From: Lynnaea AelCaymarth <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 12:21:59 -0500
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE:  Dance Dilemma

SD 90820.1600 
MD 14.2000
Scene:  Reception Hall (10-F)

Aelyria showed up at the reception at precisely 2000.  She was punctual by
habit, and had already been late for several events on the Chesapeake, and
so made up for the tardiness with her prompt appearance this evening. 

Besides, this was business in recreation's clothing.  This was the first
time the delegates had really mingled, and Security intended to see to it
that the mingling was on nothing but the most nonthreatening levels.  

Her eyes scanned the room and found the scattered members of her department
one by one.  *Good.  They're spread out.*

Cassandra Stewart caught her eye and gestured her over.  "How's it going?"  

"Not too badly.  You?"  

"Hey.  Free food and drink.  I can't complain." 

Aelyria grinned in spite of herself.  Stewart was so completely Aussie to
the core.  It showed in her attitude, her speech, posture, everything.  And
she was very easy to be around.

Cassandra handed her a glass and waved at the selection of beverages.
"What'll it be?"  

"Hmmmm."  Keyrin eyed the flasks.  *Something mild; I want to keep my
wits...*  "That sparkling white looks nice." 

Stewart nodded.  "Good choice." 

They sipped their drinks in silence for a moment, watching the interplay of
people in the room.  

Ensign Martiljohni sauntered up, his patently wiseass smirk plastered on
his face as usual.  "'Evening, ladies." 

Aelyria nodded.  "Good evening, Damien." 

He refilled his own glass of champagne and surveyed the room.  People were
starting to couple off to dance;  the music was soft and classical.  

"Do you dance?" 

Aelyria wasn't looking at Damien;  for a moment she thought he had
addressed Cassandra.  But the lack of response caused her to look over at
her companions and she found them looking at her.  "Me?" 


"I do.  Ballroom and Latin, actually... " 

A sparkle lit Damien's eye;  Keyrin was too distracted watching the room to
notice.  "Really?  However did you come by that?" 

"I spent my summers with my grandparents on Risa.  They enrolled my sister
and I in Cotillion whenever possible.  They figured we wouldn't learn any
social graces on 'that heathen Calyx' otherwise."  

Martiljohni sidled closer.  "And are you any good?"
"Of course,"  Aelyria almost snapped.  She wouldn't have admitted to it if
she wasn't.  "My partner and I placed several times in competition."

"Well, then, sir, would you care to dance?"  

Finally, Aelyria awarded Damien a straightforward look, and said, "No."  

"Aw, come on!"  

"I said no.  I know better than to fraternize with fellow officers."
Cassandra covered a grin.  All of Security knew of Damien and Dana's little
affair -- and of the CSO's reaction to it.  

Out of the corner of her eye, Cassandra caught Yoshida looking at the three
of them.  His face wore a mixture of distraction and intent concentration.
*He's an odd duck if I ever saw one.*  

"Um, sir?"  She leaned closer to Aelyria's ear.  "I believe one of the
delegates is looking our way.  You'd best look happy."  

Aelyria was starting to become somewhat annoyed.  *Why in hell do I always
have to be _happy_ for these people?*  

"And the best way to look happy is to dance,"  Damien declared, and at
that, was pulling the CSO out onto the floor. 

*I might just die.  Just might.  Or maybe Damien will, after I get him
alone...oh, well.  At least it will give me better cover to observe the
room.*  Aelyria had no choice.  She couldn't refuse -- it would cause a
scene, and the Chesapeake could not afford that at such a crucial
diplomatic function as this.  With a sigh and a practiced graceful smile
(and eyes sparkling angrily behind it) she let her hands slide into
Damien's as they glided into a waltz.  

Respectfully submitted, 

Lynnaea AelCaymarth
ENS Aelyria Keyrin, CSO 

NRPG:  I posted!  I posted!  *G*  Meeting with th'Tellan next.

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