Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 16:01:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE: Dealing with the Personnel Problem

SD 90603.1913

aCSciO's Office

MD 7.1130

	LTjg Derek Fielding was as confident as they made
them, and he was very confident now.  Commander Brennan had
told him to Find a Replacement by the end of Bravo shift the
next day... no problem!  In fact, Fielding wanted the whole
mess cleared up as soon as possible.

	Not that it was poor Stephen's fault, of course.  
But his departure *did* leave a rather nasty vacancy in the
department.  Now, what to do...?

	"Fielding to Murray," he said, tapping his badge.

	[Murray here.]

	Uh-oh, she sounded a bit sulky...

	"I need to see you about personnel... you free at
the moment?"

	[YOU, of all people, should know better than to ask
me such a question, MR. Fielding!]

	"Sorry... but may I come by..."



	Great.  Fielding sighed.  He wasn't due for a lunch
break until 1200 hours, but he would gladly have it early,
as in *right now*, than go meet with Miss Attitude.

	Still, she *was* the head of the Science Department
and might want to know about the latest developments.  He
shrugged, prepared some PADDs, and left for the meeting with
La Prima Donna.

		*****		*****		*****

CSciO's Quarters

MD 7.1140

	Fielding was appalled when he saw Anne Murray.  She
was dressed, her hair neatly combed, but there was 
*something* about her that seemed to suggest a sense of
listlessness and...

	"Hello, Mr. Fielding... what can I do for you?"

	"Dr. Murray, I need to discuss a personnel problem
with you," said Fielding, taking her lead.  If she wanted
to be formal, he would play along.

	"So what's the problem?" asked Anne, sounding rather
uninterested.  "Anyway," she said, before he could continue,
"you're in charge now.  Won't the Exec or the Captain be
annoyed if they found out you asked *me* about this?"

	"C'mon, Anne..." Fielding began, then sighed.  He
wasn't the right person to tell her what she should think.
"Commander Brennan is just *fine* with my coming to you for
this.  Gimme a break, Anne!" he exclaimed, seeing Anne's
expression turn into something approaching skepticism.
"They didn't relieve you *permanently*, for crying out
loud!  What do you want me to do, take over for you?"

	"Why don't you do that?" demanded Anne.  "You seem
to know what you're doing, and you certainly have managed
to behave yourself.  Whatever this personnel problem is,
*you* take care of it!"

	"Aw, sheesh, Anne..."

	"See if I care.  You name a name, and I'll okay it."

	Fielding suppressed an urge to roll his eyes.  Leave 
it to Anne to make *him* decide something so important.  On
the other hand...

	Suddenly, he remembered Ensign Sereh.  How he could 
have *forgotten* about her was the true mystery.  She was 
competent, hard-working, and, above all, *efficient*.  Just
what the Bio kids needed, he thought.  *And* she had 
background in science... at least, he seemed to remember
something of the sort.

	"Ensign Sereh," he said to Anne.

	Anne seemed to stop living.  In fact, she looked as
though she were about to commit a murder-suicide.  Then she
slowly calmed down.  When she spoke, her tone was almost
normal  Not quite... but almost.

	"I did say I will okay it," she said quietly, "and
I don't lie.  That's fine, Mr. Fielding."

	"Well, I'll have to extract her from Engineering..."

	"Please spare me the details.  I'm sure that the
arrangements can be made somehow... I don't want to hear
about it."

	"Yes, sir."

	Fielding snapped to attention, something he hadn't
done in front of Anne for what seemed like ages, then
went back to his office.  It was lunch time... and he
needed his lunch today.

		*****		*****		*****

Research Coordinator's Office

MD 7.0100

	"I would say, sir, that the opportunity to discover
the logical structure of our universe is the single most
fascinating fact which keeps me in Science," stated Suvok,
serenely sipping some tea.  "Perhaps Ensign Sereh will also
find such study... of interest."

	Fielding bit back an urge to groan.  Vulcans were so
*weird* sometimes.  Nothing but knowledge seemed to interest
*this* one, at least.

	"So what you're saying is that I approach her, tell
her we're giving her a chance to seek out new life and make
something of it, and she's going to -- wow presto! -- join
our ranks in Science?"

	"While I do not understand the meaning of some of
your words, I believe that your basic assumption is correct.
However, I will remind you, sir, that Vulcans are quite
loyal at times..."

	Fielding sat in semi-bored silence as the Vulcan
happily (happily?) chattered on about Vulcan mental and
social characteristics.  His mind was made up... he would
have to bring the matter up with Ensign Sereh, no frills,
no fringe benefits.  He would present her with the stark
facts, propose the department transfer, and see if she
took it.

	First, though, he should probably check things
out with the Executive Officer.

Respectfully submitted,

Masako Goto
LT Anne Murray, Ph.D.


Amy: Welcome back to the World of Posting, Amy!!!  And yes,
     finally, the third of the three-part report should be
     headed your way today.  ::hope hope::

Takako: I already sent you the transfer draft... I will make
        some adjustments and re-send it to you for approval
        before posting it.

Melvin: I'd like to see your take on Sereh's reaction to
        switching, so the ball is again in your court, so
        to speak.  There is also the bit about her
        promotion, which (I imagine) would be Amy's dept.

Lynnaea: How lives Keyrin?

Fabian: How goes O'Graeach?  Lucky for Oz that Brenna was
        the one handling the Bunny Incident, eh?  ;)

Chris: How are you?  How's Catherine?  How's DawnFire?  ;)

James: Ummm... you can let me know if/what you want to RP...
       No matter what, though, Anne *will* want to discuss
       sociology with Stavay.  :)

Naomi: Are you still around, or are you on your nine-week
       trip already?

Go to messages for June 1997 or latest