November 5th, 2007

Introductions and Overview
Attendees were Chris, Christin, Jamie, Ruth, Ollis, Rhonda, Mary, Ruth, Virginia, Dianna, Katryna, and Amy


Year-to-date 2007 CUUPS has generated approximately $5970.00. We've exceeded our goal.
$30 will be coming out this month for our national CUUPS dues.

Ollis contacted CUUPS National to check on membership cards for those who have not gotten them yet. Everyone's dues are being set to be due on October 31st. CUUPS National is changing officers, and the process of getting the members service is being changed a bit.


Class schedule for the year:
TONIGHT: Making Staffs & Wands
December 3rd, Kitchen Wichery, Potluck and Recipie Exchange

Next year is Wicca 101 in the first quarter. Christin has offered to teach a soap-making class on making soaps from scratch. She is planning to teach in April and in May, we can use what we've learned to make some soap. Rubber gloves and masks are required.

Ritual Commitee

The ritual calendar for 2007:
November 24th ritual will be our annual bardic circle with our second silent auction
December 22nd ritual will be Sacred Oaks Cicle presenting a Yule ritual.

2008 ritual calendar is filling up.
January 19th will be led presented by Sacred Oaks Circle led by GreyWolf.
Ritual committee will meet to discuss futher plans.

Rituals are by invitation only – Wicca 101, Sacred Woods Coven, and Sacred Oaks Circle fill some rituals and other groups are invited for the remaining dates.

Out Reach

Buildings and Grounds

Normally the 2nd Saturday every month, 9 am. Come and help keep up the church! -- CUUPS members are especially wanted in October to help clear the grove in preperation for the October ritual.

October 13th will be a CUUPS-wide Buidings and grounds day starting at 8:00 AM.

New Business

The next silent auction will be at the November ritual.

Autumn Meet will begin November 6th in Georgia. For more information, please visit

The CUUPS council:

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be December 3rd, 2007 at 7 p.m.