Though we're not going to spend all our lives explaining every little thing we do, we noticed so many people are shocked by seeing Che Guevara punched. Why the big surprise? We are after all anarchists, and are pretty disgusted by the way this dead guy is always carried around at demonstrations as if he was going to make some revolution on the spot. First of all, he's seen as a leader, while we say: "no leaders for the free!"
Second: he's dead, and just a symbol, because not even 0,01 % of the people I know or see posing with his image is active in any kind of revolutionary activity. It's a con, and an insult to people who actually are doing something and sometimes go to prison for it. You never see Che Guevara helping them out, or showing some solidarity. I guess those people are too busy doing "feel-good"- demonstrations. 'Cos that's where we see Che going the most often: asking permission for a demonstration which is nicely walking away from it's target, not to upset the police. Or just hanging in a student's room, next to an anarchy sign to impress his friends. "Yeah, I'm a revolutionary, you can kiss me." Lose the Che-fetishism, we may not be revolutionaries, but at least we won't comply with being ruled! It's about time to get a life of your own, instead of buying your identity through a militarist you don't even know about. Do you know people who struggle today? Give them a hug, and burn your idols!
You find some living people on the links-page…
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