Mitsume Mirai

-Personal Information-

Age: 14

Sex: Female

Race: 1/2 Universal Guardian, 1/4 Goddess, 1/4 Human

Money: 500 Z

Family/Maritial Status:
-Mirei Mirai - Father
-Natsume Mizumi Mirai - Mother
-Mitsuki Mirai - Sister
-Queen Misato Mirai - Grandma (dead)
-Ultimate Trunks Mirai - Uncle
-Ayemi Ohkawa Mirai - Aunt
-Kaoru Mirai - Cousin
-Hieto Hitachuri Mirai - Cousin and Rival

AIM Screen Name: EvMitsume999


History: Mitsume was born of her father Mirei and her mother Natsume. Her parents clearly expressed there power among the people here, and from the moment she was born, Mitsume did as well. She began training at a very young age under the influence of her mother and father, and sometimes with other members of the death bringers. She showed an incredible amount of power and skill while training and now that power has greatly increased. It became known that Mitsume carried the gene enabling her to be the age old Fate of Destruction, who's goal is to destroy all of existence. Mitsume held true to this goal for quite some time, and for now it is unknown what her intensions are. Her character changed from malicious to mysterious and what goes through her head only her parents know, and perhaps one other.

-Battle Information-


Power Level (PL): 10,800,000
Hit Points (HP): 21,600,000
Ki Energy (KI): Unknown
Telekinetic Energy (TEK): Unknown
Magical Energy [Dark, Evil, Destruction] (MP): Unknown
Elemental Energy [Storm] (ELE): 21,600,000
Telepathic Energy (TEL): Unknown
Strength (STR): Unknown
Speed (SPD): Unknown
Defense (DEF): 10,800,000
Magic Defense (MDEF): Unknown
Telepathic Defense (TDEF): Unknown

-Super Human - PL- 800,000 Stats increase by 100,000
-Goddess Form - PL- 1,000,000 Stats x2
-Universal Guardian - PL- 8,000,000 Stats x3

Abilities/Special Skills:
-Super Speed
-Super Strength
-Advanced Magic User
-Advanced Swordsman
-Advanced Telepathy

-Kameha-meha Wave
HP: 500,000
KI: 120,000

-Kurai Sen'yaku
HP: None, increases all stats by 30,000
MP: 250,000

-Kuroi Toku
HP: None, creates shield
MP: 50,000

-Kurai Modosu
HP: None, restores 75% of her Hit Points once during a battle
MP: 900,000

-Eimin Fuwafuwa
HP: 800,000
MP: 200,000

-Oujou Taihou
HP: 5,000,000,000,000
MP: All except 1,000 which is left for reserve incase something goes wrong.

Weapon of Choice: Energy Saber

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