The VASA SuperBowl-ing Tournament
Location: Knijn Bowling, Scheldeplein 3, Amsterdam
(across from RAI convention center).

The cost will be a minimum of 4.25 euros,
depending on how many people would like to compete
in the VASA tournament.

Drinks and snacks at own expense.
Optional dinner afterwards at own expense.

Possibly, however, the one who has reached the highest score in a full game (ten frames) wins a dinner afterwards!

If you would like to participate, please send us an email at stating your name and student number.

Please respond at the latest on Monday, March 27, 2006.
That way we will know how many lanes to book. We will probably play with four or five persons per lane.

How to get to Knijn Bowling from A'dam Central Station:
- Tram 4, stop RAI
- Tram 25, stop Scheldestraat
- Subway 51, RAI station

More info on Knijn Bowling and how to get there
US pro-bowler Brad Angelo will give a demonstration prior to our tournament which promises to become a world-renowned classic.
Bill Murray stars as bowling pro Big Ern McCracken in "Kingpin".
VASA will show it; date to be announced.
Friday, March 31, 2006, 08.00pm to approx. 10.00pm
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