Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 15:43:16 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE: Transfer

SD 90603.2214

XO's Office

MD 7.1300

	Commander Brennan didn't look too surprised to see Fielding
appear in his office.  But then, the Science Department *did* make
a conscious effort to be timely in reports and such... mainly to
make up for all the other deficits in its operation.

	"I have consulted with Lieutenant Murray, sir," said Fielding,
standing as straight as a pillar.  "We agree, sir," he said 
carefully, not wanting to openly admit that Anne had given him carte
blanche on such an issue, "that the best person for the position is 
Ensign Sereh in Engineering.  She has been working with Lieutenant 
Murray for the last several days, and I have seen some of her 
suggestions.  They seem quite sound... and she seems to be quite 
competent.  Certainly, she has the necessary credentials.  Her 
background is in science, and I am sure that our staff can benefit 
from her years of experience."

	"You seem to have done some reading up on Ensign Sereh,"
observed Commander Brennan.  "I rather doubt that she told you
all these things herself." Fielding wasn't entirely sure if
the First Officer was serious or not; he decided to play it safe
and not say anything else.

	"I see no reason not to make the transfer," said Commander
Brennan after a moment of thought.  "With the appropriate
promotion, for which she is due, she should be in a good position
to assume that post."

	"Thank you, sir," said Fielding with some relief.  He
was beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Ensign
Sereh -- probably *Lieutenant* soon, he realized -- would be a
stabilizing force in the department.

	"I will see to the arrangements," said the
First Officer.  "Thank you for your input, Lieutenant."

	"Thank *you*, sir," said Fielding.  He decided against
specifics; one didn't go around thanking people for getting one's
superior officers out of the way, if only for a few days.

	"How is your department running, Mr. Fielding?" asked Commander
Brennan, nearly scaring the daylights out of the aCSciO.  For a
second, Fielding wondered if the XO were psionic... then decided that
he was overreacting.

	"Oh, things are settling down, sir, aside from the personnel
shake-up in Biological Sciences," said Fielding.  He smiled 
confidently.  Of course the department was doing well.  Decker was
busy filing reports, and Murray wasn't around harassing everyone.
"Physical Sciences has come up with some information about the Delta
Corellis system, and I shall send you a report concerning the matter
sometime tomorrow.  Also, the MLD has requested some information
regarding further sociological information." He wrinkled his nose
reflexively; Lieutenant Serak had also completed his analysis of
department meetings and had suggested fifty-three different ways in
which they could have been done better.  Fielding straightened out his
expression and tried the smile again.  "The CIS reports that all is
well... and, judging from computer response times, the reports are
quite accurate."

	He didn't bother to mention the Bunny Incident and its
consequences; no doubt the XO had had to deal with the problem already.

	"So, in other words, you are ready to get down to serious
work, Lieutenant?" asked Commander Brennan with just a hint of a wink.

	"Yes, sir," said Fielding, taking the comment at face value.

	"I am glad to hear that," said the First Officer.  "If there
isn't anything else, Lieutenant...?"

	"No, sir."

	"Very well... you are dismissed."

	Fielding came to attention, then disappeared out the door as
quickly as he had come.  He wasn't going to abuse a good thing.  With
Anne acting the way she had been, and still *was*, the Science
Department needed all the good PR it could get.

Respectfully submitted,

Masako Goto
LTjg Derek Fielding


Amy: Well... now the ball is in your court, I *think*. :)

Amy, Takako: Of course, the promised report is the one concerning the Delta
Corellis star systems and the planets/planetoids in them.

Takako: Thanks again for the comments... they made my morning!  :)

Melvin: Hope this is sort of what you had in mind... and please don't take
Anne's reaction to Sereh personally; they've been like that since the
beginning, and I couldn't see any reason to change just yet... :) Oh, and
what *does* make Sereh tick?

Lynnaea: Welcome back to the Real World!  <G> Just kidding... by the way, I
don't think the departure will need any Security assistance... mainly let you
know b/c of the change in the NPC roster.  :)  Although, of course, if you
*want* something to *happen*, that is up to you.  ;)

Fabian: Hi!  Hope all is well with you!

Chris: How goes, Chris?  Hope you get e-mail soon (ohhh, I bet you're getting
tired of hearing that from me... sorry...)

James: Hope all is well on all your ships... and that all is well in RL, too!

Naomi: Take care, and I hope you are having a good day!

Go to messages for June 1997 or latest