/Road- and Reconstruction Design/

(Copyright © 2000 by Simon S & B)
Terrain model
Site plan
Section drawings Magyarul
3D drawing
Print previews

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The maintenance, renew and reconstruction of the existing roads are as important as the construction of new roads. This is a program for designing these tasks.

The program has been developed to design rehabilitation of existing roads as well as new roads. Reinforcements, widenings and corrections can be designed by it, including cutting backs or milling on existing pavements and equalizing uneven surfaces. The program is capable of designing single or divided highways with different constructions in a cross section, furthermore for designing earthworks and drainages. It can be used for making traffic engineering drawings as well as for designing junctions and car parks.

The program includes production of terrain model with contours from surveying files. Input of survaying can be performed on the basis of:
-survey of cross sections based on polyggon with levelling or
-on the basis of data in XYZ coordinatess (iin .txt or .dxf files)
The program contains built in CAD functions with application of specially developed poligonfunctions, linetypes and many printing possibilities. The program is suitable to receive and transmit cadastral maps or any drawings through files based on .dxf format. It also can receive MapInfo and ArcInfo txt files.

The accomplished plan can be modified and completed quickly and efficiently. The design is based on many new methods wich have not been applied before. Sample plans and sample files help you to understand the process of design. The program runs under Win32. It can be used without any assistant programs. For those who know AutoCAD, the program is easily understandable. It offers practically unlimited drawing, editing and printing possibilities.

The required computer configuration depends greatly on the size of the plan to be designed. If the plan is based on some MB-sized drawing files, it is recommended to have a 366 MHz or faster processor and at least a 64 MB RAM, as well as a high resolution colour monitor.

You can experience the program by running the demo. The demo has amost all functions, except for output documentations. You can try the running of the program by using your own survey, plan or drawing file.
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The Terrain Model

You can process surveying and produce contour drawings with a terrain model. In the course of planning a new road or a rehabilitation of an existing road you can design the new track on this terrain.
/The image depicts a surweying of a junction, where the gray area is the existing pavement, on which the program applies reinforcement layer, otherwise it applies new pavement constuction./

Surveying can be processed in different ways:
-from cross direction levelling based onn poolygon, you can get the spatial position of the points by transforming the levelled terrain points onto a previously drawn polygon. In this application the levelled data can be calculated easily by filling in the record chart.
-if you worked with total station or if youu have coordinates of terrain points from any other source, you can read them in simply.
-the program is capable of production off crross sections that are surveyed by the total station in the same way as levellig.

Producing a terrain model requires some experience and site knowledge. On the basis of the terrain ponts the terrain can be modelled by the triangulation method. The required direction of the triangulation side /the specific terrain line/ can be defined previously or can be modified during edition. The paved surfaces can be assigned and the contoured drawing of the terrain can be produced.

For planning simple reinforcement you need only levelled data on the pavement, and the terrain modell does not necessery. In this case it is sufficient to fit the template on the axis and to make a simplified site plan.
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Site plan

Site plan on the terrain

Site plan can be edited on an imported map or a processed terrain model. The picture shows a site plan made on terrain model with sections, slopes, ditches and contours. The value of the ground points and the planned points are also avaible.

Making the site plan

The program makes automatically the site plan drawing from the given geometrical data based on the so called linedrawing-like editing derived from templates.
The site plan contains components of the road, road markings, traffic signs and the slopes as well. It may contain the values of the ground points and thoose of the planned points. It is possible to work on more than one axis at the same time (e.g. in the case of junctions).
The basic plan comes mainly from the surveying processing but it can also be imported from any CAD based .dxf files. A less demanding site plan can be created by following the lines on an imported image file in .bmp format.
On the terrain it is sufficient to edit the axis of the planned road. The program transforms and draws all the planned road components automatically on this axis. The editing the axis can be done easily with special polygon functions wich can be modified very simply. (e.g. the polygon follows the entered radius automatically)

The basis of the designed alignment is the linedrawing that can be made as follows:
First, on the basis of template, the program creates linedrawing automatically. Then linedrawing can be edited further by displaying the lines of the road components on the appropriate layers. During the editing the existing pavements, borders and the existing superelevations can be taken into consideration. To help editing, terrain lines can be transformed from the real site plan onto the linedrawing.

The essence of the linedrawing is that the alterations of the verges, the lanes, the junction components and the road markings have to be drawn only along a straight line. In this way the site plan editing can be done much more easily than on the real site plan with several curves on it. This line drawing is then transformed onto the axis consisted of the series of lines and curves.
Linedrawing editing is easy on the CAD-like desktop. The drawing crossline is adjustable (grid, parallel drawing, distortion etc. functions), road markings (lane lines, zebra, etc.) can be edited simply, other road markings and signs are fitted from blocks.
The essence of the above showed method is that the planned data folow the alterations of the axis in every case. In the case of road sections with kerbs it is possible to design gullies along the verges. The value of any points of the planned surface can be received with the help of the mouse. The site plan to be completed the needed road signs can be placed on it simply as blocks.
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Cross section drawings

The cross sections are generated automatically on the basis of the linedrawing, the structure of the pavement, the existing ground and the given cutting backs. The program places the generated cross sections automatically on the existing ground or the existing pavement by applying the given reinforcing layers and the given new structure in the widenings. Furthermore it places the given improved subgrade and creates the verges.
In the templates the geometrical data of the road components can be given, from wich the linedrawing is created. Here you can give a main and connecting pavements (e.g. for layby). Both pavements can be given different structures and cross falls. You can give the central reserve, shoulders, kerbs and the pivot points. In the embankment and in the cutting, a slope consisting of five lines can be created. Different ditch sections can be given on both sides as well as in the embankment and in the cutting.
The program also takes the planned cutting backs into consideration while defining cross sections.

The illustration of the CROSS SECTION is done according to the road components in the linedrawing taking the changes in widening into account. The level of the cross section is given by the planned longitudinal section.
Cross falls also take shape according to the line drawing. Placing the superelevations on the line drawing can be based on the planned horizontal alignment as well as on the automatic displaying of the existing verges. In the case of reinforcements the planned level can be lifted or lowered in any section (e.g. lowering means millings).

Forming the LONGITUDINAL PROFILE starts with placing the cross sections automatically on the ground. This can be modified by drawing new component lines. It is possible to make the existing vertical ground points appear (e.g. entries, side walks etc.) to which the planned levels need to be adjusted. In the case of planning a new road or a road correction the longitudinal section can be edited in the same way as the horizontal alignment including placing the transition curves. To form the longitudinal ditches you only need to correct the automatically drawn ditches. The levels of kerbs on the roadsections can also be corrected on the longitudinal section.
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3D drawing

In the case of planning new roads or corrections of existing roads it is useful to display the perspectives of the planned roads as well as checking the visibility of the road. The program makes it possible to present the planned road from both directions and from different viewpoints.
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Print previews

The completed parts of the plan can be generated automatically in accordance with the needed scales. For example, here you can see a part of the long section to be printed.
The print preview of cross sections can be also displayed in different scales It is possible to display either the full cross sections or the distorted cross section. The later shows only the components of the road between the shoulders in the case of reinforcement. In the cross section drawings you can choose wich labels to be shown (e.g. ground or planned levels or nothing).
The template section to be printed can be produced from any chosen cross sections. This is generated automatically by the program. It is labelled and supplied with the dimension lines and the pavement structure. In the picture you can see a template produced by the program.
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The automatically produced drawing can also be modified before printing. You can place further labels and figures on it as well.

From the completed plan it is possible to make either a drawing of a pavement with contours or a drawing of a terrain with contours. The data of planned lines and the calculated quantities (e.g. the volume of the earthwork or the asphalt needed) can be displayed in charts. The data to be displayed in charts are given by the user.

The program offers many printing possibilities. The parts of drawing to be printed can be chosen, rotated, enlarged and placed on the page as requested. Any part of the plan can be stored in .dxf format and fitted in any CAD based programs.

Getting this program you will have an all-round drawing and planning tool. Using this program you can solve many planning task in civil engineering.
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