From: (Masako Goto)
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 19:50:14 -0500 (EST)
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE: Visiting Kirko, the Non-Wonder Boy

SD 90201.0015
MD 1.1645
        Anne was relieved to see that Kirko was looking relatively 
well. The CMO was nowhere to be seen; she supposed that the doctor was 
busy with other matters.
        "It's good of you to come, sir," said Kirko, his expression
truly grateful.  "They say I can get out of here in a few minutes."
        Anne nodded her understanding.
        "Mr. Kirko," she said after a slight pause, "I know this may
be none of my business, but... Oh, never mind with the formalities."
She sat herself down next to his biobed.  "Look, Ben, you've been
getting plenty of regular combat training sessions on Sigma Iotia II,
but your conditioned reflexes are decaying already from the change
in training schedule.  I want you -- and the other Iotian members
of the department -- to participate in a tapering-off training 
        "That sounds reasonable to me, sir," said Kirko, nodding 
slightly.  The Iotian government believed most strongly in adult 
education, and all adult males received daily combat practice sessions. 
On the one hand, that was wonderful dedication on their part; on the 
other hand, the conditioned reflexes apparently deteriorated much 
faster than in other peoples.
        "Good.  I will contact the Chief Security Officer about it."
Anne stood up.  "I'm very sorry, but I have to go see to some things
now.  Please give my regards to the CMO if you see her."
        "Yes, sir.  And, sir?"
        "Yes, Mr. Kirko?"
        "Thanks for the GPA, sir."
        "The... oh, the *GPA*." Gratuitous Parental Advice, thought 
Anne. He must have been listening well at the meeting.  She was still 
smiling as she went out the door.  She decided that she would next go 
talk with Lieutenant Commander Brennan.
Respectfully submitted,
Masako Goto
Lt. Anne Murray, Ph.D.
James pointed out an error, so here is the timeline again.  Sorry
for the redundancy.
USS CHESAPEAKE Timeline v.1.1
MD 01.0700  CAPT Bell reports to CINCGREEN
MD 01.0715  CDR Brennan reports to CINCGREEN
MD 01.0730  Bell and Brennan board CHESAPEAKE
MD 01.0745  LCDR th'Tellan reports to CINCGREEN
MD 01.0800  LT Murray reports to CINCGREEN
MD 01.0845  LT Murray reports to CAPT Bell in Ready Room
MD 01.0900  Murray inspects Science Department
MD 01.0915  ENS Keyrin reports to CINCGREEN
	    LT(jg) DawnFire to-Ennien boards CHESAPEAKE
MD 01.0930  Brennan on the Bridge
	    LT(jg) DawnFire to-Ennien inspects quarters
MD 01.0945  Keyrin boards CHESAPEAKE
MD 01.1000  LCDR Ledoux reports to CINCGREEN
MD 01.1015  ENS Keyrin reports to CDR Brennan on Bridge
MD 01.1030  Keyrin settles into her quarters
	    Ledoux still on DELTA, feeling depressed
MD 01.1200  Tats-Marush heads for CHESAPEAKE
MD 01.1205  Tats-Marush beams aboard CHESAPEAKE
	    Tats-Marush inspects quarters, reads mail
MD 01.1230  Murray holds Science Department Meeting
MD 01.1300  Keyrin holds Security/Tactical Department Meeting
	    (in Conference Room 3A)
MD 01.1315  LT(jg) Tats-Marush reports to LCDR Brennan in XO's office
MD 01.1400  Brennan visits the Science Department
MD 01.1415  Brennan reads messages, calls twin at ALPHA in quarters
MD 01.1500  Keyrin adjourns SEC/TAC meeting
	    aCSciO contacts Murray in her quarters about PS Lab
MD 01.1510  Murray arrives at PSL
MD 01.1515  Murray sends injured crewman to Sickbay
	    th'Tellan boards CHESAPEAKE
MD 01.1530  Murray and aCSciO speak in her office
MD 01.1545  Murray and aCSciO meet with Keyrin in the CSO's office
MD 01.1555  Keyrin and Murray head for Deck 6
MD 01.1600  Murray settles into quarters
MD 01.1630  Murray reads mail (in quarters)
MD 01.1645  Murray visits injured crewman in Sickbay
MD 01.2100  Senior Officers' Dinner
MD 02.0545  Keyrin sends message to Brennan requesting meeting
MD 02.0630  Brennan and Keyrin discuss status report
MD 02.0650  Brennan and Keyrin's discussion draws to a close

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