UT Drumline


--Phi Boota roota and UT Drumline News--



The new version of the Tennessee Drumline website is up (obviously)... finally. I figured I'd dumb the old lame site and completely rebuild it from scratch. I hope everyone likes it. If there are any ideas, email me and I'll take a look.

Also, I can get www.utdrumline.com for roughly $15 a year (just for the domain) and I can also get decent (read: not geocities *coughsuckycough*) hosting for roughly $19 a month plus the set up fee ($45) which works out to roughly $11 per person, per year if we have 25 members in the drumline (cheaper for if more members, more expensive if less members).

I'll be around at Drum Camp to talk more about it. If we decide this is the way to go, then I'll take up money at Band Camp (meal money, not to worry though, you'll have PLENTY of it to spare $11:).