From: "Amy Gross" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 01:43:03 +0000
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE: Catch-up, Part I

SD: 90603.0530
MD: 6.0630
Scene:  USS CHESAPEAKE, Captain's Quarters

	Despite the apparently unbalanced nature of much of her crew, the 
Captain of the CHESAPEAKE's sleep patterns had not been noticeably 
disturbed.  Still, this morning, Amanda Bell had risen early, and had 
already showered and dressed before 0630.  She wandered over to the 
rear wall of the living room of her quarter, trying to decide upon 
breakfast options.  Granted, the age of the repilcator had made those 
options so wide as to be nearly limitless, but you still had to 
figure out what it was that you wanted.

	After several ponderous moments, she decided she wasn't in the mood 
for apple pancakes just yet.  Instead, she punched up two chocolate 
chip scones and a large mug of coffee.  She carried the items over 
to a low-sitting table, setting them down and sitting heavily on her 
couch.    Her mind wandered as she began to eat, traveling inevitably 
back to the previous day's festivities regarding the escapee from the 
science labs.  She could not even think of any words to deal with it 
in her own mind, let alone figure out how she would have dealt with 
O'Greach.  She was grateful it had been Brenn who had.

	She sighed, attempting to focus upon something a little more 
productive.  Nothing jumped to mind immediately, and she resolved to 
head in to the ready room.  Reports should be coming in within the 
next few days, and some of the last-minute departure details needed 
to be attended to.

MD: 6.0815
Scene: USS CHESAPEAKE, Ready Room

	Bell set down the PADD she had been reading carefully and sighed.  
The Counselor's report, while not particularly comforting, did 
explain a certain amount of Murray's increasingly erratic behavior
 The CO frowned.  It was, she realized, an abuse of so many positions 
on Mallory's part that her head was beginning to spin even 
contemplating the edges of the issue.  The CSciO had obviously 
not dealt with this fully, and certainly not to the extent that she 
was not in danger of something even more drastic than the previous 
events on the bridge.

	All the same, Bell realized, she was not the warmest of figures, and 
she doubted her own ability to gauge Murray's reactions to whatever 
decisions might grow out of the report.  It was one thing to be 
sympathetic-it was quite another to put aside crew considerations 
over personal revulsion.  She sighed-this was going nowhere.  Leaning 
back a bit in her chair, she closed her eyes for a second, her left 
hand going to her temple and rubbing in circles that utterly failed 
to soothe.  She shook her head, and snapped out:

	"Bell to Brennan."

	She waited, growing vaguely annoyed as the silence lasted a second 
or two longer than it should.

	<Brennan here, sir.>

	"In my Ready Room Commander. Bell out."

	The CO straightened in her chair, drumming her fingers against the 
desktop as she waited.  Again, vague annoyance crept in as she waited 
for the XO, even as she knew, intellectually, that it was 
misdirected.  After what seemed an eternity, her door chime rang.  
Abruptly, she stopped drumming and straightened further.  "Come," she 
called out clearly, nodding a curt greeting as the tall frame of D.J. 
Brennan appeared in the doorway.

	She waited until the doors slid softly shut behind him, then 
gestured to the chair opposite the desk.  "Good morning, Commander," 
she said automatically.  "Sit.  I trust you know what this is about."

	"I think I can guess, Captain, yes," Brennan affirmed, the slight 
frown on his brow and lips magnified in his eyes.

	"It would, at the very least, help explain her behavior towards 
your on the bridge before," Bell commented, grappling for a better 
hold with which to begin the discussion.

	"It would..." he affirmed again, waiting for her to get down to the 

	Instead of continuing right away, Amanda Bell's dark eyes traveled 
over to the tank beside her desk, following the slow, serene 
movements of the pair of seahorses within.  She gazed at them 
carefully, a slight frown crossing her face as well.  She looked over 
at Brennan finally.  "Do you think she'll press charges?"

	Brennan shrugged, returning her stare.  "That's somewhat difficult 
to say, Captain.  It would be tragic, I think, to have him get away 
with it."

	"True..." the CO agreed quickly, her expression thoughtful.  "It 
certainly would.  But I wonder, privately, what could really be 

	"Accomplished?"  the Brit raises his eyebrows.

	"Accomplished," Bell agreed.  "At the very best, such action would 
involve dredging up unpleasant memories for her and disrupt two 
ships, yet I doubt it would do much to heal her.  At the very 
worst, she goes through this and is not vindicated.  That seems more 
likely to harm than to help."  She sighed, giving up and slumping 
back a little.  "Off the record, of course."

	"Of course," Brennan parroted, nodding slightly.

	"Which still leaves us with the question of...what to do about 
Lieutenant Murray."

	"What to do about her," the XO repeated, keeping his face carefully 

	"That's what I said," Bell replied, nodding somewhat irritably.  "I 
asked you here for your opinion.  Mine is that she's not stable 
enough to go on as she is," she said bluntly, glancing over at him.  
"I doubt she will become so if she continues to hide behind her 
drills and readiness reports."

	Brennan nodded slowly, "I see..."

	Bell laced her fingers together, tapping the tips of the index ones 
together a few times.  "You've observed her more closely than I have. 
 Am I missing something?"

	The XO shook his head slowly.  "I agree, Captain.  I think 
Lieutenant Murray is a bright, capable officer who has the potential 
to perform her duties quite well.  But it's clear to me that she 
needs time, even if only a few days, to pull herself together."

	A silence followed, stretching out to about ten seconds.  The 
Captain exhaled slowly, then nodded to herself.  "This makes the 
decision a bit easier.  Bearing that in mind, I plan to speak to 
her soon.  Keep me advised."

MD: 6.2300
Scene: USS CHESAPEAKE, Ready Room

	Amanda Bell looked up as Anne Murray stepped uneasily into her ready 
room.  She nodded, gesturing to the seat opposite her desk.  Anne 
seated herself gingerly, and the CO could almost see the sick feeling 
growing in the pit of the SCI's stomach.

	"Good evening, Lieutenant.  Before we begin, can I offer you 
anything?  Tea, maybe?"

	Murray shook her head, her hands knotted in her lap.  She stared at 
the woman on the other side of the desk, her shoulders set in a tense 

	"Commander Brennan and I have reviewed the documents sent to us 
today," Bell began, her voice smooth and controlled.  "We have 
discussed the matter thoroughly, and I have done a great deal of 
thinking myself."  She paused for an instant, then went on.  "As of 
right now, you are relived of duty."  She held up a hand, the 
slightly downward turn in her lips warning Anne not to interrupt.  
"This  not a punishment, but your behavior has indicated that you 
have not dealt with your...trauma to a satisfactory extent.

	"I am sending a message to the Counselor reflecting this."  She held 
up a PADD, apparently containing said message.  "She will be speaking 
with you, and will complete a fitrep concerning your readiness to 
return to duty within thirty-six hours.  In short, this is by no 
means a long-term arrangement.  I need a Chief Science Officer, but 
not one who leaps at my First Officer."

	Murray listened quietly, her face betraying little beyond the tight 
line her mouth had formed.  She nodded once, sharply.  "I see, sir."

	Bell stared back at her, then sighed inaudibly.  "Take this time.  
Pull yourself together.  And if you decide to go forward with 
these...charges, we will provide all assistance.  Understood?"

	Understood?  The woman was taking her off-duty...still, the CSciO 
nodded slowly, her mouth working for several seconds before she 
managed to say, "Understood, sir."

	"Very well, then, Lieutenant.  Consider yourself off-duty.  The 
Counselor should be contacting you soon."


All:  Part one of my catching up. Part two will be out Wednesday, 
dealing with some more general, mission-related things.  Yes, I am 
alive (sort of) and slowly digging out.  Thanks to all of you for 
your patience, and for continuing to do great things while I've been 

Takako: Hope this meshes with what you had in mind for Brennan.   
Fire away if it doesn't.

Masako: Same goes for Murray.

Michael: As the only person who has been quieter than me, I'm pinging 
you one last time. :)

Respectfully submitted,
Captain Amanda Bell, CO, USS CHESAPEAKE
Amy Gross,

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