Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 18:59:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE: The Report from the Science Department

SD 90608.2218

aCSciO's Office

MD 9.0800

	LTJG Derek Fielding munched on some Rice Krispies
and lazily tapped in his report.  He was to run some tests of the
new computer program at 0900, and he wanted to have
at least part of the report done by then.

	Now that the Science Department was beginning to
collect information related to an actual mission, things
had been going quite well.  Even the students, allowed
back in the labs, had been making themselves useful,
doing all the busywork that no one else wanted to do... including
the job of "Department Secretary," which had fallen on the
unsuspecting Ben Kirko, whom Anne Murray had deemed
"too easily knocked about to be of much use in the laboratory," 
an assessment which was, while unflattering, unfortunately accurate.

              Writing reports, of course, had not been delegated.  *That*
fell on the executive officers of the division.

	Fielding listened to his cereal snap, crackle, and
pop for about five seconds, then re-read what he had
written so far.  Pretty good, he decided.  Not a work of
art, but sufficient for starters.  And maybe, he thought
with a rather evil grin, Anne Murray would have 
to finish up the details.  He was done with it.  Yes, he decided, he would
send the message now.

	He frowned.  He should probably send it, he
argued, when he had complete information for all three star
systems.  Still... he finally decided that a little bit
was better than nothing; with that, he pressed the
button to send the message on its way.


FROM: LTJG Fielding, Derek, aCSciO
TO:   CAPT Bell, Amanda, CO
      CDR  Brennan, Daniel, XO
RE:   Scientific Information Regarding Delta Corellis

SECTION ONE: General Characteristics

The Delta Corellis star system is a ternary. Delta Corellis I and 
II are relatively close to each other and are facing Federation 
space; Delta Corellis III is a bit more removed and is farther 
from Federation space (see Appendix 1-A for specific distances).

Delta Corellis I is almost identical to the star Sol.  Seven 
planets orbit this star.  Delta Corellis II is slightly larger 
than Sol.  Eight planets are in orbit around this star.  Delta 
Corellis III is a bit smaller than Sol and is surrounded by six 
planets (see Appendix 1-B for specific stellar information).

SECTION TWO: Planetary Characteristics: Corellis I System

1 Delta Corellis I is dry and small, much like the planet Mercury 
in the Sol system.  No atmosphere exists on this planet, and the 
temperature is unsuitable for most forms of known life.

2 Delta Corellis I currently boasts a warm, wet climate; the 
planet was terraformed and colonized by the Delta Corellians three 
centuries ago.  Much vegetation exists here; 80% of the land area 
is kept as wildlife preserves or agricultural estates.  There are 
no clearly marked seasons.

3 Delta Corellis I (Soday) is very similar to Earth; however, its 
atmosphere is a bit thicker, with more concentration of carbon 
dioxide, resulting in cloudier skies and warmer winters.  Over 70% 
of the inhabited area on this planet consists of industrial 
cities.  There is one satellite orbiting the planet.

4 Delta Corellis I is a gas giant, about 70% the size of planet 
Jupiter.  Seven satellites orbit this planet, as well as a 
scientific monitoring station run by Corellian scientists.

5 Delta Corellis I is a gas giant, about 110% the size of planet 
Jupiter.  Twenty satellites of various sizes orbit this planet.  

6 Delta Corellis I is cold and dry.  It has been terraformed for 
humanoid occupation by the mining colony, but the CO2 level 
remains a bit below that of Earth's.  About 60% of the land mass 
is inhabited; of that, about 90% is devoted to industrial 

7 Delta Corellis I is quite cold and wet.  The Federation miners 
live in cities underground and work on the surface.  Most of the 
residential areas resemble extreme urbanization, while mining 
sites remain quite primitive in terms of safety and hygiene.

SECTION THREE: Planetary Characteristics: Corellis II System

1 Delta Corellis II is very similar to the planet Mercury in the 
Sol system.  It has a very thin atmosphere, not enough to cause 
meteorological changes on the planet.

2 Delta Corellis II is quite similar to the planet Venus in the 
Sol system in size and temperature.  It is also very geologically 
unstable, and volcanic eruptions have been recorded by observation 
satellites in orbit around the planet.

3 Delta Corellis II (Corellis) is similar to the planet Earth in 
the Sol system; its natural conditions are suitable for sustaining 
humanoid life.  However, the average temperature is approximately 
30 degrees Centigrade, and the planet itself is about 70% the size 
of Earth; its gravitational pull is about 0.7Gs.

4 Delta Corellis II (Pendra) is the most geologically stable of the 
planets in the system.  Its average temperature is 15 degrees 
Centigrade.  About 65% of the land mass is habitable by humanoid 
life and is used exclusively for urban settlements.

5 Delta Corellis II (Lilacha) is a terraformed planet.  Its carbon 
dioxide content in the atmosphere was nearly quadrupled after the 
initial project was accomplished.  Its current climate is nearly 
tropical: mild to warm temperature and very humid.  Most of the land 
is used for agriculture; there are some subterranean cities.

6 Delta Corellis II is a gas giant and is marked by severe 
geological activity.  An observation satellite is in orbit around 
this planet.

7 Delta Corellis II is a terraformed planet.  Its main use is as a 
mining ground; most of the inhabitants live in semi-urban 
settlements spread across the available land masses. The average 
temperature for the planet is approaching 30 degrees Centigrade, 
the effect of vast pollution throughout the planet.

8 Delta Corellis II is a terraformed planet.  Over 80% of the land 
mass is deemed "natural preserves" and, as such, uninhabited by 
sentient beings.  The remaining 20% house mining colonies 
organized into several groups of communities.

SECTION FOUR: Planetary Characteristics: Corellis III System

Note: There are no native life forms in the third system.

1 Delta Corellis III is a small, hot, dry planet.  It is 
approximately the size of Luna in the Sol system and is 
uninhabited.  It has no atmosphere.

2 Delta Corellis III (Pivak) is 70% land, 30% water.  Over 80% of 
the habitable land mass is used for industrial endeavors.  
Planet-wide pollution control systems are in use, preventing 
ecological disaster.

3 Delta Corellis III (Geador) is warm and mild in climate.  About 40% 
of the habitable land mass is occupied by the so-called upper class 
of Corellian society, consisting mainly of luxury homes and estates as
well as beaches, hunting grounds, and other venues of recreation.  The other
60% is given over to the so-called working class; these settlements of
massive urbanization are spread out in several groups over the planet.  The
unusual warmth of the planet atmosphere is mainly due to high levels of
carbon dioxide.

4 Delta Corellis III is a cool planet resembling Mars in the Sol 
system, down to the red rocks.  It does have a thin atmosphere, 
but not enough to be breathable by humanoid species.  It is around 
this planet that the planetoids in question are in orbit:

     4 Delta Corellis III Alpha is the first planetoid in dispute.  
     It has little to offer by way of scenery; however, it is rich 
     in dilithium and duranium.  It also contains some deposits of 
     tri-boron, a substance extremely toxic to humanoids and, 
     especially, Vulcanoids.

     4 Delta Corellis III Beta is a small planetoid that holds 
     several deposits of particularly pure dilithium.  Also 
     present are some moderately-large deposits of duranium and 
     limited numbers of trilithium mines.  The planetoid possesses 
     no breathable air or atmosphere of any kind.  The Regency 
     has filed a formal complaint against ShipOres of building 
     a clandestine settlement on this planetoid.

5 Delta Corellis III is a gas giant.  It resembles the planet 
Saturn in the Sol system, including a complex set of rings in 
orbit around the planet.  An observation satellite is also in 

6 Delta Corellis III is a frozen planet, its size almost equal to 
that of planet Mercury in the Sol system.  Its temperature is such 
that liquid neon can be detected.  Life on this planet will be 
virtually impossible, its suitability for terraforming almost nil.


	Fielding stood up and got an orange from the
replicator.  He began to peel it meticulously, mulling
over the second stack of reports on his desk.  He would
write up the goods on the what he was planning to do with
the MLD's findings with regard to the staff meetings *after* he
was done testing the New and Improved Matter Analysis Program.

Respectfully submitted,

Masako Goto
LTjg Derek Fielding

with lots of assistance from

Takako Nagumo
CDR Daniel Justin Brennan


In case you are wondering, the last I looked, Fielding is *not* a PC, though
I must say that I've become fond of writing for him the past few weeks.  <G>

Amy, Takako, James: I'm assuming that Murray would be back on duty by MD 9
but that Fielding wrote the report anyway.  On the other hand, maybe she
*isn't* on duty... I dunno, it all depends on that fitrep, now, doesn't it?

Amy: I hope you had a nice weekend... you were very much missed!

Takako: I hope this is sort of what you had in mind... especially the framing
story.  I just *couldn't* write a post without a Story... (well, I *could*...
but I didn't *want* to.  <G>)

Melvin: So what's the first thing Sereh does once she moves in?  Just

Lynnaea: Happy birthday to Keyrin!  :) I have a rather sticky time question
for you, but I'll pose it at another time.

Fabian: I hope I gave Oz enough planets to try to avoid hitting... :)

Chris: Finally!  I can say this knowing that you can easily access the
message... I hope Catherine's getting a *lot* of rest during her vacation...
she might be seeing Kirko again.  <EG> Hmm, that might be a way to get
Fielding down to Sickbay.  (Masako goes into a reverie...)

James: Okay, I read Part I, and I understand everything completely now.
 Thanks for your patience... and I look forward to seeing the fitrep as well.
 :) And, as stated in the post, Anne's impression of Kirko *is* quite
accurate... and I needed a secretary... so he gets to be one.  :)  Also...
Anne and Stavay ought to get together sometime to talk about the sociology of
DC, if you (and Stavay) are so inclined.  Also awaiting the arrival of the
Little Green Ensign with fear and trembling... especially Fielding, who
thinks he's got the place somewhat in order now (Murray wouldn't think it's
in order until the labs have only computers and equipment in it... <G>).

Naomi: Glad to see that you're back!  Look forward to reading all about
Shachor and his men (and women)!  I'm thinking that maybe Derek Fielding
might show up at Ten-Forward... just have to remind myself when it was all
taking place and what *else* was going on...

Trevin: ::nudge nudge:: So... who, he/she/it, how old?  <EG> And, in other
news... my sister is beginning to supply composer, date, opus number, key,
etc. whenever she hears an excerpt from a piece that she studied in Music
History.  Another IU-grown Musician coming up!  <EG>

Go to messages for June 1997 or latest