Problem èKnow that the inputted number is an armstrong number or not.

Rem è armstrong numbers are those numbers whose cube of digits is equal to the number itself


Answer è    

/*wap to know tha t the INPUTTED number is an armstrong number or not*/

/*armstrong numbers is that one whose sum of every digit's cube = number itself*/

#include <stdio.h>

main( )


int num2,nn,num,c,x,div,div1,sub;


clrscr( );

printf ("\nenter the number---");

scanf ("%d", &num);


while (num>0)


div = num/10;

sub = num -(div * 10);


num = div;


if (num2= =nn)

printf ("\n%d is an armstrong number", num2);


printf ("\n%d is not an armstrong number", num2);

getch ( );

return 0;
