around 1900.
Melvin: Anne will probably contact th'Tellan around 2000.  And she
	is *not* psychotic, just... stressed.  *sulk* 
Lynnaea: Anne will definitely try to talk with Keyrin at the
	 officers' function, whatever it was called (can't remember
	 at the moment...) I wasn't sure if Keyrin would, in fact,
	 sign anything "You-Know-Who," but I figured that if anyone
	 did that on the ship, it would be Keyrin.  :)
Chris: Anne is headed your way even as we speak (well... headed for
       Sickbay, at any rate).  In re: the staff medicals, I just 
       up on what James wrote.  :)
James: Please don't take Anne's behavior personally.  She had a 
       dysfunctional relationship with her previous CNS (I think, 
       a more accurate term would be "toxic relationship").
All: I am listing the timeline below.  If anyone has 
     or questions/corrections/suggestions, please let me know.  :)
     Some of these times and places are conjectures.
MD 01.0700  CAPT Bell reports to CINCGREEN
MD 01.0715  CDR Brennan reports to CINCGREEN
MD 01.0730  Bell and Brennan board CHESAPEAKE
MD 01.0745  LCDR th'Tellan reports to CINCGREEN
MD 01.0800  LT Murray reports to CINCGREEN
MD 01.0845  LT Murray reports to CAPT Bell in Ready Room
MD 01.0900  Murray inspects Science Department
MD 01.0915  ENS Keyrin reports to CINCGREEN
	    LT(jg) DawnFire to-Ennien boards CHESAPEAKE
MD 01.0930  Brennan on the Bridge
	    LT(jg) DawnFire to-Ennien inspects quarters
MD 01.0945  Keyrin boards CHESAPEAKE
MD 01.1000  LCDR Ledoux reports to CINCGREEN
MD 01.1015  ENS Keyrin reports to CDR Brennan on Bridge
MD 01.1030  Keyrin settles into her quarters
	    Ledoux still on DELTA, feeling depressed
MD 01.1200  Tats-Marush heads for CHESAPEAKE
MD 01.1205  Tats-Marush beams aboard CHESAPEAKE
	    Tats-Marush inspects quarters, reads mail
MD 01.1230  Murray holds Science Department Meeting
MD 01.1300  Keyrin holds Security/Tactical Department Meeting
	    (in Conference Room 3A)
MD 01.1315  LT Tats-Marush reports to LCDR Brennan in XO's office
MD 01.1400  Brennan visits the Science Department
MD 01.1415  Brennan reads messages, calls twin at ALPHA in quarters
MD 01.1500  Keyrin adjourns SEC/TAC meeting
	    aCSciO contacts Murray in her quarters about PS Lab
MD 01.1510  Murray arrives at PSL
MD 01.1515  Murray sends injured crewman to Sickbay
	    th'Tellan boards CHESAPEAKE
MD 01.1530  Murray and aCSciO speak in her office
MD 01.1545  Murray and aCSciO meet with Keyrin in the CSO's office
MD 01.1555  Keyrin and Murray head for Deck 6
MD 01.1600  Murray settles into quarters
MD 01.1630  Murray reads mail (in quarters)
MD 01.2100  Senior Officers' Dinner
MD 02.0545  Keyrin sends message to Brennan requesting meeting
MD 02.0630  Brennan and Keyrin discuss status report
MD 02.0650  Brennan and Keyrin's discussion draws to a close

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