January 5, 2004

Introductions and Overview
Attendees were Susan, Ollis, Mary, Carol, Thomas, Candie, Ruth, Vickey, Dale and Tom.

Susan reported that CUUPS has totaled $3795.52 for the year 2003(but that total included some pledges), which exceeded the UUCT budgeted obligation.

Our CUUPS 2004 financial obligation was not available. However, we do not expect to have the SpiritQuest concerts as fundraisers this year so we need to replace that revenue. There was a suggestion to find more rental revenue. While a good revenue opportunity, it must be a CUUPS sponsored event (not rental) because a church member must open and remain on site for the entire event. All agreed we should have two silent auctions this year. The first one will be May 1st Full Moon Celebration and the second will be October 30th Full Moon Celebration. They will begin one hour before ritual at 6:30 pm. Ollis agreed to take charge of the May silent auction.



There will be no class following CUUPS meeting until April after the Wicca 101 is complete. Carol has agreed to teach a class in April but did not have the topic. Mary and Candie will teach a class on gemstone/crystal wrapping in May.

CUUPS Wicca 101 will be taught as follows:

Class One - January 12
Herstory of Witchcraft - Thomas

Class Two - January 19
The Goddess and The God - Ollis

Class Three - February 9
The Wheel of the Year - Susan

Class Four - February 16
Magick and Ethics - Candie

Class Five - March 8
Ritual Basics - Carol

Class Six - March 16
The Working Circle - Mary

The first two classes were discussed at length. Teachers will have 20 copies of the handouts made in advance of the class. Mary will have copies of the class evaluations. Mary also recieved approval to spend up to $1.25 for 20 notebooks or folder for the students.

Candie and Susan will prepare an outline and handouts for the February classes for review at the February CUUPS meeting; Carol and Mary will provide the same for the March CUUPS meeting.

The April 5th meeting will be moved to the small dome so a concert can be held in the large dome.

Ritual Commitee

January 10 - Circle of One; Ritual provided and approved.

February - Reiki Fire; Ritual provided and being reviewed.

March - Temple of Ra

April - CUUPS Wicca 101 class

June - Between Worlds

July 3 - Open

July 31 - Ollis

Out Reach

Mary passed out a CUUPS flyer that can be available at Full Moon Celebrations. She reported that she had already given several copies to Under the Gypsy Moon.

Buildings and Grounds

Buildings and Grounds for the church will be 10th of January. Ollis will help deliver the donated yard edging bricks to the church. Anyone willing to help should contact Ollis for the times to be at the church.

New Business

Mary turned in the CIW CUUPS Charter to UUCT for payment.

A blank copy of the CUUPS National membership form will be kept in the CUUPS mailbox in case anyone needs it.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be February 2, 2004 at 7 p.m. No class will follow.