March 6, 2006

Introductions and Overview
Attendees were Ollis, Mary, Ruth, Chris, Amy, Rachael, Virginia, Jamie, Chris, Katryna.


Our budget to spend for the year is $250.00. Our prospected donation to the church is $1,200 for the year. In January we brought in $665.75, in Feb, $183.00. For the year, we've brought in $848.75. Coming up we still have 2 silent auctions and the Witch's Masquerade Ball, and we haven't touched our budget.


Wicca 101 classes are going great.March classes will be as follows:Ritual Basics & tools taught by Ruth and The working Circle, taught by Candie.

March 24th, the Wicca 101 class will meet in the main dome to write the April Ritual

Class schedule for the year:

April 3rd after CUUPs will be: Chants and sacred dance, taught by Candie, Mary & Jamie.
May 1st, there will be no class, but instead, Mayd Heron will conduct a Beltaine ritual.
June 5th, there will be a dram workshop.
July 3rd, a class on Symbols, Amulets and Talismans by Candie.
August 7th, a class on oil blending.
September, no meeting
October 2nd, a calss on Candles and Spells by Loren
November 6th, a workshop on making wands and staffs
December 4th, a class on Kitchen Witchery

Ritual Commitee

The ritual calendar for 2006 is full.

April Ritual will be performed by The Wicca 101 class.

May Ritual will be performed by Lady PhyreStorm,Come and celebrate Beltaine with us all.

June ritual will be performed by Circle Shalee

July ritual will be performed by Sacred Woods Coven, Headed by Lady StarPuma.

August ritual will be performed by Between Worlds Coven

September ritual will be performed by As Always Coven

October ritual will be performed by Sacred Woods Coven, Headed by Lord SunFire.

November ritual will be a Bardic Circle.

December ritual will be performed by Sacred Oaks Circle.

Out Reach

Drumming circle & discussion group is held on the 4th monday of every month from 7-9ish? Bring your instruments, drums, rattles,any noise maker that you have, if you don't have anything, come anyway, we will have to share.

Buildings and Grounds

Normally the 2nd Saturday every month, 9 am. Come lend a hand or two.

New Business


April 5-9,2006 in Georgia, check out for more info.

This month, the CUUPS board changed a bit. The board members are now:

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be April 3rd, 2006 at 7 p.m.