UV Krew is a part of A.F.S.C
We are a nonprofit community youth group based in Portland, Oregon.
We work towards youth involvement, youth empowerment, peace, and social justice.
...and have a helluva time doin' it...





If you would like to submit some of your own poetry, art work, links to your page or others pages or if you have questions or comments.
Please email us and send us what you got!!!

If you would like more information on United Voices or AFSC please drop by or contact us at:

United Voices Krew
c/o American Friends Service Committee
2249 E. Burnside
Portland, OR 97214
(503) 230~9427 Mary ~ Ann

Email: uvkrew@hotmail.com

...UVK productions

**The United Voices Krew is a part of the Latin American/Asia-Pacific Youth Program of the American Friends Service Committee