The Motor City Badgers

           A Chapter of the Wisconsin Alumni Association


Hi!  Welcome to the Motor City Badgers!  We are an officially sanctioned club of the Wisconsin Alumni Association (, helping you to stay in touch with your beloved alma mater, and keep in touch with fellow Badgers in the Metropolitan Detroit area.  Yours is one of the top WAA Chapters in the country, recognized by our winning the WAA Outstanding Club Award!


The purpose of our club is to foster association among UW-Madison graduates and to encourage support and local awareness of the UW.  We accomplish these goals through a diverse menu of events throughout the year, such as:


·     Annual Founders Day Celebration (UW's anniversary) with a top UW Faculty speaker

·     Local UW Athletic Events (UM/MSU Football, Basketball, Hockey, Packers, Brewers)

·     Miscellaneous non-athletic events e.g. Beer Brewing, Curling, Happy Hours, Comedy clubs, etc.

·     Representation of UW at High School college fairs

·     Community Service


Over 700 alumni attended events with our club in 2002!  Through net proceeds raised at these events, along with direct contributions, our club has provided scholarships $6,000-$10,000 per year to local students who choose (wisely) to attend Wisconsin.


What's Next?

To become a member of the Motor City Badgers, please visit our membership section of the website ( by sending $15/household/year to our Treasurer, Andy Wittmann, 700 Morley Ct, Dearborn, MI  48124.   Also, please update your contact information on the WAA database in Madison, web address  You'll then receive the latest newsletter or event flyers, and you'll be added to the club roster. 


How do we notify you of events?

There are numerous ways for you to stay informed of our local club activities:

·     semi-annual newsletter and occasional flyers via U.S. Post  

·     event notices by e-mail

·     Our Official WAA website –

·     Our local website –  (forms posted and links back to the WAA site)


Want to get more involved?

In addition to helping out at an event, there are a number of other opportunities for you:

·     Board of Directors - club activities and committees are organized and run by this core group of about twelve volunteers

·     Motor City Mad Grads - help organize focused events for recent graduates

·     Scholarship committee - solicit applications and select recipients for our club net proceeds

·     College fair support - help represent the UW-admissions office at local high-school college fairs


It's an enriching and rewarding experience supporting the the Wisconsin Alumni Association and the UW through service in the local alumni club - I hope you'll consider being a part of our team!  Please contact me for more information  ON WISCONSIN!




Bart Heldke - UW Class of 1992/93


Motor City Badgers

3305 Pelham St.                                    (313)-563-5290

Dearborn, MI 48124                     (general)