From: Matthew Cunliffe <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:49:14 +0000
Subject: USS CHESAPEAKE: Be Alert, Britain Needs Lerts!

Stardate: 90828.1520
Mission Date: 15.1320

> Brennan looked at her for another moment, then nodded.  "Thank you."
>  He picked up another PADD, pushed a few buttons on it, then handed
> it to her.  "Please see to Lieutenant Murray's departure
> arrangements."
> She took the PADD, examined it cursorily.  "Yes, sir."  She looked
> back up at him.  "Was there anything else, sir?"
> "No, not at the moment, thank you, Commander." 

Elanna walked smartly out of the Ready Room, leaving Brennan to dwell
on the problems plaguing his ship.  First O'Graeach, now Murray having
to leave.

Staring down at the PADD in her hand, Elanna frowned.   She hadn't yet
met Anne Murray and now when she was finally going to meet the elusive
Science Officer, it was only to inform her that she was relieved of

She half-turned as she headed towards the Turbolift.  "Mr th'Tellan,
please arrange for a shuttle to be on standby for 1800 hours.  It will
be returning to Starbase Delta shortly.  If Ensign Lewis is available,
I would prefer her to be the pilot."  If Lieutenant Murray was
leaving, at the XO at least wanted her to be in capable hands.

Leaving th'Tellan to guess the reason behind this order, Elanna 
entered the Turbolift.

"Computer.  Where is Lieutenant Anne Murray?"

<<Lieutenant Murray is in her quarters.>> The impersonal voice of the
ship replied.

"Take me there."  Elanna was not relishing this job.

<<Please respecify.>>

"Take me to Lieutenant Murray's Quarters."  Elanna stated.  The hum of
the turbolift and an almost imperceptible motion told her she was on
her way."

Mission Date: 15.1325
Scene:  Lieutenant Murray's Quarters

The signal startled Anne as she sat, numbly staring into space. 
"What," she almost shouted, irritated.

Elanna took that as a signal to enter, the inevitable outburst from
Murray forestalled when she noticed the pips on the unknown officer's

"Lieutenant, my name is Lieutenant Commander Elanna Miris."  Elanna
held out her hand.  Anne stared blankly at her before responding, a
little smile coming to her face.

"Commander.  So nice to meet you."  To Elanna, it didn't really seem
that way.  The emotion towards her seemed ambivalent at most.  She
decided to keep it short and simple, seeing no other way to break the

"Lieutenant, I regret to inform you that you are hereby relieved of
all duties and have been granted extended shore leave."  Murray turned
away, folding her arms, fighting back the unbidden tears.

"I see."  The tremor in her voice was a mixture of sadness, despair
and anger, the hot taste rising in the back of her mouth.

Elanna stood for a moment, still holding the PADD.  It was clear
Murray didn't want to talk, at least not to the new XO.  "I'm sorry,"
she said simply.  She waited a second, before gently placing the PADD
on the table nearby.  "A shuttle will be waiting for you to take you
to Delta at 1800 hours."  With that she left.

It was difficult.  Normally she had dealt with people, most of whom
had problems and psychoses far beyond the situation Murray found
herself in now.  The difference was that Elanna could detach herself
from them, seeing them simply as subjects of study, remote killers who
did not deserve pity for their actions.  It was different with Anne
Murray though.  Elanna only hoped that one day she would find the
strength to cope with her troubles.

Mission Date:15.1420
Scene: Bridge

Elanna sat back in the Command Chair, contemplative.  Captain Brennan
and the Romulan Commander th'Tellan had gone back into the conference
twenty minutes earlier, with fresh determination to squeeze
concessions and agreements from the two sides.  Once more, the Bridge
was quiet, the ship functioning well.

"Commander, I have a distress call coming in on all frequencies," 
Ensign Keyrin reported from the TAC console.

A rush of adrenalin hit the Betazoid XO.  "Onscreen."  Standing she
moved forward.

[  Repeat, this is the Relkin.  Coordinates are 054...... 
Navigational controls failed....We have landed on an unmarked
planetoid somewhere in the Corellian system. least
one dead...Can anyone help.  Repeat, this is the...]

"It's an automated signal, sending out a recorded message," The Tac
officer stated.

"Thank you Ensign.  Please find the source of the transmission." 
Elanna waited for a second as the young officer examined the sensor

"It's coming from one of the planetoids directly below.  The slightly
larger of the two."

Elanna took a decision.  "Commander Miris to Captain Brennan."  There
was a pause until Brennan could reply.

[Brennan here.  Commander, we are at a rather delicate position in the

"Yes sir.  We have received a distress call from one of the 
planetoids.  The vessel is damaged and there are casualties."  Elanna

[Commander,]  Brennan answered after a moment of thought, "I believe
you may have found a solution to an intractable situation.  Assemble
an Away Team immediately.]

"Sir."  In the background, Elanna heard Brennan telling th'Tellan to
report to the Bridge.

[Commander th'Tellan will replace you.  I will need the Counsellor to
replace him.]

"Yes sir."  Elanna thought for a moment.  "Ensign Keyrin, select one
of your team and report to Transporter Room one.  Commander Ledoux,
please prepare an emergency medical team and bring them with you to to
the tranporter room.  Ensign Armstrong, I will also require you and
one other engineer to meet us in transporter room one."

As the confirmations came through, Elanna called Tats-Marush to 
replace th'Tellan in the conference as the Romulan 2O moved to take
the Command Chair.

"Commander.  Are you sure you won't be needing me?"  th'Tellan looked
keen to join in.

"Thank you for your offer, Mr th'Tellan, but I'm afraid someone has to
look after the Chesapeake."  Elanna's smile was tight as she headed to
the turbolift.

Mission Date: 15.1440
Scene: Planetoid surface

The glitter of the transporter was replaced by the Chesapeake Away
Team as they materialised on the surface of the planetoid.  Almost
instantly,  Armstrong flipped out a tricorder as Keyrin stood alert,
checking the surrounding area for possible danger.

"The Relkin is over that way," Armstrong pointed off to the left. 
"I'm getting some strange readings though."

"Okay.  Commander Ledoux?" Miris moved forward in the direction 
pointed out by the Chief Engineer, the Away Team following quickly.


Chris, James, Lynnaea, there's a damaged ship and injured people out
there.  I leave it up to you to decide what sort of vessel it is, but
it doesn't seem to be a SF vessel.  There is something else out there,
but I'd leave that up to Takako.

Masako:  I hope I got Anne right.  Since she didn't know Miris, I
thought she would refrain from launching an attack, but wouldn't be
too pleased at the order.

All:  Unfortunately (or fortunately) I am off for a week starting
Friday in Scotland, where I'll be hill-walking, horse-riding, drinking
and generally having a good time before I get back to writing this
damn dissertation.  Masako has kindly said she will play Miris should
the situation demand, whilst I'm absent.

Good hunting!

Apologies if you get this twice, I managed to logoff the network 
whilst sending it the first time!

Respectfully submitted,
Lieutenant Commander Elanna Miris,
XO USS Chesapeake, NCC 31813


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