October 3, 2006

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this recommendation letter to support Rachel Nolen’s candidacy in your firm. I currently work as Assistant Director for the Darden School of Business Career Development Center at the University of Virginia. I came to know Rachel in 2004 when I hired her as part of Corporate Outreach and Project Management team at the University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business MBA Career Services office. I was working as Assistant Director for MBA Career Services at the time. I have worked closely with Rachel for the past two and half years.

The reason I originally hired Rachel at UT Austin was because of her desire to succeed, her strong determination, her ability to think quickly on her feet and expedient/ efficient work style. She also has a great personality and she is a real pleasure to work with. When she started working for me at UT Austin, she quickly demonstrated that she was able to complete given tasks under tight deadlines; she was also not hesitant to ask questions whenever she needed clarification for her project. She was also not afraid of picking up the phone and making cold phone calls which were a very important part of the job at MBA Career Services at UT. Rachel quickly confirmed that she would get things done with efficiency and an open mind.

Another important element of Rachel’s job was to edit documents for letters and e-mail announcements that would go out to the McCombs School of Business MBA community weekly. Rachel did a superb job in editing and working to make sure the documents were ready for print. Because of her great skills in editing, I hired Rachel to continue to work on editing assignments for the University of Virginia. I also learned that Rachel is flexible in that she would spend time during the weekend to help me with editing assignments. Rachel has been extremely helpful and reliable. I never hesitated a moment to give Rachel any important assignment that needed to be done.

Rachel and I got to know each other well outside the work environment. She is quick to include others to join her extracurricular activities. I had the wonderful opportunity to be part of her Ultimate Frisbee team at UT where I was introduced to many students and professionals in Austin. I appreciate her willingness to include other people in her lives.

In sum, Rachel Nolen is a wonderful person and she is professional in the work environment. I would be more than happy to discuss her candidacy in detail. If you have any questions regarding Rachel, please do not hesitate to call me at 512-695-0888.

Best regards,

Edward Yu

Assistant Director, Career Consultant
Career Development Center
Darden School of Business Administration
University of Virginia

Phone: +1-434-924-3951
Fax: +1-434-924-7363
E-mail: yue@darden.virginia.edu

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