From: Melvin Harry Pollack 
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 16:35:09 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [CHESAPEAKE] USS Stonewall -> SB Delta : A Man Named th'Tellan

[Captain's Log (of Collins) Stardate 90218.1545.  Having just completed
our mission, I have been given a chance to contemplate the events.  One
thing that is on my mind is the recent actions of my CSiO - correction; my
ex - CSiO.  This may be the first event of an officer who has gone AWOL
and still managed to be promoted....]
	Collins was interrupted by a beep from his ready room.  "Come in,"
he replied, turning off his recorder.
	th'Tellan walked in.  "Sir, I just wanted to thank you for the
promotion.  I probably don't deserve it considering some of my actions for
the last mission ...."
	"Forget it," Collins replied.  "Despite your actions, Starfleet
considers you a good officer."
	"I also wanted to tell you that it was a pleasure serving with
you.  I know a lot of people who wouldn't have trusted me as much as you
have.    I know a lot more people who wouldn't have let me get
away with some of the stunts I pulled.  It must have taken a lot of
willpower for you to keep from shoving me out of an airlock."
	Collins grinned.  "You can't even begin to imagine the willpower
involved."  Then he turned serious for a moment.  "You've been a good
officer.  A little too much of a risk taker perhaps, but still a good
officer.  But I have to warn you; you're no longer some scientist that's
been empowered.  You're going to have to learn a lot of things about being
a leader, and the first thing that you must learn is that your actions
will affect everyone on the ship.
	"Anyway, I wish you luck."  Collins waited for th'Tellan to say
goodbye and leave.  "I wish the Chesapeake even more luck."
Scene: Shuttle (under D-Warp)
	th'Tellan had said his goodbyes for what seemed like a long time
ago.  He had served with a large number of that crew for two years.  The
others had also befriended him, even the new tactical officer who had been
suspicious.  (And probably rightly so.)  But there was one person that he
was glad he didn't have to say goodbye to.
	"Sereh, I still don't understand why they made you an Ensign."
	Ens Sereh raised an eyebrow in her usual Vulcan manner.  "Logic
dictates that, seeing how the new rank is merely temporary, there is no
reason to regret the decision.  The Chesapeake needs an aCEO with some
experience, and having a rank higher than the new CEO wouldn't produce a
good image.  But this is what I chose, partly as punishment for assisting
you in going AWOL, and partly because I would prefer to have a job in
	th'Tellan started a mock sulk.  "You mean that you didn't let
yourself be demoted just to be with me?"
	Sereh smiled and placed an arm around th'Tellan's shoulders.  "I
did consider the benefits package as well."
[Attention.  Shuttle will arrive at Starbase Beta in two minutes.  Please
initiate docking procedures.]
Scene:  Admiral's Office
	"Lt. Cmdr. Avikar th'Tellan reporting for duty, sir."
	Admiral Jokinen looked up.  "Lt. Cmdr.?"
	"Collins had me promoted before I left the Stonewall."
	"Right, right.  Have a seat, commander."
Stonewall Crew:  Well, I guess that this is it.  Congradulations to all of
you that were promoted.  I'll miss all of you.  Good luck on your next
mission.  (You'll need it.)
I guess that you should take my name off the mailing list.  But, maybe
I'll pop in from time to time to see how things are going.
Chesapeake Crew:  Well, here I am.  Start burning the incense.  I have to
warn you that I try to post once a week, but I don't always succeed in
posting even that infrequently.  (I'm an Engineering major, so I'm kind of
pressed for time.)  I'll post a bio soon after I send this.  It has some
important information, including what this AWOL thing is all about.
Submitted by....
Melvin Pollack
Lt Cmdr Avikar th'Tellan
OPS USS Chesapeake NCC 31813

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