From: Takako Nagumo <>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 02:10:15 -0400
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE: The Science Shuffle

MD 15.1215
Scene: Bridge

Commander Daniel Brennan and Counselor Stavay Tats-Marush emerged 
from the Observation Lounge.  The delegates were being escorted 
directly from the Lounge to the corridor, and then to their 
respective quarters for the midday recess.  They were walking down 
the ramp when they heard Lieutenant Commander Elanna Miris.


He turned toward her as she rose from the chair.  "Yes, 

"If I may speak with you for a moment...."

Brennan nodded, a tired smile appearing on his face.  "Of course."  
He turned to the OPS officer.  "Commander th'Tellan, you have the 

MD 15.1300
Scene: Ready Room

"So, Dr. Ledoux," said Brennan, "this situation won't change in 
the near future?"

Dr. Catherine Ledoux sat across the desk from him.  Commander 
Miris sat next to her, on her right.  He saw the doctor take a 
moment, then look up, surprising him with her very direct gaze.

"No, sir."  There was some regret, but no hesitation.  "It is my 
professional opinion that Lieutenant Murray is currently not fit 
for duty, and, considering recent events aboard the CHESAPEAKE as 
well as those aboard the BELLEROPHON, I do not see a quick 

"Your recommendation?"

"I believe," she continued, "that Lieutenant Murray, and the crew, 
will be best served if she were to be granted extended leave from 
duty to recuperate from these events."

Brennan glanced at Miris, who nodded silently.  He looked back at 
Ledoux and tried to smile.

"I believe that is all, then.  Thank you for your time, Doctor."

"You're welcome, sir."  The doctor stood up, her movement a single 
fluid motion.  She had taken two steps toward the doors, when she 
stopped, and turned back to look at Brennan.

"I wish things had turned out differently for her, sir."

He nodded slowly.  "So do I, Doctor.  So do I."

Brennan watched Ledoux leave, the doors sliding closed behind her.  
He shifted his gaze to Miris.

"Your thoughts are still the same?"  It was less a question than a 

She nodded, putting the PADD she had been holding on his desk and 
gently pushed it across to him.  "Her personnel file only skims 
the surface of the Lieutenant's history."  She watched him pick it 
up as she continued.  "Psychological trauma of this kind can only 
be exacerbated by denial.  She needs time to recover... 

"Elsewhere."  He looked down at Murray's jacket again.  "Her 
staying aboard will be a problem."

"What would be her billet, here, sir?" she asked.  "If she cannot 
serve as Chief Science Officer, if that is not within the 
Lieutenant's capacity at the moment, it is a great disservice to 
her department and a greater disservice to the Lieutenant if she 
were forced to stay here."

He finally nodded.  "Agreed."  He sat up in his chair.  "I will 
notify Admiral Jokinen.  He will not be pleased, as this ship has 
already undergone more personnel shuffles than some ships put 
together, but under the circumstances, I will bear the 

A small smile played on her lips.  "Good luck, sir."

"With CINCGREEN?"  His smiled half-heartedly.  "I believe I need 
less luck than fortitude to withstand the tonguelashing."

"Perhaps."  She smiled briefly, then returned to her seriousness.  
"As for her replacement, sir," she said, "from all the reports I 
have read, Lieutenant (jg) Derek Fielding seems to be the most 
viable candidate at the moment."

"Lieutenant Sereh?"

"She is also a viable candidate.  However," she continued, 
"Lieutenant  Fielding has been with the department since 
departure.  He has good rapport with the staff -- and his 
familiarity with the department surpasses that of Mister Sereh's.  
And, of course, there is the question of her actions on the 

"Yes."  He stopped.  "You are aware, of course, that it was 
Commander th'Tellan who went AWOL?"

"Yes, sir, but I believe she was a willing accomplice."

"Do you consider her a security risk?"

He saw her tense for a moment, seemingly considering her words.  
"Not at the moment, sir."

Brennan was almost certain that that was not what she was going to 
say.  "Commander, I need your honest opinion.  Is Lieutenant Sereh 
a security risk?"

"That was my honest opinion, sir."  Her tone was steady now.

"And Commander th'Tellan?"

"No."  Her gaze did not move from his.  "I do not think so."

He looked at her for another moment, then nodded.  "Thank you."  
He picked up another PADD, pushed a few buttons on it, then handed 
it to her.  "Please see to Lieutenant Murray's departure 

She took the PADD, examined it cursorily.  "Yes, sir."  She looked 
back up at him.  "Was there anything else, sir?"

"No, not at the moment, thank you, Commander."

He nodded a dismissal, and Miris turned smartly on her heels and 
departed for the Bridge.  He watched her leave.

Honest, straightforward, unafraid of him or of his questions.  
Elanna Miris was turning out to be a great Executive Officer.

MD 15.1700
Scene: Ready Room

The chime rang.  Brennan looked up from his reading.

"Come in."

Lieutenant (jg) Derek Fielding walked in and approached the desk.  
"You asked to see me, sir?"

"Yes, Mister Fielding."  Brennan stood up and gestured to one of 
the seats in front of the desk.  "Please, sit down."  He walked 
over to the replicator.  "Something to drink, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, thank you, sir.  A glass of lime-and-cherry juice, please."

Brennan refrained from commenting and produced the glass of juice, 
as well as some hot chamomile tea for himself.  He handed the 
glass to the Lieutenant, then sat down behind the desk.  He took a 
small sip of his tea, looked over the rim of the mug at the young 
Science officer.

"So, Mister Fielding," he asked, as he put the tea down, "how is 
the Science Department handling Lieutenant Murray's imminent 

His expression changed.  "Very we--... I mean, better than I had 
feared."  He seemed to be talking into his glass.

"I see."  He had heard that, definitely.  "And Lieutenant Sereh is 
readjusting to working in Sciences again?"

Fielding's expression brightened a little.  "Lieutenant Sereh was 
a great addition, sir.  She's doing very well with the students, 
and we haven't had a mishap in the student laboratories since 
she's arrived."

"That is wonderful news, Lieutenant."  Brennan smiled, hoping that 
it would make him more comfortable.  "And how are you handling the 
department?  With Lieutenant Murray so often... unavailable, you 
have been doing much of the administrative chores."

"I... I think I'm doing well, sir, under the circumstances."  He 
paused, then looked up to see Brennan's steady gaze.  "I mean, I 
don't particularly like tooting my own horn, but... I think I've 
handled things quite well, so far.  Considering...."  His voice 
trailed off.  He took a sip of his juice.

"Considering what, Lieutenant?"

"Well, sir," he continued hesitantly, "Lieutenant Murray is a 
brilliant scientist, but... well, she could be a bit difficult to 
work for, sometimes."

"I could see how that could be, Mister Fielding."  Brennan took 
another sip of his tea.  "And do you believe you have better 
rapport with the department?"

"I... I think so, sir.  I mean, I don't think... at least, I 
haven't observed anyone who has acted in a way that would indicate 
I didn't."

"And as a scientist, you do base conclusions on close observation.  
Is that not so?"

"Yes, something like that."  Fielding finally smiled back.

"I'm very glad to hear that, Lieutenant."

Brennan put the mug down on the desk, then pulled out a desk 
drawer, retrieved a small box from it.  As he stood, Fielding put 
down his glass down on the desk and stood as well.  The Commander 
walked around the desk to stand in front of the Science Officer.  
He saw a flash of recognition on Fielding's face as he came to 

"Lieutenant (junior grade) Derek Fielding, it is my honour and 
pleasure to grant you a brevet to Full Lieutenant, with a 
confirmation of the promotion at a time to be determined."

Brennan opened the box and presented the full pip.  Fielding took 
the pip, removed the half-pip from his collar, and replaced it 
with the new one.  He put the old one back in the box, closed it, 
and held it in his left hand.  Brennan looked at the newly minted 
Full Lieutenant (brevet) as he continued.

"You are also hereby assigned to the billet of Chief Science 
Officer, USS CHESAPEAKE, Task Force Bravo, Green Fleet."  He 
smiled and extended his hand.  "Congratulations, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, sir."  Fielding seemed to have gained a bit more 
confidence than a few minutes ago as he took the proffered hand.  
What a new pip does to an officer, the Commander thought in 

"Well, Lieutenant," said Brennan, "I believe you have some work to 
do.  I will not keep you."

"Yes, sir."

The Commander nodded a dismissal, and Fielding left, a slight 
spring in his step as he stepped through the opening doors and out 
onto the Bridge.

Respectfully Submitted,

Takako Nagumo,
CDR Daniel J. Brennan
Task Force Bravo, Green Fleet


All: Let's try to wrap up the reception by Friday.  I promise to 
post something to it myself, then move us to the sessions on MD 
15. <G>

Greg, Trevin: As soon as the proto for the MD 15 session (just 
afternoon, probably) is done, it'll be on its way -- I'm hoping 
later this week.

Masako: Congratulations on Derek Fielding's brevet. <G> Consider 
Anne Murray off the ship as of the end of MD 15.  The CHES has one 
of DELTA's D-Warps -- she'll be leaving on that, I guess. :)  I 
hope that I did not misplay Derek.

Matt, Greg, Trevin: Informal dinner for Brennan, Miris, Livia, and 
Meredith evening of MD 15?  I could just picture Falgor/Coltair 
and Yoshida/Dixit sitting nearby, trying to overhear 
everything.... <EG>  NRPG coming soon.  Or if you have other, 
better ideas, drop me a line.

Matt, Chris: I hope I did not misplay Miris or Ledoux.

Naomi: Welcome back. :)

Jari: What do you mean, one doesn't speak of Admirals that way? 

Takako Nagumo                              <>
CDR  Daniel J. Brennan      CO        USS CHESAPEAKE, Green Fleet
LCDR Sian-Mairead Flynn, MD CMO USS ALEXANDER NEVSKY, Green Fleet
MAJ  Anastasia K. Vansen    MCO           USS CORONA, Green Fleet
LCDR Duncan A. Morrell      Instructor             ALB Holodeck 4
CDR  Julianna M. Sforza     COMREC   Commander, Starfleet Records
Civ  Meyran Cates Semple    Undersecretary                UFPDOCA
Civ  Carolina Maria Garces  Director-General              UFPESCO

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