April 4, 2005

Introductions and Overview
Attendees were Ollis, Mary, Candie, Holly, Rachael, Loren, Max,Sam, Ashley.

Our budget is $300.00Our expected income is $1,200So far this year wehave netted $702.00 thru the month of march, this includes the moneta basket,classes and pledges.

The Financial chair personally thanked CUUPS (via Ollis) for the 2004 revenues and the to date 2005 revenues. The church has been going through a difficult period and CUUPS revenues were extremely appreciated.
There was discussion on ideas to raise funds in 2005 that included Festivals and Pagan Concerts. Everyone was asked to bring ideas to the next meeting.

Mary is now the Education Coordinator for CUUPS. ACTION: Mary will provide a survey prior to the next CUUPS meeting to gather suggestions for after meeting classes and/or longer workshops/activites. Discussion include potential classes in Advanced Wicca, Shamanism, Faery Wicca, and Teen Wicca.

April 4, 2005 Aromatherapy - Rachael Glatt

Ritual Commitee

March 26,Circle of One
April 23,CUUPs wicca 101 class
May 21,Circle Shalee
June 25,As always Coven
July 23,Between Worlds
August 20,TBA
September 17,Sacred Woods Coven
October 15,Circle of One
November 19,TBA
December 17,Sacred Oaks Circle

The ritual committe will be extending invitations to other area covens, however, there are only two openings remaining.

Mary has published the FMC on Witches Vox for April, May and June.

Out Reach

ACTION: Ollis will verify with UUCT the date for CUUPS to provide a church service.

Buildings and Grounds

Buildings and Grounds for the church is the 2nd Saturday of every Month. Anyone wanting to help, arrive at 9 am.

New Business

There were no CUUPS meetings in December due to "Holiday Pot Luck; in January due to holidays and February due to the Wicca 101 class.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be April 4,2004 at 7 p.m. followed by Aromatherapy Class.