Star Trek: Odyssey is a freeform sci-fi game. It is up to the players, and of course the GM, to move the story along. I, the GM, do have secrets and ideas for the overall storyline, but to how we get there is up to you.

I encourage players to add combat plots, sub-plots, daydreaming, musings, flashbacks, and basically anything to move the story along.

If there is a length of time that you do not post I will have no choice but to make your character an NPC, which means your character becomes expendable, if I decide. Of course if you request that your character not die, I will oblige. If you will be gone awhile please notify me. I'll only do this if you vanish off the face of the board for two months or so.

Since the missions are in chapter form and in third person, all posts would be easier to edit if they were the same.

Any player who does not post at least once a week - without first making the GM aware - will be subject to demotion and/or removal from the game.

No flaming, or other personal violations.

As most (if not all) books are writen, please write in past tense and third person. For example: "Picard walked down the corridor to his quarters. Once inside, he laid down on the bed and slept for several hours"

Players are to follow the premise of the Star Trek, and Star Trek: Odyssey storyline

The following are symbols and terminology you will need to know, if there are more then one way of writing something listed then either way is acceptable, just choose whichever you prefer. Obviously not every way possible will be listed, and we are flexible about your style of posting, but please try to adhere generally to these guidelines and format.

To Indicate Location:
"USS Odyssey Bridge"
"Holodeck 3"
"Starbase 113"

For Non face to face Communication. (the Combadge)
Begin you sentences with =/\= to indicate that you have just tapped you comm badge or otherwise activate the comm system.

=/\= Away Team to Excelsior. We're ready to beam up.
=/\= +Doctor Reed: Received. Beaming you up now.
=/\= All hands, brace for impact!

It is generally assumed that the posts follow in chronological order - when you post the action takes place immediately after the previous post. You may write a post that takes place at a different time or at the same time, or later - We are flexible like that, but you need to Indicate WHEN the action is occurring if it is not immediately following! It should also have SOMETHING to do with the plot or sub-plot.

To Indicate Time and Location:
"USS Glory Bridge, two hours later"
"At the same time, on Holodeck 3"
"Starbase 113, 0900 HOURS"

A word of warning!!!! You may not decide to change the actions of someone else's character by predating your posts!!! (I.E. You can't decide you really don't want to have dinner with the Ambassador and predate a post sending your character on a shuttle mission off ship! That is destructive to the flow of the story. You CAN write a post that explains why your character cannot remain where they are. For example if Commodore Fairchild wanted to escape a formal dinner, but found himself stuck in one he might post that his girlfriend became ill and he had to leave - (who knows, he might even bribe the CMO for something like that! )

To indicate Actions:
*Martok blows up the ship*
Admiral Bremer punches Admiral Murdock's duplicate!

You may also use a brief paragraph to describe a series of actions that would not include spoken text, but since we try to follow a script style format in this, we keep Dialogue in scrip style. A paragraph of action would be as follows.

Garak backs off from Vash but still doesn't want to leave. He wanders into Narrelle's office and looks around. The flowers on her desk from their wedding have wilted but are still pretty. Garak sits in her chair and fidgets with the items around her desk. After a while a nurse peeks around the doorway.

A Note About Quotes.
Please only use the quote function when replying one that isn't the last in the thread. If they start to get two long, chop off the older posts as you go. It can get somewhat annoying after a while.

If you want to set something up let your commanding officer KNOW!! We love crew input and quite frankly ALWAYS having to write the missions gets to be a drag at times! If you have an idea let your CO know, and you may find yourself launching the next one!