From: Christine Fontaine <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 14:02:32 -0400
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE: th'Tellan's Physical

 SD 90618.1401 (EDT) 

 MD 08.1520
 Scene: USS CHESAPEAKE: Sickbay
 Lieutenant Commander Catherine Ledoux took in a deep breath as Lieutenant
 Commander th'Tellan took a seat on the bio-bed.  Doctor DawnFire quickly
 handed her a PADD containing the Operations Manager's medical files, and
 then the feline officer was on her way.  Catherine thumbed on the PADD,
 ready to record the data for this examination.
 Judging by the amused expression on the Rihannsu's face, th'Tellan and
 DawnFire had traded parting glances or glares.  Closing her eyes briefly,
 Catherine hoped that the Sivaoan would learn some control.
 "If sorry that my staff was not very welcoming," the vet tried a timid
 smile.  "Now, if you don't mind, before we begin the examination I have to
 ask you a few questions.  Medical records are fine, but first hand
 knowledge is more valuable.
 Scanning the PADD she held with her sapphire blue eyes, Doctor Ledoux began.
 "Any major illnesses?"
	"None.  <Pause.>  Unless you count my partial deafness."

Catherine nodded.  That was documented in LCDR th'Tellan's medical records.
 Making a notation next to that item in the Rihannsu's file, she moved on
to the next question.
"Any major injuries?"
	"It should all be on the record there."

	Ledoux looked down at the pad, and her eyes opened wide.  "You
broke an arm in ALD training by being shot off a mountain?"

	"Engineering classes are always tough."

	Ledoux continued reading.  "Let me see if I've got this straight.
On your first mission, you were shot by a Romulan spy who tried to frame
you and blow you up.  On your second mission, you were taken over by an
alien comet.  On your third mission, you were treated for slight
hypothermia after being trapped in a biological storage facility.  And on
your fourth mission, you were shot at close range by aforementioned
Romulan spy after going AWOL."  She paused, shaking her head slightly.
th'Tellan had injured himself *almost* as much as Rich.  "Did I get
anything wrong?" she queried.

	"Yes.  You should refer to my people as Rihanna, not Romulans."

{Catherine usually calls a Romulan a Rihannsu when speaking to one
directly, since she's done so in the past.  We'll assume that she's just a
wee bit flustered.}

Catherine blushed.  Such a mistake was not normal for her.  Never one to
cause waves, the vet was polite to a fault on most occasions, and would
*never* call a Rihannsu a Romulan to his or her face.  

	Out of the corner of her eye, Ledoux could see that DawnFire was
already raising th'Tellan's health insurance premiums.

 "Have you ever had any surgery?"
	"No, I usually just ignore the broken bones."

*Typical,* thought Catherine.  *Why do most Starfleet Officers seem to
think that they're indestructible?*

	"This is the individual I'm supposed to be nice to?" DawnFire asked.

	"Hey, I don't need this abuse.  There are plenty of people in this
world just waiting to abuse me."

	That's just what I needed, Ledoux thought.  A Bing Crosby /
Bob Hope revival.

Doctor Ledoux decided she better move along to the next question before
DawnFire and th'Tellan exchanged any more words.

 "Any enforced stay in a sickbay or hospital?"
	"Not really, but I think I should warn you that I don't appreciate
anything involving medicine.  I keep worrying that I'll meet a head nurse
like yours."

Catherine was puzzled.  To her knowledge, LCDR th'Tellan had never been
introduced to the CHESAPEAKE's Head Nurse, LTjg Mayes.  Glancing over at
DawnFire, the CMO wondered if the Operations Manager could be referring to
Doctor DawnFire.

 "Anything else I should know about?"  Somehow, Catherine didn't think she
 should ask if there was anything that was *not* on the Rihannsu's records.
 After all, there was bound to be information on th'Tellan that was
 classified.  The Romulans and the Federation had been at odds for far too
 long for there not to be.

{NRPG:  For the record, th'Tellan has 17 Classified files.  None of them
are medical related.}
	"No, that's everything.  Oh, you should check my internal hearing
aids in my left ear.  I had trouble getting ahold of them, so there hardly
in top condition."  th'Tellan didn't mention that the doctors wanted to
euthanise him because of his condition.  Why let Ennian have another
straight line.

	"Okay," the doctor stated as she made a notation on her PADD.  "Please lie
down on the biobed."  Hoping to avoid another confrontation between
DawnFire and th'Tellan she asked, "by the way, how was the poker game?"

	"It was canceled after half a round.  It turns out that Tats -
Marush ran a strip poker probram by mistake.  It was hilarious; you should
have been there.  <Pause.>  I mean because it was hilarious; I don't want
to see you without your clothes off.  <Pause.>  Don't get me wrong; you'd
be rather attractive with a better haircut.  It's just that I'm probably
going to be thrown out of Starfleet for sexual harassment, no matter what
I say at this point.  So I think I'll shut up now."

	"And there was much rejoicing," DawnFire replied.  Catherine just blinked,
her cheeks flushed a fiery red.

	"Hey Ennian," th'Tellan responded, strongly accenting the name.
"How about if you...."

"It is *Doctor* DawnFire to-*Ennien*," the Sivaoan replied hotly, her fur

	Ledoux decided that she had better interrupt again before World
War Four broke out in her Sickbay.

Respectfully (?) submitted,

Melvin Pollack			Christine Fontaine
LCDR Avikar th'Tellan		LCDR Catherine Ledoux, DVM
Operations Manager			Chief Medical Officer
<>		<>

<< NRPG >>

Well, if th'Tellan ever needs to be treated in sickbay for anything, you
can be rest assured that Dr. Bruce Willingham will tend to him!

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