University of Texas at Austin

Graduate Website

On this low-maintenance site, you will hopefully find informal information about living and working in Austin which will make your graduate life easier.

RTF Graduate Listserve: Incoming and current students, please join us on the Radio-TV-Film graduate student listserve! Email Zeynep Tufeki for instructions:
Other campus organizations: http://www.ut
Computer Tip: To do anything useful via computer at UT you need the "UT EID" (UT Electronic Indentity). To fully comprehend the UTEID, you must go here:
Registering See the Graduate Student Handbook Online at The course schedule is the Bible, available each semester at the bookstores around campus. The CS will tell you the procedures and access times during which you can register. Registration happens through TEX, the Telephone Enrollment eXchange (512/475-9800 on a touch- tone phone) or ROSE, the Registrar's On-line SErvices available on the Web. Kathryn Burger (in the RTF graduate office) is the ultimate registration resource if you have problems...make an appointment!

Front Page | Living in Austin | Academic Resources

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