From: (Masako Goto)
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 19:47:36 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [CHESAPEAKE] SB ALPHA --> SB DELTA: Lt. Anne Murray on her Way Somewhere...
SD 90222.0010
Okay, I am warning you that this is what might be called a "backpost." 
The exact whys of its existence are lengthy; in summary, 1. I forgot to 
include the "ALPHA" portion of Murray's trip in my last post, 2. as a 
result, an Important Person in her life didn't make an appearance, and 
3. the computer ate an entire article that I had composed on her trip, 
which was the direct cause of the first two points.
So... my apologies.
Time: 1500
	Anne had just finished recording her weekly message to her 
cousin.  She felt oddly empty.  The shuttle wouldn't leave for another 
hour (she had decided to report to SB DELTA, though she wasn't at all 
sure that she wanted to visit Vulcan), and she had nothing to do.
	As she watched a young Ensign heading toward a communication 
booth, Anne realized that there was something she could still do.
	There was an unoccupied booth nearby, and Anne snagged it 
immediately.  She closed the door tightly, then leaned against it, 
using it to support her weight as she awkwardly searched through her 
bag for the time conversion table.
	A glance at the table told her what she needed to know.  Myron 
would be up and about.  She entered the codes for her cousin's house.
said a recorded message.  
	Anne pressed five.  Much as she loved her aunt and uncle, she 
was glad that they had decided on getting a separate comm line for each 
of them.  She didn't have much time, and if her aunt had come on the 
line, then she would have to...
	 called a voice uncertainly, a hint of excitement 
evident in the tremor in its tone.  Anne glanced back quickly to see 
the dark curls and large black eyes of her cousin in the view screen.
	"Hi, Myron.  I wanted to say hello," said Anne, sitting down in 
a comfortable position, looking intently at the young man.
	 His expression brightened immensely.  
	"That's okay, Myron," said Anne, catching the hint of tears in 
his apologetic voice.  "I know you're busy with all the things you're 
doing at home."
	 cried Myron, enthusiasm bubbling over.  

	"That's wonderful, Myron.  What's your part?"
	 he replied proudly.  
	"And you remember them all, don't you?" asked Anne gently.
	"That's great, Myron.  I'm sorry I won't be able to come see 
it.  You'll ask Auntie Jean to record it for me, won't you?"
	"I can't make any promises, Myron," said Anne cautiously, "but 
I can certainly ask around.  I'll let you know when I find out, okay?"
	Myron nodded.
	"Well, the shuttle to SB DELTA leaves in an hour..."
	"Yes, it is."
	"No, Myron, I'm not."
	 Myron pouted at her.
	"Well, maybe next time." Anne smiled encouragingly, and Myron 
perked up immediately.  She suddenly wanted to go home to Earth, to be 
with her young cousin, to hug him and hear all about his doings.
	 said Myron,  He smiled.
	"I love talking with you, too, Myron.  But if your mother's 
calling, you'd better go." Anne gave him a final smile and exchanged 
goodbyes quickly, cutting the link before Myron could see her eyes fill 
with tears.
Shuttle en route to SB DELTA
Time: 1630
	As Anne sat in her seat, looking out the window, she wondered 
if she should go to Vulcan after all.  Myron had looked so disappointed 
when she had told him she wouldn't be going there.  Besides, the 
Admiral himself had suggested that it might be worth her while.
	No, she decided finally.  She just couldn't do it.  Not for the 
Admiral, not for herself, not even for Myron.  Vulcan was inhabited by 
the true race of logical beings.  She was not of their number; and, at 
this time, she just didn't want to deal with that issue.  Go away, 
Mallory, she cried in her mind.  I'm gone now.  I'm not under your 
power any more.
	As she drifted off to sleep, she hoped that her mind knew what 
it was talking about.  Then, gradually, the unwelcome image of 
Mallory's figure melted into the face of a gentle teenager.  Myron, his 
eyes wide with wonder, his smile open and brilliant, just as she had 
seen him last.  With vague echoes of laughter sounding in her ears, 
Anne fell asleep.
Respectfully submitted,
Masako Goto
Lt. Anne Murray, Ph.D.

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