Umpqua Valley Stamp Club

Welcome to the Umpqua Valley Stamp Club’s website!


Meeting location:

Parkway Pharmacy, Community Education room

2475 NW Stewart Parkway, Roseburg, Oregon

2nd Floor

Room #3

To contact us:

Umpqua Valley Stamp Club

PO Box 175

Umpqua Oregon, 97486



We meet monthly on the 3rd Monday at 7:15 pm

Umpqua Valley Stamps Club Officers


· President: Clarence

· Vice President: Bill P.

· Secretary: Doug H.

· Treasurer: Bill C.

· Editor: Sid

· Show Chair: Rob H.

· Show Co-chair: Janice R,

· Club Organizer: Phil B.

· Website manager: Janice R.

UVSC club material

The club has boxes and boxes of stamp material available to club members.

We often have items for sale or trade at each meeting.

Meeting Schedule and topics for 2007  (subject to change)            



map showing location of meetings1


Month             Topic                                             Chair                            provided by:

January             Member Trade                             Pat                              Pat

February           Silent Auction                              Clarence                     Janice

March               Show and Tell                              Janice                         Clarence

April                 US Mix                                        Bill                              Virginia

May                  Nickel Night                                David                          Joanne

June                  Club BBQ, 5:30 start time

July                   White Elephant Auction               Jim                             Grace

August              Stamp Quiz                                  Rob                             Rob

September        General Mix                                 Ken                                

October            Stamp Show, no general meeting

November        Surprise                                        Bill S.                         David

December         No meeting in December            Happy Holidays!