Mitsuki Mirai

-Personal Information-

Age: 2

Sex: Female

Race: 1/2 Universal Guardian, 1/4 Goddess, 1/4 Human

Money: None

Family/Maritial Status:
-Mirei Mirai - Father
Natsume Mizumi Mirai - Mother
Mitsume Mirai - Sister
Hieto Hitachuri Mirai - Cousin
Kaoru Mirai - Cousin
Ultimate Trunks Mirai - Uncle
Ayemi Ohkawa Mirai - Aunt
Queen Misato Mirai - Grandma (dead)

AIM Screen Name: Mitsuki Mirai


History: Just recently born, it is hard to tell what lies for Mitsuki Mirai in the future. Her abilities have not yet shown just yet, but it can be seen that she is quite cheerful and energetic.

-Battle Information-


Power Level (PL): 6,000
Hit Points (HP): 12,000
Ki Energy (KI): 12,000
Telekinetic Energy (TEK): 12,000
Magical Energy (MP): 12,000
Elemental Energy [Storm] (ELE): 12,000
Telepathic Energy (TEL): 20,000
Strength (STR): 3,000
Speed (SPD): 12,000
Defense (DEF): 6,000
Magic Defense (MDEF): 12,000
Telepathic Defense (TDEF): 20,000

Super Human - 85,000 Stats increase by 4,000
Goddess - 100,000 Stats x5
Universal Guardian - Unknown

Abilities/Special Skills:
-Enhanced Ki Usage
-Enhanced Telepathic Abilities
-Enhanced Magic Abilities
-Super Speed

She is being taught some by her parents, but she can use energy attacks now.

Weapon of Choice: Sai's

-Sai's - Two long sai's her parents made for her when she expressed interest in the weapons. The blades are of a red metal and both handles are a deeper maroon color. Increases stats by 6,000.