November 3rd, 2008

Introductions and Overview
Attendees were Ollis, Mary, Virginia, Ruth, Kim, Don, Laurie,


October's information has not yet been accounted for in the reporting. So far this year, excluding all of October, we've brought in Approximately $2208, $3350 came in for the masquerade ball, bringing our total to over $5500 for the year.

Again, this does not include monetta or classes from October.

We now have enough members of CUUPs National who are members of the church that we do not have to pau the chapter membership dues.


Class schedule for the year:
TONIGHT: Dumb Supper

December's class will be a Rune Workshop. Bring runes if you have them.
Wicca 101 is the first quarter of 2009
Cakes for the Queen of Heaven will be the first and third Mondays of April and May, then the first Monday of June.

Cakes for the Queen of Heaven is a European based Goddess worship program. The date for this five-session course will be in the spring following the Wicca 101.

Wicca 101 has six sessions during will be held during January, February and March. January and March will be on the 1st and 3rd Mondays; February will be on the 2nd and 3rd Mondays (the 9th and the 16th) so it does not conflict with Imbolc.

Ritual Commitee

The ritual calendar for 2008:
November 15th will be a Bardic Circle led by Lord Sunfire; also bring canned goods for those less fortunate
December 13th will be led by As Always Coven

The ritual calendar for 2009:
January 10th, 2009 will be lead by Circle Shalee
February 7th, 2009 will be a Community Wiccaning by Sacred Oaks Circle
March 10th, 2009 will be led by Circle of One

The groups who perform rituals at Full Moon celebration are by invitation by Circles in the Wood CUUPS. The Wicca 101 class, Sacred Woods Coven, and Sacred Oaks Circle fill some rituals and other groups are invited for the remaining dates.

Out Reach

Jamie will update and print the CUUPs brochure.

Buildings and Grounds

Normally the 2nd Saturday every month, 9 am. Come and help keep up the church! Inside and outside jobs are always availible. There is a blog under "About Us" at that lists things that need to be done. Also, this coming Saturday will be a chance to prep the grounds before Witches Masquerade.

Anyone who has gardening experience is welcome to help weed the herb garden. Please be aware many herbs look like weeds.

A donation has been made to improve the herb garden. Willow will be consulted to get recommmendations on these improvements.

Interweave is talking about a spring fundraiser with a Carnival theme.

Concert: CUUPS will be doing a concert with The Traveling Fates on January 16, 2009. The Traveling Fates are: SJ Tucker (of Skinny White Chick), Ginger Doss and Bekkah Kelso (of Dreamtrybe). Chris will put together flyers. The cost will be 1/2 of the door and the sale of cd's and has been approved by the BOT. Chris will put together flyers.

Current CUUPS council:

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be December 1st, 2008 at 7 p.m.