Tips for Contacting Members of Congress

  • The proper salutation is "Dear Congressman...," or "Dear Senator..." When writing to the Chair of a Committee or Speaker of the House, the proper salutation is "Dear Mr. Chairman," "Dear Madame Chairwoman," or "Dear Mr. Speaker".

  • State the purpose of your letter.

  • When contacting members of Congress about pending legislation, refer to specific bills by number whenever possible.

  • Your analysis of an issue should be the most important ingredient in your letter.  In general, be concise, polite and reasonable.  If the issue is particularly complicated, brevity may be difficult to achieve.  In such cases try to limit your focus to a specific aspect of the issue in order to make your letter as brief as possible.

  • Explain why you support this measure and show how it addresses an existing problem

  • If possible, give an example or explain how the bill will affect you personally.

  • Show that you are aware of the bill's status and that you understand the legislative process.

  • Ask the legislator to respond in some way.

  • Avoid form letters - Members of Congress and Senators usually respond to form letters with form letters.  Instead, construct an argument in your own words and personalize your remarks as much as possible.  You will enhance your credibility and elicit a more detailed response.