My Children's Favorite Books

What is God? is a thoughtfully written book
that gives children a handle on this "BIG "
question without preaching. The pictures are beautiful.
Appropriate for children 5 to 9 years old.
Buy the Book Today!

Falling Up - is a book of funny poems that
guaranteed to split your sides. The late Shel Silverstein's
children's books are among the best of children's literature.
Appropriate for children ages 5 to 9 years.
Buy the Book Today!   -  Other Books by Shel Silverstein


The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is
a children's classic. As with all of his books the
artwork is masterful.  The story will delight
children as the learn a lesson in the life cycle
of the butterfly. Appropriate for children
ages 2 to 6
Buy the Book Today!

By the Great Horn Spoon! is the tale of a boy and his
butler who go to California to save his aunt's fortune
during the California Gold Rush.
Appropriate for children ages 8 to 12.
Buy the Book Today!
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