From: "Amy Gross" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 02:19:08 +0000
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE: Personal and Personnel

SD: 90618.0615
MD: 7.2355
Scene: Captain's Quarters

	She hadn't had a drop of anything stronger than tea during 
the...gathering...on Deck 6.  Now, Captain Amanda Bell sprawled on 
her couch and took a sip of amaretto.  Her father had had it sent 
just before launch, and it was divine.  Granted, she only had half a 
glass full, but assuming one or two more of their pilots had to ferry 
someone somewhere, she'd better keep a clear head.

	Bell sighed and set the glass down as her eyes began to close.  She 
hadn't played cards since...well, since Dale had lost their vacation 
money at the end of their third year in San Francisco.  Neither had 
he; she had seen to that.  She swished her foot back and forth at the 
ankle and stared down at it with disinterest.  She'd better promote 
that new transfer into science tomorrow.

MD: 8.1600
Scene: Ready Room	

	Gann, of course, would be less than pleased with losing a good 
member of his department, but, all things considered, science did 
need Serah more.  Her past adventures aside, the department needed 
someone with experience, especially after losing one of its top 
people for the duration of the mission, to say nothing of Murray's 
temporary status.

	Bell looked from the Vulcan, to Derek Fielding, and back again.  
"I'm glad we were able to work this out," she began, somewhat lamely. 
 No need to drag it out, she felt, and doubted Serah would derive 
much pleasure from a long, drawn-out ceremony in any case.	
Looking the Vulcan woman up and down, she sighed inwardly.  From 
somewhere within the recesses of her desk, she produced a small box.  
"Ensign Serah, in light of your distinguished service, as wel als 
recent events within the science department, it is my pleasure to 
confer upon you the rank of Lieutenant, junior grade."  She edged 
around the desk, towards the woman standing placidly before it. 
Rather unceremoniously, Fielding thought, she opened the box,then 
pinned a hollow pip beside the solid one gracing Serah's uniform.  
"With that, the transfer is also official.  You'll report to Mr. 
Fielding for the time being," she added, quickly stepping back behind 
her desk and seating herself smoothly.

	Serah nodded once, then turned her head slightly to glance at 
Fielding himself.  Bell bent her head over a terminal on her desk and 
frowned.   After another moment or two, the hair on the back of her
 neck began to prickle, and she looked up to find two pairs of eyes 
fixed upon her.

	"Oh...dismissed," she added as an afterthought.  "I look forward to 
your report."  As they exited, she glanced down at the terminal 
again, her fingers beginning to move rapidly over a keypad, their 
tips illuminated by the soft glow of the panel.


To: Senior Staff
From: Capt. Amanda Bell, CO
Re: Mission Preparations

	By now, any preliminary findings should be well under way.  As we 
move into the second and final week of our approach to the system, 
the following things need to be accomplished.

Security:  Final organization of procedures for alert status.  We 
should not need to go to alert, but it is best to be prepared.  Also, 
the details for securing the ship in the event of a diplomatic
visit must be finalized and approved by Commander Brennan and 

Engineering:  A complete report of how your systems functioned under 
this initial warp run.  Also, complete diagnostics after we enter the 
system and drop from warp.

Science:  An outline of the geological, chemical, atmospheric, 
astronomical, etc. attributes of the system.  To be supplemented by 
more detailed scans as we approach the system.

Counseling/Protocol:  Coordination with Ens. Keyrin on the details of 
securing the ship.  Further preparation with Cmdr. Brennan and myself 
on the security issues in the system.  Completion of pre-mission 

Medical: Final status report and completion of pre-mission physicals. 
 Evaluation of possible health risks or difficulties posed by the 
environments of the system.

Flight Control: A continuation of the work done thus far, and 
plotting of routes among the major worlds of the system.

Operations:  Coordination with Science and Security on sensor sweeps. 
 Evaluation of department readiness to be submitted to Cmdr. Brennan 
and myself.


	She hit the send button and sighed.  They would be arriving in less 
than a week.

MD: 9.1000
Scene: USS CHESAPEAKE, Main Engineering

	Chief Warrant Officer Natalie Vrenois crossed her arms, frowning.  
Something wasn't right, and she didn't like it one bit.  First, they 
transferred Serah over to sciences.  Now, Ensign Jareth Gann
as squirreled away in his office, talking in urgent undertones with 
Commander Brennan.  Several other gold-shirted engineers milled about 
near her, and a general uneasiness pervaded most of the deck.  
Natalie wondered when the other shoe was going to drop, and just 
hoped it wasn't *her* they were sending off to work under a madwoman 
this time.

	A few moments later, Daniel Brennan emerged from Gann's office, his 
normally pleasant contenance decidedly grim.  A few moments later, he 
was trailed by a similarly gloomy Jareth Gann.  The CEO stptped to 
speak quietly to Natalie before he left.  Within moments, the rumors 
began to spread.  Somebody mentioned a glitch in his personnel file, 
another some form of illness, a third bad news from home.  In any 
case, the after-effects were indisputable.  Gann had been relieved of 
active duty, and, with the recent tranfer of Serah, Vrenois found 
herself in temporary control of engineering.


All:  It's a bit rough, but it's also quite late, and I wanted to get 
something a little more specific in terms of mission direction out.  
We should be arriving at the system, RP-wise, sometime nex
week, so it might be a good idea to think of wrapping up anything you 
want wrapped up beforehand.  Or, you could backpost as needed.

I haven't any actual plans for Vrenois as such.  She's more or less a 
place-filler in as Serah is now elsewhere until we obtain a new warm 
body as CEO.  Michael seems to have been lost in cyberspace, and I 
didn't think it imperative that I hold up the post any further 
constructing an detailed explanation of Gann's status right away 
(though, suggestions are entertained cheerfully).

Melvin/Masako: It was quick, but it gets Serah promoted.

Respectfully submitted,
Capt. Amanda Bell, CO, USS CHESAPEAKE
Amy Gross,

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