Kehilat Shalom Youth Group Policy 2003-2004
Adapted from the Kehilat Shalom Youth Department

Policy on Bringing Friends
Seaboard Region does not permit non-USY or -Kadima members to attend any regional events. Our groups will only allow JEWISH friends or relatives to attend our events, and a $5.00 fee will be added to the cost of the event. If they decide to join, this fee will be applied to their membership. A guest may only attend once during a program year (August 2003 to June 2004) without being a member.

In order for the advisor to properly plan for the number of expected participants, number of chaperones, refreshments, tickets, etc., we ask that you RSVP by the date noted on your mailings. To avoid any disappointments, please keep in mind that it is not always possible to sign up at the last minute. We will make every effor we can to do so if there is availability; however, there will be a $5.00 surcharge added to the cost of the activity. There are no exceptions.

Refund Polic
Although we are aware that circumstances may arise which do not allow you to attend an event that you have paid for, in many cases we outlay money in advance of the day of the event. As a result, our Youth Commission policy only allows us to grant refunds up to 48 hours prior to the event, if no money has been outlayed. The only exception to this policy is a death in your immediate family. All unused monies will support the youth groups' fundraising efforts.

For your convenience, you may drop off permission slips in the office mailbox or the youth group mail box, or you may mail them directly to the youth group advisor or designated event coordinator
. If you hand permission slips to anybody other than our youth group staff or board members, we may not receive it and are not responsible for misplaced forms.

Location of Event
If the event is not at Kehilat Shalom, you will drop off and pick up your child at the event location, unless alternative transportation is provided.

All food served at our events must be kosher under the guidelines of the United Synagogue and the supervision of Rabbi Mark Raphael. Participants are not allowed to bring or purchase food at youth group events apart from what is being provided, without prior permission from the advisor.

Safety Polic
The safety of you/your child is very important to us. We require all members participating in our activities to have a signed permission slip with current emergency information. We expect the courtesy of a phone call if your child is not attending an activity he/she is signed up for. This way, each child can be accounted for and the activity can start on time. Phone and cell-phone numbers for the advisors are below.

          Youth director and USY advisor
          Wendy Gottlieb
          Phone: 301-330-1012
          Cell: 301-758-1097

          Kadima adviso
          Audrey Rothman
          Phone: 301-977-0810
          Cell: 301-613-8706
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