Scorpio Productions




Universal Wrestling Alliances



Perfect dark

Simply… perfect.






“It’s Happening Again…”


(The announcement of the Television Championship Tournament is shown.)


“I Feel Boxed In.”


(William Blessings face is shown.)


“It’s Happening Again…”


(Trash Taylor is shown training for the tournament.)


“I’m Trapped Inside.”


(Blake “Turbo” Dyhart is shown cheating his way to the semi-finals.)


“It’s Happening Again…”


(Earl Davison is shown beating El Drago to advance to tonight.)


“Feels Like The Worlds Closing In.”


(A still shot is shown of Earl Davison’s face facing “Turbo’s”)


“And There’s Nowhere To Hide!”


(William Blessing’s face is shown facing Trash Taylors)



“This Time Nothing Feels Right To Me..”

“I’m Sinking Deeper Within!”


(A still shot of the untouched UWA Outlaw Championship is shown before still shots of the attacks by The Sickness on “The Beast” Jaxon Hayes over the last weeks, finally with Jaxon fighting back against Klown.)


“I’ll Wait For You To Lose Sight Of Me..”

“Before I Suffer Again!”


(The massive steel structure blue prints are shown and then finally a still shot of Klown’s bloody face as he looks down on The Beast with a steel chair in hand.)


“It’s Happening Again…”


(Zander Frost and Billy “The Brilliant” are shown in the Mooie Mobile at Halloween.)


“I Feel Strapped Down.”


(Billy is shown successfully pinning Zander in their first match.)


“It’s Happening Again…”


(Zander is shown watching from halfway up the ramp as Shannon Taylor cradles Billy’s head in her arms.)


“While You Feed The Disease.”


(Zander is shown accidently hitting BTB with a Missile Dropkick and then the shocked look on his face before short stints of Billy’s angered response and the friendship that seems to be crumbling heads into what may be it’s final leg tonight!)


“It’s Happening Again…”


(William Grand and Damien ArkAngel are shown smiling side by side after a victory over Dustin Cage and his sister just mere weeks ago.)


“I’m Lying Face On The Ground.”


(Damien is shown lying on the ground after the chair shot from William Grand on the “Global Assault Tour” from Montreal.)


“It’s Happening Again…”


(Damien is shown attacking William viciously with a steel chair on the last Vortex and targeting Grand’s shoulder with hard chair shots.)


“For The Whole World Too See!”


(William is shown lying face on the ground with blood coming from his mouth as Damien stands over him smiling cockily.)


“This Time Nothing Feels Right To Me…”

“I’m Sinking Deeper Within!”


(“The Dark Angel” Seven is shown laying on top of Inphino as he wins the UWA World Heavyweight Championship.)


“I’ll Wait For You To Lose Sight Of Me…”

“Before I Suffer Again!”


(Paul Phoenix is shown mouthing Seven and saying that he can’t beat him fairly.)




(Seven is shown attacking Phoenix before picking him up and Choke slamming him through a table.)


“Now I’m So Far away…”


(Seven is shown on the top of the ramp with his UWA World Heavyweight championship as Phoenix pushes EMT’s away from him.)




(Magnum Steele and Bane are both shown on split screen as replays of their entrances into UWA are shown.)


“This Time Nothing Feels Right To Me…”

“I’m Sinking Deeper Within!”


(Magnum is shown stopping Bane from attacking Zander and Billy after a tag match on Wrath weeks ago but “The God of Pain” not paying attention and assaulting both anyways and then looking straight into Magnum’s eyes and shouting, “I Do What I Want, When I Want!!!”)


“I’ll Wait For You To Lose Sight Of Me…”

“Before I Suffer Again!”


(Magnum and Bane are shown brawling before being separated by tons of referees.)




(President James Tanner drops a bomb by making the match official between Magnum and Bane for Perfect Dark for the Universal Heavyweight Championship.)




(Bane standing over Magnum with a bloody steel chair in his hand on the last Vortex.)




(Bane’s face is shown covered with the blood of Magnum Steele. Then Magnum’s face is shown bloody and beaten but his eyes on fire.)


“Drop To Zero..”


(The words Universal Wrestling Alliance is displayed over the screen.)


Taken From “Drop To Zero” By Trust Company








(“Drop to Zero” By Trust Company continues to rip through the sold out and completely livid Toronto Skydome as Universal Wrestling Alliance’s first PPV hits the airwaves with some huge fireworks before settling down on Charles Corbet, Arnold Oxford, and Shannon Taylor is their usual spot as the feed begins.)


Charles: Welcome, one and all to Perfect Dark!


Arnold: Things are bound to blow up here tonight, and I’m loving it!


Shannon: The Outlaw championship is to be decided between the four remaining men in the TV Title tourney…


Charles: Those being William Blessing, Trash Taylor and Blake “Turbo” Dyhart and Earl Davison!


Arnold: Then we get to see Klown and Jaxon Hayes.. “The Beast” rip eachother to shreds!!


Shannon: Inside a massive steel structure 30 feet high and the only way to win is to throw your opponent off the top!!!


Charles: It doesn’t stop their though as the Cruiserweight Championship will be decided in what could be a show stealer between two friends, Zander Frost and Billy “The Brilliant”.. not only battling for that championship, but for their friendship and seemingly Shannon, for you as well!


Shannon: I don’t know it got this far… But I’m confident Zander and Billy can work this out in the ring tonight!


Arnold: Yeah right, Blondie! I hope your two boys kick the shit out of eachother!!! PPV…. No censors! Gotta love it!


Charles: But that’s not all as the heated and hateful rivalry between “Fighting Force” Damien Ark Angel- our Intercontinental champion since the start of UWA will defend his title once again against his one time friend and ally, William Grand!


Arnold: I don’t know how it got this far… I don’t know who to cheer for?!


Shannon: Well now its my turn to say I hope your two boys kick the shit out of eachother!!


Arnold: Shove it Blondie!


Charles: Children.. Children… It won’t stop then either as after the contract signing last vortex, Paul Phoenix has got his shot at “The Dark Angel” and the UWA World Heavyweight Champion, Seven! Right here tonight!


Arnold: “The Berserker” got trashed on Vortex by that big bastard… It kinda hurt my confidence in him…


Shannon: It may of hurt Phoenix’s confidence as well as he has been uncharacteristically quiet these last few days.


Charles: We will see later just how the attack by Seven effected Paul later tonight, but then right after that match the Cell will be lowered and “The Monster” will face off against a “God of Pain” in what has been called the match that will decide who is the REAL Monster of UWA… Magnum Steele or Bane?!


Arnold: Bane all the way Charlie Brown!


Shannon: Magnum seems focused and tonight I expect to see the true “Monster” walk away the first UWA Universal Heavyweight Champion!


Charles: It’s time to start things off… With our first match!


Arnold: Snore…





---Taped Earlier---



*The scene opens to the Uwa parking lot, Eric Clampton is getting out of his car, the camera rushes up to him to see if he has any words for his match and he does.*



"You know something..I was born in this damned city..And being here brings back some memories that I will share with the crowd.."





---Singles Match: #1 Contendership To The Outlaw Championship---

---“Lance Corporal” Black versus “Fading No More” Eric Clampton---




(“Welcome To Atlanta” (Remix) by Jermaine Dupri, P. Diddy, Murphy Lee, and Snoop Dogg hits and the fans rise up to some boos and cheers as UWA newcomer, “Lance Corporal” Black marches out onto the ramp to a pretty quiet crowd although some cheers from those who serve in the military present in the audience. Black rolls into the ring and readies himself for his UWA debut.)


Arnold: Man… Who recruits these wierdo’s???


Charles: ……


Shannon: …….


Arnold: That’s what I thought!


(“Prayer” By Disturbed hits and the fans cheer as Eric Clampton walks out onto the ramp microphone in hand.)


"I probably know some of you and you know who I' am..Cheer or boo it doesn't matter..I want you to see what I am, And that is A project of Rejection..I have come to realise this in the past days...And also before this match I want you all to know I think You people are sick..I hate every goddamn one of you!! And if it were legal I'd kill you all...Lance Black..Is going to Fade like it or not Toronto.."



Charles: Eric was screwed out of the TV Tourney by Turbo but as a consolation has gotten this chance for an Outlaw championship shot!


Shannon: He shows a lot of promise.


(Eric slides into the ring but not waiting for the bell, Black pounces and stomps away on Eric’s back and legs! Clampton tries to fight back and pull himself up on the ropes but Black won’t have it as the Marine keeps the pressure turned up with hard kicks straight to the kidney of Clampton! Eric finally seems beaten and Black lifts Eric up and hits an irish whip across the ring before hooking Eric up and slamming him into the mat with a sidewalk slam!!!)


Charles: Nice opening from Lance Corporal Black!


(Clampton rolls off his shoulder and pulls himself up only to be met by a hard clothesline from the Marine that drops him back down hard. Black bounces off the nearbye ropes and drops his elbows straight down into the chest of the young UWA superstar before hooking the leg for an early pin attempt.)















Charles: To early yet!


Arnold: Bah, wake me up when we get to William Grand versus Damien ArkAngel…


Shannon: That’s quite aways away yet, Arnold.


(Black pulls Clampton from the mat still frustrated and drives him down hard with a powerbomb! The Lance Corporal keeps the tight hold around Clamptons waist though and with amazing strength pulls Eric back up into the air and completes the Double Powerbomb!!! This time he keeps Eric’s shoulders pinned to the mat…)










Charles: No! Clampton rolls his shoulder up!


Shannon: But Black isn’t done yet!!!


(Black pulls Eric up again though an once again slams him into the mat with a third powerbomb!!!)


Shannon: Another pin!














2 9/10ths!!!!!!


Shannon: WOAH!!! Total Nut Job There!!!


(Black can’t believe it as Clampton has powered out of the hold and quickly Eric hooks Black up with a drop toe hold and drops the Marine right on his face. Eric gets up quickly and pulls Black up by the back of the neck before twisting around and hitting a neckbreaker form one hell of an angle!!! Eric waists no time and climbs up and hooks Black up in…..)


Charles: FADE!!! (Sharpshooter) It’s got to be over now!!!




Shannon: That’s so….. Annoying!


(Black yells out in pain and tries to make it for the ropes but Clampton has it set and pulls Black back into the center of the ring as the crowd gets on its feet!!!)


Charles: He’s got to tap… Wait?


(The crowd lets up a few cheers as Private Dawson, the young trainee of Lance Corporal Black runs out and dumps the referee on his head?!!? Dawson slides into the ring and kicks Clampton in the side of the head breaking the Fade! Dawson pulls Clampton up and nails The Side Swiper!!! (Wrist Lock Then Hard Boot To The Chest) Eric falls back and Black finally pulls himself up and makes the cover as Dawson rolls the ref back into the ring….)


Shannon: What a cheap win?!


Arnold: What a smart win!!!



















Charles: “Lance Corporal” Black wins the shot at the Outlaw Championship with a big assist to Private Dawson!!!


Shannon: What a way for US Marines to act….


Arnold: Hey, Blondie…


Shannon: What?


Arnold: Shut up. Hehehehe…


Charles: We’ve got lots more to come yet, but now we’re off to back…





---Unfunky, Unbrilliant, and Darn Right Painful.---



(We see Billy "The Brilliant", Trash Taylor and Taylor's three "Trashy Ladies" hanging around in the underground car park of the Toronto Skydome arena. The five are weaving their way through the cars of other UWA employee's as they head towards the arena dressing rooms to prepare for the show. They talk amongst themselves, they all seem pretty happy. Except Billy...)

Trash: Ya' know Bill, this is gonna be a real funky night!

Billy: Oh? Why's that then?

Trash: Well, first of all I'm gonna out funk that good for nothing William Blessing in the semi final of the UWA Television Tournament. I'm gonna pound his ass to the ground!!!

Billy: Right...

Trash: Then, I'm gonna go into the final of the Television Tournament and beat the funk into whoever I meet there! It's ethier gonna be Blake Dyhart or Earl Davison. Well, they'll get out grooved by me too!

Billy: Okay...

Trash: And then, when I win my Television Championship, I'm gonna go on home with my ladies and get... Trashy!

(The three girls and Trash all giggle amongst themselves. Trash then notices the blank look on BTB's face and turns to him with a serious look. They all stop walking and stand in the middle of the car park...)

Trash: Look man, I know you got it tough tonight and I hope you and Zander can pull through this little rough patch with your freindship intact. But all I can do is wish you luck, man. You and Zander will pull through.

Billy: Jesus Christ, man! Your goin' on as if me and Frost are a gay couple!!! Just knock it off!!!

(Trash and his ladies look a little shocked at Billy's outburst. They all just stand staring at him for a moment. But then we hear a loud rumbling engine noise getting closer and closer until finally, a huge black monster truck speeds around the corner, almost running the fivesome over. They manage to dive to the side at the very last second as the truck skids to a halt as it almost crashes into a wall. As Trash, Billy and the Trashy Ladies pick themselves up and dust themselves down, the crowd errupt into jeers as "The God of Pain" Bane steps out of the truck.)

Trash: Watch where your goin' fruitcake!!!

(Bane ignores Trash and heads straight for the dressing rooms, not giving the people he damn near squashed even a second look.)




Charles: “The God of Pain” is here!!!


Arnold: Woo Hoo!!!


Shannon: But we’re back just in time for our next matchup!


Arnold: This Vindictive Seraph intrigues me..





---Debut Match---

---‘Vindictive Seraph’ vs. Disturbed Sickness---


Shannon:   I have got to know who this Vindictive Seraph guy is!  After weeks of wondering and multiple attacks we are left to wonder what his problem is with the “dark” guys. 


Arnold:  Vindictive Seraph can’t even reveal his voice!  But as long as he takes out this idiot once and for all I’m down with him, because I’m NOT down with the sickness.


Charles:  Disturbed Sickness hasn’t seen much of a threat in this man as of late, but we’ll see just what this character is made of. 


“Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed begins to rock the arena, but the Canada fans don’t seem to favor Disturbed Sickness as he comes out onto the ramp.  The camera gets a shot of a fan’s sign saying “Come suck a REAL man Dru!”.  DS walks down the steel ramp and climbs into the ring.  Once inside he sadistically smiles at the crowd as a few drops of blood come from his mouth.


Arnold:  Someone get this guy acting lessons!  I have blood capsules that look more real!


Shannon:  I have to agree that Disturbed Sickness is a bit over the edge.


Arnold is about to speak but suddenly his voice scrambles and the arena goes PITCH BLACK!  “Enter Sandman” by Metallica starts to play.  No singing, just the long intro.  As the instrumental section plays the lights begin to flicker.  The song is about to get started but the Universal-Tron flashes with static fuzz.  “Dig” by Mudvayne now begins to play.  The lights continue to flicker and for the intro video all that is seen is all of Vindictive Seraph’s opponents shown on his handheld camera.  Finally a man steps onto the entranceway.  Dressed in black pants, the man is pure white and his hair long jet black.  His face has two black lines down his eyes.  With his arms slightly held out he stands there looking down at his opponent.  He then begins to walk down the ramp in slow movement.  The lights continue to flicker but for the most part it is still very dark.  The commentator’s sound cut back in.


Arnold:  Now that was rude, cutting me off like that.


Shannon:  I know, why did they let you get back on again anyways?


Charles:  Why does this guy look so familiar?


Arnold:  Yeah, seeing him in the dark like this, I’m sure you’d know him.


Vindictive Seraph walks up the steps and gets into the ring.  Referee Reese Florey stands between the two while VS’s music shuts off.  The arena lights come fully on again.  The bell sounds and Vindictive Seraph wastes no time driving his fist right at Disturbed Sickness’s face.  DS staggers back and into the ropes.  Seraph with another hard right sends him into the ropes.  Seraph grabs Disturbed’s arm and sends him into the ropes.  Once he comes back he is taken down by another hard punch.  DS gets to his feet expecting another punch but instead Seraph kicks him in the gut and clubs him in the back.  DS arches his back in pain as he drops to his knees.  Seraph comes up from behind and like punting a football he kicks DS hard directly at the spine!  The crack echoes through the arena. 


Shannon:  Seraph is going straight for the back.


Charles:  A good way to weaken your opponent quickly.


Seraph lifts Disturbed up and tosses him into the turnbuckle.  With a few hard jabs Disturbed wobbles a bit and lands on his but, trapped in the turnbuckle.  Seraph backs up and charges back in his a knee to DS’s face!  He drags his victim to the middle of the ring and begins to climb the turnbuckle.  Once standing at the top, he launches off with a beautiful Swanton Bomb but unfortunately Disturbed Sickness rolls out of the way!


Arnold:  Now that was stupid.  It’s way to early to hit a high risk like that.


Shannon:  I agree again!  Wow, this is really starting to freak me out. 


Disturbed struggles to his feet, feeling his back as he does.  He approaches Seraph, laid out in the middle of the ring with no movement.  DS bends down to pick him up but Seraph’s hand snaps up and grabs Disturbed around the throat!  He gets to his feet and chokes Disturbed until Ref Florey begins to count him down.  One, two, three, four, five.  Seraph releases and sends his opponent into the ropes.  Once Disturbed comes back Seraph attempts a clothesline which is ducked.  Seraph turns around and is leveled with a few closed fists from DS.  He now sends Seraph into the ropes and goes for a back body drop, but Seraph lands on his feet!


Charles:  Have you noticed Vindictive Seraph has shown NO change of expression this whole time?


Arnold:  I know, what a gloomy bum.  What’s been up his ass?


Shannon:  Maybe you should go ask him.


Disturbed Sickness turns to get Seraph but Seraph is already set for the next attack, being a swift spinebuster knocking the wind out of him.  Seraph lifts DS up to his feet slowly and snap suplexes him in the middle of the ring.  After he walks over to the turnbuckle and stands on the middle rope where he launches off with a bodysplash on his opponent.  He takes the pin.






Three?  No, Vindictive Seraph lifts Disturbed’s shoulder off the mat!  Seraph gets to his feet once more and looks down at DS beginning to show movement.  Not at a fast pace, but Disturbed Sickness finally gets to his feet and surprises Seraph with a forearm shot to the forehead.  Seraph staggers a bit and is leveled with a clothesline.  DS goes to pick him up but Seraph pushes him into the ropes and nails a belly-to-belly suplex! 


Shannon:  Vindictive Seraph is impressive so far!


Arnold:  Yeah, if he taking apart Disturbed I would say so!


Disturbed wobbles back to his feet and steps right into a hard Death Valley Driver!!!  The crowd pops as Seraph reaches to his feet and looks down at Disturbed Sickness.  He picks his motionless body up and places his head between his legs.  He then brings his body over his shoulders in a Crucifix Powerbomb position except that Disturbed’s legs are going down the chest of Seraph while his butt is placed behind his head.


Charles:  What in the world is he looking for here?!


Seraph stands there for a few more seconds, and then drops to his knees and pulling DS forward purposely trying to break his spine!!!!!!!!!




Shannon:  Whatever that was it didn’t look like it was all fun and games!


Disturbed’s unconscious body falls off of Seraph’s back.  Seraph stays on his knees for a moment before pinning Disturbed.















Charles:  And this Vindictive Seraph character has won his debut match and what an impressive one!


Arnold:  God, I think I’ll get a massage after tonight.  That move makes my back hurt.


Shannon:  Go now; no one’s stopping you!


Seraph stands above Disturbed Sickness without any emotion of triumph or victory.  He simply closes his eyes for a second as if to be praying, then he exits the ring, still showing no change of motion.




---It Continues To Build---



Bane is shown walking through the backstage area getting himself ready the big match-up later on in the evening.  Suddenly the big man hits the ground face first in obvious pain as he arches his back.  The camera pans around to show Magnum Steele standing over him holding onto a now bent steel pole.  He smiles evilly as he slams the pole back down across the back of Bane then throws it down.

Magnum: That's just a small taste of what our match will be like tonight.  Hope your ready.

Magnum kicks him a couple of times for good measure before walking off down the hallway.


Arnold: Who does Magnum Steele think he is?! He can’t do that!


Charles: I think it’s all fair in the war these two or etching into the UWA history books.


Shannon: Repaying the favor from last week that’s all Arny!


Arnold: I wish you wouldn’t call me Arny…





---Jeff Jones versus Earl Davison versus Cornell Davis---

---Loser Leaves UWA---




Before the trio can continue "Rock The Mic (Remix)" by Nelly f/Beanie Sigel, Freeway, and Murphy Lee hits the PA and Cornell Davis walks down to the ring with a mixed reaction from the crowd. He slides into the ring and warms up, awaiting his opponents.


Arnold: Could Cornell Davis pick up the win tonight? Could be be forced to quit UWA? Could we care less?


Shannon: I do!


Arnold: Oh, you would!


"World's Most Dangerous" by Ja Rule f/Nemisis is the next to hit, signaling Jeff Jones’s entrance. The fans quickly boo, knowing who the former SLWA superstar is. Jeff ignores everyone’s reaction and heads down to the ring in his baggy ring attire and du-rag covering his head. He climbs up onto the ring apron and climbs inside the ring, pulling up his pants a little bit. 


Charles: The leader of the now defunct SLWA faction! He must beleive he's got a good chance of winning this one!


Ruff Ryder’s Anthem” by DMX sounds out over the PA system, as the fans stand on their feet in cheers for the next man.  Earl Davison steps out from the back and walks to the ring. Earl slides into the ring and taunts the crowd a little, as his music cuts off.


Charles: Well we're almost ready to get this match underway! One of these men will be wrestling inside a UWA ring for the last time ever!


Arnold: Whoooo!!!


The bell rings and Earl Davison and Cornell Davis go right at each other with hard lefts and brutal rights. Jeff Jones walks over, grabs both men by their heads and smashes them together with great impact. Earl Davison falls to the mat and Cornell staggers backwards against the ropes. Jones runs at Cornell and sends him tumbling out of the ring with a clothesline. Jones then turns his attentions to Earl but Earl hits him with a low blow. Earl then springs to his feet and bounces off the ropes, he runs at Jones and floors him with a flying cross body. Cornell is back up on the apron, Earl sees him and runs at him. However, Cornell uses sheer brutality and amazing wrestling skill to send Earl from the ring out to the arena floor with a belly to belly suplex over the top rope. The crowd gasp as Earl hits the arena floor with a loud thud.


Charles: Oh my God! What a move! What impact!!!


Shannon: Earl could be seriously injured!


Arnold: Well duh!


Cornell enters the ring and hits Jeff Jones with a huge kick to the face. Cornell then picks Jones up and backs him into the turnbuckle whilst talking trash to him. Cornell begins to stomp on Jones before irish whipping him into the opposite turnbuckle. Jones hits the turnbuckle hard and Cornell Davis comes running at him and squashes him into the corner with a splash. Cornell Davis then picks Jeff up and slams him back to the mat. Davis climbs to the top rope and comes flying off with a moonsault which connects. Cornell then goes for the pin...









No!! Earl Davison pulls the referee out of the ring before he can reach three.


Arnold: I really wish they'd hurry up and get this match over with! It's hardly important!


Charles: Well, some would argue that it is!


Earl slides into the ring and hits Cornell Davis with a series of lefts and rights before flooring him with a drop kick. Earl Davison then climbs to the top turnbuckle, looking to put the hurt on Cornell, but Jeff Jones springs to his feet and bounces off the ropes, causing Earl to land delicates first on the top turnbuckle.


Arnold: Ow! Ow! Owie! I can only imagine how much that hurt!


Shannon: I think you'd better rephrase that, Arnie!


Arnold: What?


Jeff Then climbs to the top and brings Earl down to the mat with a superplex. Jeff goes for the pin but Cornell makes the save by delivering an elbow drop to the head of Jones. Cornell throws Jeff out of the ring and starts stomping on Earl. Cornell picks Earl up and brings him crashing back to the mat with a DDT, followed by a belly to belly suplex. Cornell goes for the pin...









No!!! Earl gets his shoulder up just in time. Cornell picks Earl up and throws him out of the ring. Cornell follows him out as Jeff slides in at the opposite side. Cornell and Earl brawl outside the ring as Jeff Jones bounces off the ropes and runs towards them. Cornell and Earl see Jeff Jones coming and face him, as he slides out feet first and on his back, taking both men out with a double baseball slide clothesline! Jeff Jones gets up slowly and grabs Cornell. He slams Cornell's head on the ringsteps and turns to Earl, catching him under the arms and delivering a belly to belly suplex onto the hard floor.


Charles: This one's getting pretty brutal! I see your interest has picked up, Arnold!


Arnold: Obviously!


Cornell climbs into the ring and Jones follows him in, pushing him back into the corner and delivering a pair of forceful elbows to the head. Jeff sends Cornell into the opposite corner of the ring and catches him on the rebound, locking in a full nelson, but Cornell counters with a mule kick to the crotch. Jones releases the hold, allowing Cornell to deliver a back elbow to the temple. He wraps his arm around Jeff's head and looks to nail a Stunner, but Jeff pushes him away and into the ropes.Earl is on the apron, and he hangs Cornell up on the top rope. Cornell staggers backwards and Jeff hits him with a hurracanrana. Jeff goes for the cover...







Cornell gets his shoulder up easily, and begins to pick himself up despite repeated shots to the head from Jeff. Earl flips over the top rope and lands in the ring as Cornell delivers a punch to the midsection of Jeff and knocks him back with a forceful right hand. He then whips Jeff into the ropes. Earl sees Jeff coming and delivers a drop toe hold, choking his opponent on the second rope. Cornell runs over and throws Earl over the top rope, waiting for Jeff to get back up. He raises a knee into Jeff's back and sets up for a reverse suplex, raising him up and over. Jeff hits the mat with a thud and Cornell goes for the cover!







Earl drags Cornell out of the ring by his ankle.


Arnold: We're approaching the time where I attempt to cough and go "hurry the hell up and finish the match" at the same time.


Shannon: Sarcasm doesn't suit you, Arnold!


Arnold: Neither does that horrible blouse your wearing tonight, blondie!


Jeff Jones remains on the ground in the ring as the crowd watches Earl and Cornell go toe to toe. Earl elbows Cornell in the stomach and raises him onto his shoulders, looking to run him into the ringpost, but Cornell floats out and Earl's head collides nastily with the steel post! Cornell takes a moment to regain his breath, before going over to Earl and grabbing him by the head. Blood is beginning to trickle down Earl's brow as Cornell raises his head up, slamming it into the ringsteps.


Charles: Cornell is getting pretty sadistic here and the fans are liking it!


Shannon: He really wants to win this match, you can feel it!


Earl falls to the ground and begins to crawl away from the ringsteps, with Cornell in hot pursuit. He lifts Earl up and slams his head on the nearby announce table. Blood is now gushing from the head of Earl. Cornell slides back into the ring but runs right into an unexpected RUFF SIDE (Superkick) from Jeff Jones. Cornell is knocked right out as Jeff goes for the cover...






3!!! Ding! Ding! Ding!


Charles: Well there you have it ladies and gents! Jeff Jones pins Cornell Davis meaning that Cornell must leave the Universal Wrestling Alliance!


Arnold: But he performed the best in my opinion! Thats hardly fair!


Shannon: Those were the rules I’m afraid.




---Super Human?---



“Boom” By POD rips through the Pa system and the fans rise up with cheers as “UWA’s Resident Superhero” Zander Frost walks out onto the ramp carrying in his hand a steel ladder which he lays down on the top of the ramp and strikes a pose as flashbulbs rip through the Skydome.


Arnold: Oh great, one of your boys…


Charles: What’s Zander doing out here, Shannon?


Arnold: Probably forgot the match order the dumb goof!


Shannon: Why are you asking me why he’s out here?


Zander slides into the ring and climbs to the top turnbuckle facing the announcers table and hits the thumbs up. The crowd erupts and then Zander drops down and grabs a microphone.




“Now, I didn’t come out here to start any trouble… In fact I only came out here…”


Before Zander can finish the cheering from the crowd stops him as he stops and smiles from ear to ear.




“But tonight I’m not fighting for the hell of it! I’m not out here to parade around and entertain… Tonight is about me and one other man, a man who is my friend, at least I hope he still is. BTB, Billy “The Brilliant”!”


The name sends the fans into cheers as a “BTB!!” chant starts up but Zander continues.




“And tonight Billy…”


Zander is interrupted as we see the Cruiserweight Champion, Billy "The Brilliant" sitting on a bench somewhere in the backstage area of the Toronto Skydome. The fans erupt into a chant of "B-T-B", but Billy's facial expression remains focused as the camera zoom's in on him...)

Billy: Zander Frost, our match is fast approaching. I hope you know just what you've gotten us into.I hope you know what the consequences of this match could be. I hope we can go out for a couple a' beers afterwards and say "yeah, we put on a good match for them fans. A damn good match."

The fans cheer.)

Billy: But the chances of that happenin' are slim. My outlook for the future is grim. Can we stay friends through it all? I hope so. I hope my Cruiserwight Championship won't tear us apart. I hope Shannon won't tear us apart. I hope the fact that we're probably gonna injure each other won't tear us apart. But there really isn't enough to keep us stuck together.

The crowd begin to boo Billy's negative approach. He shrugs his shoulders.

Billy: We'll see though. Tonight is a test of skill. A test of will. And a test of friendship. Good luck!

Billy gets up from the bench as the scene switches back to Zander.




“A test of skill, will, and friendship indeed… But all that aside Billy… It’s Zander Time!!!”


“Boom” By POD hits again and Zander strikes a pose as the camera switches for him to Charles, Arnold and a very nervous Shannon Taylor.


Arnold: Starting to feel a little less confident about your boys friendship after tonight?


Shannon: I don’t know what your talking about…


Charles: We’ve got to take a commercial break but we’ll be right back with our TV Championship Semi-final matches!








CCW Presents:


Scene: Locker room full of hockey players suiting up, lacing up their boots. They go down the ramp to the playing surface. One player steps onto the ice…


Suddenly, he gets run over by a zamboni machine. Blood flies and splatters onto the other players. They all nonchalantly laugh.


Player: He should have looked both ways before crossing like his mommy told him!


Announcer: Tired of boring "regular ice hockey?" Check out the only XTREME Hockey League in town, the XHL!


Scene cuts to a player running away from a rabid man-eating polar bear.




---Television Is About To Change---


In his locker room, sitting on his couch just before the William Blessing vs. Trash Taylor match, Turbo is pulling on his last elbow pad.  He looks down at the ground, then back up to face the camera.


“Yo peeps, tonight, da world of television is goin’ to change foreva!  No more of dis dark bullshit.  Enough of da cocky losers.  It’s time for da new generation of wrestlin’ to start risin’.  And tonight, da world will witness Blake Dyhart, da badest mutha around these parts fly through his competition tonight and become da first eva UWA Television Champ.  Oh, can ya feel it now?  I can just feel dat brand new title around my waist now and ya know what’s goin’ to happen when I win it?  Nothin’ ‘cause no one will be able to stop me!  I’ve gone through loads of crap in UWA and now it’s MY turn to shine.  Whether I win tonight or not, things are gonna change and all for da worst of all ya’ll out there.”


“My first bitch tonight is dat no good jobba, Earl Davison.  Shit, if he loses to his two homies in his match earlier, then what will happen?  I got no opponent for dat match, meanin’ I’m slidin’ right to da finals, no sweat.  But if Earl wins, dat mean’s he’s gonna be worn out before our match even starts it and I can get da easy one, two, three.  It’s a win-win situation and there ain’t no way I’m gonna lose.  Earl and I go back to WWA where things between us weren’t so good.  But I was da one who beat his ass to win my first eva title and I am goin’ to be da one to beat his ass again to win my first ever UWA title.  It’s just a bitch how things work out, huh?”


“And when I win I go on to face William Blessin’ or Trash Taylor.  Shit, Trash ain’t no challenge.  William gots more talent in his left pinky that Trash does period.  Da thing is, William Blessin’ ain’t got nothin’ on me and neither does Trash.  Trash is just dis homeless dude wit nothin’ betta to do than get his ass beat every night.  William’s to worried about actors and stuff, so he’d be distracted da whole time thinkin’ up new material to spit out for his next promo.  Tonight, whetha it be Trash or William Blessin’, I’m goin’ out to dat ring and I’m gonna beat some ass until they can’t wrestle anymore, ya hear?  Things are gonna be bumpin’ and grindin’ tonight in da Skydone when I nail da Turbulence on all da foos out there in TV land.”


Turbo kicks back on his couch and gets ready to watch the first TV title tournament match.  The scene fades.




---UWA Television Championship Tournament: Semi-Finals---

---William Blessing versus Trash Taylor---




Charles: Turbo looks confident tonight will be his night… Can he be sure though?


Arnold: Of course he can be you idiot! Stop underestimating Blake Dyhart!


Shannon: Sheesh… Don’t get your panties in a not, Arny!


(“Natural Born Killers” By Dr. Dre featuring Ice Cube hits and the fans break out in some cheers mixed with some boos from long time fans as William Blessing walks out onto the ramp with a crooked smile on his face. He seems focused as he makes his way to the ring and slides under the bottom rope and pulls on the top rope on the opposite side before turning back to wait for his opponent.)


Arnold: You gotta love William Blessing, he makes wrestling looks so god damn easy!


Charles: You’re just loving this no censor thing aren’t you?


(“City Slicker” By CirKuz hits and the fans cheers as the funkiest man in UWA walks out onto the top of the ramp dressed in his bright, disco inferno gear.)


Arnold: Trash Taylor should learn a valuable lesson we all learned years ago.. The 70’s are over!


Shannon: Your such a fuddy duddy!


Charles: I’m not one for “boogying down”, but theres nothing wrong with a little harmless fun.


(Trash slides into the ring after highfiving his way down the ramp but instead of being greated nicely, he’s greated by a hard right hand from William blessing that knocks Trash back and the bell goes to start this match with William pounding Trash back into a corner with hard rights and hard stomps that down the funk master. Happy with the beating he’s dished out thus far, William pulls Trash up and whips him cross the ring with such force that Trash smashes into the other turnbuckle and falls backwards from the force holding his chest. William moves up and quickly hooks up Trash’s legs and turns him over with a Boston Crab!!)


Charles: This may be over quicker then we all though…


(Trash quickly scrambles to the ropes though and Referee Davis has to break up the two. William doesn’t even let Trash get up though as he continues his onslaught with some hard right stomps, before lifting Trash up and snapping him back with a snap suplex before bridging up into a pin…)













Arnold: Close…


(Trash kicks out Williams knee and slides over and up to his feet just in time to duck a clothesline by Blessing and then deliver a boot of his own that catches William in the knee and then decks him up high with a clothesline of his own sending the crowd into a fury of cheers. But Blessing doesn’t stay down for long and trips up Trash’s legs with a nice leg takedown before snapping up and scooping Trash up with a nice double underhook powerbomb that shakes the ring. William drops down for the pin…)















Charles: Hand it to Trash Taylor he just won’t stay down!


Shannon: Funky stuff!!


(William pulls Trash up and then hits a vicious chop to the chest that sends the crowd into a “WHOOO!!” Trash backs up and holds his chest in pain but William takes it again and chops hard across the chest of Trash Taylor and Trash falls back into the corner holding his chest as William quickly takes advantage and whips Trash out but Taylor reverses the irish whip and whips Blessing into the corner but William catches himself on the ropes and quickly jumps up to the second turnbuckle and spins around and catches Trash with a enziguri!!!)


Charles: Beautiful!!! Simply Beautiful!!!


(William drops and lifts Trash up and drills him into the mat with…)


Shannon: Blessing In Disguise!!!(Dragon Suplex)

















Arnold: It’s Turbo!!!


Charles: What is Blake Dyhart doing out here and why did he just pull Referee Davis from the ring?!


(Turbo decks the ref with his skateboard to a boo from the crowd before rolling the in the ring and hitting a dropkick right to the skateboard, right to William Blessing’s face!!! Turbo scrambles from the ring as both Trash Taylor and William Blessing are out cold. Turbo quickly shoves Referee Davis back into the ring just as Trash start to stir and sees William down and quickly lays a hand over Blessing….)




















Charles: Trash Taylor wins it!!


Arnold: And what a smart move by Turbo, take out the tough competition and now he just has to beat these two jobbers to become the TV Champ!!


Shannon: Not exactly the fair way to do it…


Arnold: Fair… Smare… It was smart!


Charles: And we’ll be right back with Turbo versus Earl Davison right after this…









New In Stores: UWA Action Figures!!!


Seven (With UWA World Heavyweight Title)


Paul Phoenix

Zander Frost

Billy “The Brilliant”

William Grand

Damien ArkAngel

William Blessing


And more!!!


Also In Stores Soon:




“A Look Backstage Inside The UWA!”



---Good Luck---



(Earl Davison is shown making his way to the ring but is suddenly stopped as Blake “Turbo” Dyhart walks out in front of him with a smile on his face.)



“Yo, I just saw what you did out there, “Turbo”, and I gots to congratulate ya on removing the one bitch I was actually worried about in dis whole tournament! Now I just gotta punk yo bitch ass out and I’ll take out that disco jiving loser lata!”



“You think, huh?”


(Earl begins to nod but Blake strikes out quickly with a quick sucker punch that decks Davison in the side of the jaw. Dyhart doesn’t waist any time either as he grabs a steel pipe that is set up against the wall rather conveniently and SMASHES IT OVER DAVISON’S CHEST!!!)


Charles: OH MY GOD!!

Arnold: What a smart move form Turbo!!!

Shannon: He’ taking out the competition before his matches?!

Charles: What now??


---UWA Television Championship Tournament: Semi-Finals---

---Blake “Turbo” Dyhart verus Earl Davison---


("It's Going Down" by The X-Ecutioners Feat. Linkin Park hits and the crowd boos as “Turbo” walks out with a cocky swagger and into the ring he immediately makes a slice motion across is throat and his music cuts out as the crowd waits for Earl…)

Charles: Can Davison compete??

Arnold: Hope not…


(“Ruuf Ryders Anthem” By DMX hits but no one comes out and Turbo smiles and immediately tells Referee Davis to do his job and count the countout. The ref has no choice and counts the countout on Earl Davison…)












































Charles: That was just crap!!

Arnold: Bah, best man won!


("It's Going Down" by The X-Ecutioners Feat. Linkin Park hits again and the fans boo as Blake Dyhart makes his way to the back after what can only be seen as a cheap victory.)


Shannon: Turbo may get his before tonight is over!

Arnold: Not likely… TV Champion, I called it!


---A Grand Intercontinental Champion---


The healthy, young, and classy gentleman, William Grand, greets all he passes through the hallway of the Skydome backstage area.  A large smile is seen on his face and wearing his finest suit, William comes across Mario Sanchez, UWA reporter.  William greets him as well and Mario answers back with a smile.  Mario suddenly stops and turns to catch back up with William.


Mario Sanchez:


“OH!  Senor Grand!  How about an interview for your match with Damien tonight?!  I you know it’s a big one and the fans would be glad to hear your opinions.”


William Grand ponders about it and stands next to the Latin/Mexican.


William Grand:


“Mario Sanchez, Damien ArkAngel is like a big fly in a little room and I have a big flyswatter to get rid of him.  The second he lands into that ring is the second I squash him like the annoying creature he is.  The title he currently has around his waist has proven nothing of his ability.  For the Lord’s sake, he defends it against that rejected pigeon Dustin Cage more times than any.  And every other time he is teaming with me.  This is exactly why he and I remain undefeated.  I save his behind in every single match and now the Intercontinental Championship will be his payment for all those wins.  Tonight, ‘Grande Pene’, you will witness UWA’s grandest superstar become even better when I become the NEW Intercontinental Champion and rip it from the dirty hands of this wannabe me.  Plain and simple my good man, Damien ArkAngel isn’t even worth being the polish on my shoe let alone battle against me and fail like everyone else.  I step on DIRT, Mario, DIRT more talented than him and I guarantee that Damien shall never look down upon me again, for I will be far up the ladder of success that he’ll look like a speck that never was.”


“Wow, those are some harsh comments.  But lets ignore Senor Arkangle for a minute.  There have been a few people, some by the names of Bane and Seven, that have been taking shots at you over the TV.  How do you feel to be placed ‘out of their league’?”


“Out of their league?  Why, I feel the utmost happiness that they can admit that I am out of their league.  I am so far BEYOND their petty gimmicks and useless trash talk.  I am the absolute best in UWA, and at this second I don’t need a championship to prove it.  Bane is pitiful without a doubt.  Seven is as unoriginal as Bane is and the two of them COMBINED still don’t make the superiority that is William Grand.  They fear me; they flaunt their jealousy without even knowing it!  I mean look at them, both dark and obviously mentally challenged to even put the thought into their brains that they are an ounce better than I.  But this goes to prove my point that the wrestlers of TODAY are nothing more than small, weak, egotistical ingrates with no talent whatsoever except in their vocal cords.  I don’t even need to waste my precious time talking about these worms!”


“One more question.  After Damien’s attack on you at Vortex, how does your arm feel?”


William grins and looks at his arm.


“Damien has revealed his stupidity.  Tonight, I will take the advantage over his pitiful carcass.”


Without saying another word, William Grand walks off tapping his can on the ground.  This leaves Mario Sanchez to close the scene.



---LCW Heavyweight Championship Match---

---“The Rouge Dragon” Wen Law versus “The Untouchable” Kaine---


"Alive" By P.O.D blares out of the arena loudspeakers and the crowd roar with cheers as Wen Law walks to the ring, tagging hands as he goes. Wen Law climbs up the steps and through the ropes. He enters the ring and poses for the fans before tourning and awaiting his opponent.


Arnold: It's LCW World Heavyweight Championship time! And that means it's time for Kaine to kick Wen Law's ass!


Charles: Well that remains to be seen, Arnold! This match could really go ethier way!


Shannon: Well, Wen Law looks confident here tonight. My moneys on him!


Charles: Yeah, Wen Law looks really focused tonight!


Arnold: Oh, who cares? Lets all get ready to greet the LCW World Heavyweight Champion!!!


"Feuer Frei" by Rammstein hits the arena loudspeakers and the crowd jeer in unison as ”The Untouchable” Kaine makes his way down to the ring. Kaine ignores the fans as he walks. He slides into the ring and takes his LCW World Heavyweight Title belt from around his waist and raises it into the air for the thousands in the crowd to see.


Arnold: What an athlete! What a star! He truly is untouchable!


Shannon: He is young, inexperienced and arrogant. Not the best combination.


Arnold: Your young, and I hear your pretty inexperienced too!


Shannon: What??




Shannon: You'd better take that back!!


Charles: Guys!! Lets just concentrate on the upcoming match!!!




The bell rings and Kaine goes for the early offensive, starting the match off by shoving Wen Law against the ropes. Kaine goes for a punch, but Law ducks under it and rolls Kaine around and against the ropes. Law unleashes several knife-edge chops to the chest of Kaine, before whipping him to the opposing ropes. Kaine comes back, but Wen Law halts him with a dropkick to the jaw. Kaine goes down to the mat, as Law quickly goes for the cover. The referee gets into position...








Arnold: Hah! Nice try Wendy! You ain't gonna beat Kaine just like that!


Charles: Wendy?


Wen Law pulls Kaine off the mat and delivers a quick kick to the midsection. Law quickly takes him over with a snapmare, before following up with a rear chinlock. Kaine quickly gets to his knees before the move can take full effect, and then to his feet. He elbows Wen Law in the gut and pushes him off, then throws him against the ropes. Law comes back swiftly, looking for a cross body, but Kaine sidesteps and Law lands on the middle rope throat first!


Charles: Ouch!


Arnold: Some deep throat action there, guys!


Shannon: Eh?


Arnold: Not THAT kind, Shannon!


Kaine looks to capitalise, running off the opposing ropes and coming back, driving his leg across the back of Wen Law. Law's throat racks across the rope as the air drives out of him. Law sits up to his knees, holding his throat in pain as Kaine keeps the pressure on him. Kaine lifts Wen Law up and walks him over to a corner. Kaine lifts Wen Law onto the top turnbuckle, and climbs up with him. He hooks Law's arm and looks for a superplex, but Law counters. He elbows Kaine in the gut several times, before throwing him off. Kaine lands hard on the mat as Law shakes the cobwebs out. Wen Law stands up on the top turnbuckle and looks down at his fallen opponent. Wen Law points down and leaps off, looking for a splash, but he meets a face full of canvas as "The Untouchable" rolls away! Kaine crawls to the ropes, as he uses them to help him up.


Charles: Kaine reeled Law right into that one! I'll give him credit for that!


Arnold: Impressive stuff, huh Charlie Brown?!


Charles: Quite!


Wen Law is still down in the centre of the ring. Kaine gets up and walks to the fallen Law. Kaine lifts him up by his hair as Law tries to recover. Kaine quickly hooks Law's arm, and takes him over with a quick snap suplex, then floats over and covers.







No!!! Law shoots his shoulder up off the canvas! Kaine looks down angrily, as he cannot put away Wen Law. Kaine grabs Law by the head and raises him off the mat, and levels him with a stiff chop to the chest. Wen Law stumbles back a little bit, as Kaine charges with an attempted clothesline, but Law ducks and Kaine runs chest first into the ropes. He bounces back and Wen Law counters, rolling Kaine up with a school boy pin! The referee counts...






No! Kick out!


Arnold: Once again Wendy needs to be told that you just CAN'T beat Kain as easily as that!


Shannon: I dunno, that was pretty close!


Arnold: Only because it was a quick count!


Kaine uses the far ropes to get up, as Wen Law does as well. Wen Law walks to his opponent, and kicks him in the midsection. Kaine ducks down holding his gut as Wen Law takes him down with a violent DDT, driving Kaine square on his head. Wen Law gets up as quickly as he can, picking Kaine up as he does. He whips Kaine into the corner as he runs in with a body splash. Kaine starts to stumble out, but Wen Law chops him back in. Law turns Kaine around, and seats him on the top turnbuckle. He walks out onto the apron, and climbs up as well, then punches the top of Kaine's head, as he lifts Kaine up completely. The two men are standing on the top turnbuckle, as Wen Law delivers an elbow to the chest. He quickly tucks Kaine's head between his legs and looks for a superbomb, using all of his strength to hoist Kaine into the air!


Charles: This doesn't look good for Kaine! Theres only one way he can go!


Shannon: Down!


Arnold: No!!!


The fans are on their feet as Wen Law leaps off the top turnbuckle with a diving superbomb, but Kaine counters in mid air with an amazing frankensteiner! Wen Law lands on his head, and Kaine lands a few feet from him!


Charles: Oh my God!! What a move! What a counter!


Arnold: Capitalise, Kaine! C'mon!!!


The referee starts up his ten count as both men lie on the mat, but only gets to 7 before Kaine crawls over and drapes an arm over Wen Law! The referee checks the shoulders and counts...








3!!! No!!! Wen Law kicks out!!!


Arnold: What??? How did he manage that!


Shannon: What a match!


Arnold: It should have been over right there if it weren't for the fact that this referee is sloooowing down the counts!


Charles: Oh, please!


Kaine can't believe Wen Law managed to kick out and the fans go wild, urging Law to get back to his feet. Kaine is up before him though and goes to hit him with a jumping sidekick. Law ducks though and Kaine hits the referee by mistake, knocking him out.


Arnold: These stupid referees are always in the wrong place at the wrong time!


Wen Law grabs Kaine and sets him up for the Rouge Effect. But he drops Kaine to the mat as he see's Syn and Jason Johnson running to the ring with steel chairs in hand. Wen Law turns ready to fight as both men slide into the ring. Law dropkicks the chair which Syn holds right into Syn's skull. He gets up and ducks right back down to avoid a chair shot from Johnson. Law grabs Johnson and hits him with the Dragon Suplex!!!


Charles: Wen Law is fighting three men here!!!


Shannon: But how long can he keep up the fight?


Arnold: Well, how longs a piece of string?


Shannon: Huh?


Arnold: I knew that would comfuse ya!


By this point Syn is back to his feet, he comes running at Wen Law but Law is ready and runs towards him with a flying crossbody. Law floors Syn and picks him up to drill him back to the mat with a flowing DDT. Johnson is back on his feet and goes to whack Wen Law with a chair but Law grabs the chair and digs it into Johnson's ribs. Johnson doubles over and Law sets the chair up in the middle of the ring. Law picks Johnson up and powerbombs him through the steel chair.


Arnold: HOLY GIRLS GONE WILD!!! That was uncalled for!


Charles: They shouldn't have been out here in the first place Arnold and you know it!


The crowd are on their feet cheering Wen Law. Finished with Syn and Johnson, Law turns his attention back to Kaine, but Kaine is back on his feet. He takes Law by supprise with a few quick punches before setting him up for and nailing the Union Jack  (Vertebreaker) on Law.


Shannon: Dammit!


Arnold: Yesssssssss!!!!


The crowd boo like crazy as the referee wakes up just in time to make the count...










The bell rings and the crowd jeer as Kaine retains the LCW Championship. Syn and Johnson get back to their feet and celebrate with Kaine. 

Charles: What a cheap win for Kaine…

Arnold: Oh boo hiss, Charlie Brown!

Syn and JJ grab a microphone from ringside and quickly roll Law from the ring and climb a turnbuckle each as the crowd boos the Tag Team champions while Kaine makes his way to the back and eventually Wen does the same, but not before pointing at Syn and JJ and mouthing, “You’ll pay for being his minions!” before disappearing behind the curtains as the camera comes back to Syn and JJ in the ring.

Syn: Well.. Well.. Well…. This is when we are supposed to defend OUR UWA World Tag Team Championships.. But low and behold, we’re the only active Tag Team left in UWA and LCW!!! Is this all that UWA or LCW has to offer??? We’re Perfection damnit! We deserve some credible challengers… And that’s why tonight me and JJ are out here to formally challenge ANY TAG TEAM IN CCW TO A MATCH!!! We don’t care if your from GZW… (The fans cheer) Or HKWF or UJW!!! We’ll beat your asses 1-2-3 in the middle of our rign or yours because ladies and gentleman… We’re just that perfect!

(“Make me Bad” By Korn hits and the UWA World Tag Team Champions leave the ring as the fans boo loudly.)

Charles: A challenge to all of CCW’s tag teams! Wow!

Arnold: Let it be known that Perfection backs down from nobody!

Shannon: They may just get their wish though.. and then get their asses handed to them!!!


---Pain Barrier---


The crowd jeer with a passion as we see Bane sitting in a room with no lighting, looking into the camera with a wry smile.

Bane: It's soon time for me to enter the cell and claim Magnum Steele as a tortured soul, boys and girls!

Bane sniggers and the jeering gets louder and louder.

Bane: Soon enough, I'll be basking in the glory of the Universal Title as darkness falls over the Universal Wrestling Alliance. The black clouds gather. May the darkness come! I want to avenge my horrible performances in GZW and WWA and get back to being the old Bane who showed no mercy in his days in the UWF. And I'm gonna start tonight. Watch out, kids blood's gonna pour from the sky!

Bane gets up and leaves the room as the scene fades out but just as it does…

The lights in the arena flicker on and off as "Regulators" by Warren G and Nate Dogg begin to play.  The crowd begins to cheer as Magnum Steele makes his way down the ramp.  He looks out over the crowd with a puzzled look but keeps on heading to the ring.  He leaps up onto the apron and steps over the top rope to where he calls for a mic.

Magnum: Bane!  Are you ready Bane?  Are you ready to put your body through total hell?  Are you ready to take yourself to the next level of competition?  I don't think you are.

Magnum paces the ring looking at the crowd as they chant "Magnum! Magnum!"

Magnum: Now Bane YOU asked for this match.  Just remember that whatever happens to you in that ring tonight is YOUR fault.  I can't be held responsible for what I'm going to do inside that steel cage tonight.  As I grind your face from side to side busting you wide open.  You say that MY blood will be pouring out tonight?  Bane for once in your sorry career it will be YOUR blood that is pouring out.  You will suffer for ALL your trasgressions tonight Bane.  Once that bell sounds you will see a whole new side to me.  A side more vicious than anything anyone has ever seen.  I'm UNTOUCHABLE Bane.  I'm UNBEATABLE!  You don't have ANYTHING on me!  The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be.

He has obviously gotten himself fired up as he paces back and forth at a very high rate of speed never removing his eyes from the ramp.

Magnum: Bane I'm tired of the games.  I'm tired of the constant battling of words.  This is MY time to shine.  This is MY world and MY way Bane.  I OWN you Bane!  I don't sweat you Bane!

He stops talking and looks out over the crowd.  He lowers the mic as the crowd continues to chant.  He looks back to the ramp as he slowly lifts the mic back to his lips.

Magnum: Welcome to zone 213.

"Regulators" kicks back in as Magnum Steele makes his way up the ramp and through the curtains.


---UWA Outlaw Championship---

---Klown versus “The Beast” Jaxon Hayes---


Charles: What a match president Tanner has scheduled for us next.


Arnold: This should defiantly be one for the history books.


Shannon: Both men are risking there lives here tonight for the enjoyment of the crowd.  I can’t bear to think of what might happen to these two men when one is thrown off the top of that 30ft cage.


Arnold: I can’t wait to see it.


Shannon: You’re sick.


The lights flicker on and off as the cage is lowered from the ceiling.  The crowd cheers loudly as the cage touches the ground and completely covers the stage, ramp, and ring.


Charles: What a contraption that cage is. 


Shannon: Unbelievable looking if you ask me.


Arnold: I didn’t ask you.  Did you ask her Charles?


Shannon: Cram it old man.


“Ratamahatta” by Sepultura begins to play as The Beast makes his way through the curtain and down the cage covered ramp to the boos of the crowd.  He pays them no mind as he makes his way into the ring by sliding under the bottom rope.  He looks around before making his way across the ring and out of the door on the opposite side of the ramp.  He climbs his way up the side of the cage and stands as his music continues to play.


Charles: You have to be wondering what is running through the minds of Jason and Klown as they look at this cage.


Arnold: Probably “Oh shit that’s a long fall.”


The sound of pigs being slaughtered is heard around the Sky dome as “Black Heart” by Slipknot begins to play.  Klown makes his way down the ramp as well to the boos of the crowd but instead of ignoring them he flips the crowd off which brings him more boos.  He follows the same procedure that The Beast did as he climbs the cage and awaits the bell.


Charles: Words can’t describe what these two men are feeling right now folks.


Arnold: So let me get this straight.  The first man thrown OFF the cage loses the match?


Charles: That’s correct.


Arnold: Oh hell yea!  Bring on the match.


The bell sounds as the two men circle each other not wanting to make the first mistake.  The two men finally lock up but neither man budges so they break the hold.  They circle each other again before locking up but once again neither man can get the advantage so the hold is broken.


Arnold: Boooo!


Shannon: Shush.


Beast goes for another lock up but Klown ducks behind him and applies a rear waist lock.  He tries to throw him backwards with a release belly to back suplex but Jaxon blocks it.  He tries again but once again Jaxon blocks it.  Finally tired of being blocked, Klown bites The Beast on the back of the neck as Jaxon screams out in pain.  Klown releases his bite before throwing The Beast behind him with a release belly to back suplex that drops him on the edge of the cage.  Klown runs over and tries to push Jaxon off but he refuses to go as he pushes Klown back far enough to buy himself enough time to get back to his feet.


Shannon: Did Klown just bite him? 


Charles: I’m afraid so.


Arnold: That was vicious looking.


The Beast checks the back of his neck for blood and finds some.  Enraged he charges at Klown and spears him down onto the cage.  He mounts him and begins to reign down right hands to his face as he tries to fight free.  Finally tired of that, Jaxon lifts Klown up by his hair and drags him across the cage to the edge.  He looks down and tries to throw Klown off but he reverses it into a knee to the gut.  Klown applies a standing scissor lock before hooking both arms and driving The Beast into the steel cage with a tiger driver.


Charles: Vicious move by Klown there.


Arnold: God bless the UWA.


Klown rolls The Beast over and makes a cover but soon realizes that’s not how you win.  He pulls The Beast up to his feet and delivers a backhand chop to the upper chest that echoes throughout the arena.  He delivers several more that back The Beast up the cage towards where the entrance is.  Klown goes for another one but Jaxon blocks it and delivers a knife edge chop of his own that drops Klown to the steel with force.  The Beast looks behind him to see the letters UWA hanging above the cage.  He smiles sadistically as he walks over and begins to pull one off the wall.  He tries to pull it off but is unsuccessful.  He continues to try which gives Klown enough time to get back to his feet and sneak up on The Beast.  He charges in and levels Beast from behind with a closeline that knocks him into the big U.  The Beast holds onto the U to keep himself up but Klown grabs the back of his head and drives it into the letter several times as the crowd counts along.








Arnold: Hey.  These stupid Canadians can count higher than I thought.


Shannon: That’s wrong Arnold.  We love our Canadian viewers.


Arnold: I bet you do.














As Klown prepares to go for the tenth one The Beast finally gets the letter off the wall and spins around just in time to level Klown with it.


Charles: That’s private property there.  He needs to be punished for it.


Arnold: Being thrown off the cage will be punishment enough.


Klown stumbles back as Jaxon rears back and levels Klown across the face with the big letter knocking him to the ground.  He places the letter down as he pulls Klown back up.  He looks to the crowd as he lifts him up above his head and drives him onto the letter with a huge high impact powerbomb that collapses the letter.


Shannon: That has to be murder on the back.


The Beast pulls Klown up off the letter and body slams him back down onto the cage causing the whole structure to shake.


Charles: I’m not so sure that cage will hold both these men with all that’s going on up there.


Arnold: Lets hope for there sake that it doesn’t hold, he he.


Shannon: You’re a very sick person Arnold.


The Beast goes to pick Klown back up but instead receives a low blow that drops the man to his knees and eye to eye with Klown.  Klown delivers several punches to the face of The Beast that rock him back and forth but don’t drop him.  Klown gets to his feet and reigns down rights and lefts to the face of The Beast until he finally falls backwards onto the steel.  Klown pulls him back up by his hair though and whips him into the remaining letters hanging on the wall.  Jaxon runs into them face first and falls backwards onto the steel to the delight of Klown.


Arnold: Throw someone off already.


Klown walks over and pulls Jaxon to his feet.  He looks to the crowd before charging the edge of the cage and throwing The Beast over it.


Shannon: Where did he go?  Where’s The Beast?


Klown celebrates on top of the cage thinking he’s won but suddenly gets grabbed from behind with a sleeperhold then slammed down hard to the cage by Jaxon.


Shannon: I thought he was thrown over.


Arnold: He grabbed onto the wall of the cage.  What a smart man.


The Beast rolls Klown over on his stomach and grinds his face on the roof of the steel cage back and forth several times as Klown screams out in pain.  The Beast pays no attention to the screams as he continues to grind his face into the steel cage.  He finally stops and pulls Klown up to reveal his face as a bloody mess.  He smiles as he slams his face back into the steel several times.


Charles: This man is vicious.  Just throw the man off the cage and get this match over with.


Arnold: Torture him Beast.  There you go!


Jaxon pulls Klown up and looks at his face and smiles evilly as he goes to throw him off the top.  However Klown reverses the move into a drop toehold slamming The Beast face first into the cage.  Klown having had enough grabs the back of Jaxon’s head and slides his face from side to side busting him open.  He stands up and stomps on the back of his head for good measure before walking around the roof trying to get his head about him.


Shannon: Klown just finish the match here and now.


Arnold: He’s too stupid to finish this match.


Klown pulls The Beast to his feet and into a standing head scissor.  He lifts the man up into a powerbomb position but “Beast” holds on tight in the air and BOTH men fall from the top of the cage straight through a pile of tables!!!



Arnold: I hate deul champions…

Charles: Both Klown and Beast should be commended for one helluva matchup and now they share the role of UWA’s Outlaw Champion!!!




The lights in the arena begin to flicker, the fans are cheering loudly until they here the tune of “Stupify” by Disturbed kicks in. The begin to boo even louder as they place their eyes on the current Universal Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion, the “Dark Angel” Seven. Seven marches down to the ring fixing his gloves as he walks, he gets on the apron and steps over the top rope, the fans continue to boo as Seven raises his hands in the air.



Seven: Oh what the hell do you stupid ass fans know about cheering for your own damn heroes.


The crowd boos even louder.


I’m not out here to entertain your punk ass people; I am out here to warn the man who has come to this arena in hopes of defeating yours truly for this.


Seven holds up the Heavyweight Championship belt, as the fans continue to boo.


Yes, I am talking about the one who calls himself the Berserker, the one who was on the receiving end of a beat down by Seven last week on Vortex, Mr. Paul Phoenix. You see for weeks, the Uwa has been putting these no namers in front of me, beginning with Bane and Inphino, and Now this bastard Paul Phoenix, what the hell is this, to me its nothing but a damn joke. Just like Inphino, Paul you will be made short work of, you will find out just what it is like when you go one on one with the Dark Angel.


Mr. Phoenix, I have tried to warn you, I have tried to plead with you, don’t mess with Seven, I told you a couple of weeks ago that I would hurt you, but did you listen, if you remember last week, then no you didn’t listen, so that is why I am going to do it to you again, and once I have hit you with the Redemption, and you are left unconscious and bloodied in the middle of the ring, I will proceed to kneel down by your broken body, I will place my Championship belt by your head and I will ask you one simple question, I will ask you, Do you believe, Do you Believe that what I say I will do, I do. And you will have no choice but to believe my friend, because I will beat it into your sorry ass, and there is nothing that you can do about it NOTHING.


Seven straps the Uwa World Heavyweight Championship around his waist, and scans the crowd with a smirk on his face.


Now that the small business is taken care of, it’s on to bigger fish. In Bane and Magnum Steele, two men who have for weeks been screaming about how they are just the absolute best, how they are the monsters of this fed, but they have seemed to have neglected the one who stands above them all, the one who is the best of the best, the one who is the ruler of the world, the one who will be the most dominating force in the Uwa, the one who will in due time, own the whole of the Uwa. You two boys, once your little dance is over with tonight, it will be time for you to step up another level, time for you to take on the best of the best, yes, soon my friends, soon, you will have to meet your maker, and your maker is ME, Seven, so prepare for  your downfall, courtesy of yours truly.


With that said, Seven steps over the top rope and walks back up the ramp with both hands in the air as the fans continue to boo him as he smiles at them, Seven disappears behind the curtain, as they cameras head back to the announce table.




---An Arm For A Leg---


Damien ArkAngel is shown walking backstage, admiring himself in the golden belt that is the Intercontinental Championship.  As his attention is distracted looking at his own reflection, he suddenly drops to his knees in a scream of pain!  The camera zooms out to show William Grand sending jolts of electricity right at Damien’s leg with his cane.  William releases and places the cap back on.  Not long after Damien falls on his stomach, William drives his cane down on the back of his leg several times.  WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, WHACK!  William stops and stands above his opponent with a smile.


William:  “As they say, an arm for a leg.  I shall have even more fun taking my Intercontinental title home tonight.  Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame Damien, because that’s all you’ll have from here on out.”


Damien grabs his leg on the floor as William walks off further backstage.  The scene fades.






---UWA Cruiserweight Championship:  Ladder Match---

---“UWA’s Resident Superhero” Zander Frost versus Billy “The Brilliant”---





Charles:  Ladies and gentlemen, this is the match UWA has anticipated ever since the first miraculous round between them.


Shannon:  And after making this a ladder match, things in the match are surly going to be off the charts.


Arnold:  Blah-de-blah-da!  Lets hope they kill each other in this one!  That way we can have a decent Cruiserweight Champion around here!


“Boom!” by P.O.D. is the first to rock the Skydome as the fans rise to their feet in an enormous ovation.  Zander Frost comes out onto the entranceway and jogs around, all hyped up about his match and ready to get it started.  He runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, posing for pictures as he does. 


Shannon:  Billy has a challenge on his hands tonight with Zander.


“We Will Rock You” by Queen is the next to hit.  The fans continue to cheer on as Billy “The Brilliant” comes out with his Cruiserweight Championship strapped around his waist.  He taunts a bit before walking down the ramp and slapping a few fans hands.  Once he takes a good walk around ringside he goes up the steps and gets into the ring.  He hands referee Reese Florey his Cruiserweight Championship.  Reese holds the title into the air, signaling what’s on the line.  The rope falls down as Reese attaches the title to it, then it lifts back up into the air waiting to be taken down to see who the rightful owner is.  The bell sounds and the match is officially underway.


Charles:  Zander and Billy wasting no time locking up in a battle of strength.


The two tussle around, trying to power one another but being evenly matched it goes back and forth.  Billy gets the better hand and comes up behind Zander, looking for a backdrop.  Zander flips out of it though and just as Billy turns around Zander hits a dropkick.  Billy backs into the ropes and bounces himself off of them and taking Zander down with a clothesline.  The two get face to face again and trade a few punches.  Zander goes to whip Billy into the ropes, but Billy reverses.  Zander hops onto the ropes and launches himself off with a...


Charles:  Springboard Crossbody right off the bat!




Zander grabs Billy and throws him out of the ring.  Billy gets to his feet only to find Zander climbing the ropes and leaping off at him!  The two fall on the thin matting at ringside, slowly getting back up.  Billy uses the guardrail to get to his feet while Frost is just now walking over to grab himself a ladder!  The Cruiserweight Champion gets his senses back and heads over to Zander and clubs him from behind with an axe handle.  Zander releases the ladder while Billy grabs him and pushes him right into the steel post!


Shannon:  These two having no problem hurting each other in the early stages of this one.


Billy takes the ladder and slides it halfway in the ring to where part of the ladder is still hanging out at ringside.  He grabs Zander and goes to toss him back into the ring but Zander instead elbows him in the face.  He rolls Billy into the ring and drops to a knee, still feeling the effects of the steel post.  Billy gets to his feet and goes to grab the ladder but Zander dives and hits the end sticking out, which forces the ladder to smash right back into Billy’s face!


Arnold:  HELL YEAH!  Do it a few more times!


Billy staggers around holding his chin, giving Zander time to climb back onto the apron.  Just as Billy turns around Zander jumps on the ropes and launches at him with a diving clothesline.  Zander gets to his feet and grabs Billy but Billy instead rakes him in the eyes and nails a few European Uppercuts.  Zander staggers back into the corner where Billy lays in a few chops to the chest.  Zander falls forward holding his chest in pain while Billy stands on the middle turnbuckle.  Billy leaps from behind Zander and drives him down with a bulldog from the second rope!  The two roll out of the ring and stumble down to their knees.  Billy crawls over to another ladder and grabs it.  The camera switches to Zander who walks over to the ladder used earlier and gets back into the ring.  The two are now in the ring, armed with a ladder each.


Shannon:  What in the world are they going to do here?




Zander and Billy go back and forth with the ladders, each blocking one another’s shots.  The fans are cheering like crazy as the two battle it out.  Zander goes for a shot to the head but Billy ducks and jabs his ladder right at Zander’s gut, ending the fight.  Billy sets the ladder down and grabs Zander in a front headlock, then nails a suplex right onto the ladder!  Zander arches his back and rolls around a bit.  Billy sets the ladder right under his hanging title and begins to climb.  Just as he is halfway through Zander grabs him by the waist, hanging onto his tights.  Billy tries to swat him away but to no avail.  Zander finally finds enough strength to climb up right behind Billy.  He hooks him in rear waist lock then SENDS HIM OFF THE LADDER WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX!


Arnold:  Whoa...


The two lie motionless for a few seconds until Zander begins to stir.  He crawls over to his opponent and begins to lift him to his feet.  He grabs Billy in a scoop slam position but instead places him in a tree-of-woe in the turnbuckle!


Charles:  What’s he looking for here?!


Zander grabs a ladder and sets the top flat down in front of Billy’s face.  Zander runs to the other end of the ring and comes back to BASEBALL SLIDE THE LADDER RIGHT INTO THE FACE OF BILLY!  The fans burst out in a “UWA” chant as Billy falls out of the tree-of-woe position and rolling around the ring holding his face in pain.


Shannon:  Billy might have lost some teeth with that one!


Charles:  If he’s lucky.


With a sudden urge of energy, Zander rolls out of the ring and searches under the ring and pulls out a table!  The fans are cheering him on while he slides it into he ring and sets it up by the ropes.  Billy is propped up in the turnbuckle and bringing his hand up to his face to find blood leaking from his forehead.  Zander walks over to Billy but Billy retaliates with a kick to the face.  He runs at Zander and levels him with a clothesline before dropping a few elbows to the chest.  Billy rolls out of the ring and begins to search under the ring himself.  Zander walks over to the ropes and grabs Billy by the hair but Billy comes out with a fire extinguisher, then spraying the white substance right at Zander’s face and possibly in his eyes!  Zander staggers around in panic while Billy takes his time pulling out another table and setting it up at ringside.


Arnold:  This is what Chris Sharp and Tanner need to do all the time with these boring punks.  The fans love to see nothing more than their bodies going through tables and getting busted open!  YEAH BABY!


Shannon:  You have issues.


Arnold:  So do you.  Here’s a tissue, go clean yourself up!


A hard slap can be heard through their headphones.  Back in the ring Billy is pummeling Zander with a load of punches.  Billy grabs one of the ladders and sets it up in a corner and walks over to Zander, still trying to gain his sight back.  He runs low on time and is set right into the ladder in the corner by Billy!  Zander staggers out, as does the ladder, which hits him in the back of the head!  Zander drops down in a heap with the ladder still on top of him.  Billy takes advantage and jumps on the turnbuckle.  He then jumps back off with a bodysplash right into the ladder and onto Zander’s back!  He rolls around the ring holding his stomach; Zander lays motionless breathing heavily into the mat.  A mixture of “Lets go Billy” and “Zander” chants echo through the arena as the Canadian fans are behind both superstars. 


Charles:  Would you listen to this place?  You’d think it’d be one or the other but this is truly a battle of the ages right now!


The Cruiserweight Champ finds it in him to get to his feet and head back outside to toss in a layer of the steel steps.  He then searches under the ring to find himself ANOTHER table!  The fans applaud this, waiting for someone to go through soon.  Once Billy sets up the table at ringside he grabs the second layer of steel steps and places that under the table!


Shannon:  I don’t know what he’s going here but I don’t think I can watch if one of them goes through.


Arnold:  WHEN one of them goes through.  Be more confident in them!


Her slides into the ring and sets it up to where the steel steps are right by the ropes and facing the table at ringside.  Zander is now stumbling to his feet and to his surprise he sees the contraption Billy has created and quickly comes from behind Billy, forcing him face first into the turnbuckle.  Zander waits till he staggers out to jump onto the second turnbuckle.  Billy turns back to face Zander, but the challenger flies off with a flipping neckbreaker but he lands on the steel steps as well, taking himself out!  Zander arches his back, almost out of breath after nipping his back on the steps.  Billy grabs his head but keeps himself aware of his surroundings.  Zander finds it in himself to drag a nearby ladder over and set it up on top of the turnbuckle as if to create a platform.  He grabs Billy and rolls him onto the ladder and climbs up with him.  Zander helps lift Billy up to his feet but Billy sees this as an advantage.  He hammers Zander with a few rights and lefts.


Arnold:  It might be a late Christmas present from Santa, but YES THEY ARE GOING TO BOTH BE ON THE INJURED LIST SOON!


Zander hangs in though and blocks a few to send an uppercut shot to the chin.  Billy finally has enough and knees Zander right in the gut.  He then places Zander’s head between his legs and signals for the end.




Billy lifts Zander onto his shoulders and is ready to toss him off but Zander fights back.  Billy begins to lose balance and FALLS THROUGH THE LADDER AND ON HIS CROTCH!




Charles:  Billy’s not getting up after that one!


Zander lifts Billy out of the gap and lets him lay there for a second.  Without another second to waste he picks Billy up and goes to toss him off the ladder but Billy holds back!  Billy tries to keep his foot in one of the gaps to keep from falling but instead SLIPS AND SENDS HIMSELF AND ZANDER OFF THE PLATFORM AND THROUGH THE TABLE, CRASHING ONTO THE STEEL STEPS AS WELL!!


Shannon:  OH….  MY….  GOSH!


Charles:  If those two come out of here with only scars and bruises, they are inhuman.


A couple of minutes pass as referee Reese Florey checks on the two back and forth, ready to call the match a draw at any second.  The fans cheer it out and give the two their props while they try to recuperate.  Billy is the first to show movement and crawls into the ring and heads over to grab one of the other ladders.  He slowly begins to get to his feet and sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring.  He looks up at the title only 20 feet away.  Step by step Billy begins to climb, getting closer to his title.  Zander can be seen stirring around and noticing this match could be over soon.  Quickly he slides into the ring and stumbles over to the ladder, tripping over his own feet to make his way up the other end.  The two climb up the steps and once at the very top they trade a few punches.  Billy goes to grab Zander and ram his head into the top of the ladder but Zander put on the brakes and reverses, ramming Billy’s head into the metal top.  Billy weakens and slumps over the top.  Zander, showing no fear of falling, climbs over and switches sides so he is on Billy’s end of the ladder!  He turns Billy around so his back is over the top of the ladder.  Zander hooks his legs with Billy’s arms, grabs Billy’s legs and pulls with A MODIFIED REJECTION (Walls of Jericho) ON THE TOP OF THE LADDER!!!!






Charles:  Do you always have to say that?


The ladder suddenly being to teeter!  Zander looks down to see the ladder moving back and forth and decides to releases the hold!  Billy drops down from the ladder and slams down onto the mat, as does Zander as he looses his grip.  Zander crawls over to Billy and rolls his aching body out to ringside, next to the table Billy set up earlier.  Zander places Billy on the table and hits a few closed fists before walking over to pull out ANOTHER ladder, this time a 25 footer!!  He sets it up right next to the table and punches Billy a few more times to make sure.  Zander slowly but surly climbs the ladder and once at the top he pauses to look around at the fans who are cheering him on 100%.


Charles:  Oh no, don’t tell me he’s going to do this off the ladder!


Zander stands at the VERY top and JUMPS OFF WITH A SNAKE EYES (Swanton Bomb)!!!  As he’s flipping downward Billy finds enough time to roll off and ZANDER SLAMS THROUGH THE TABLE WHICH SHATTERS INTO TINY PIECES!




Shannon & Charles:  OH SHIT!


The fans immediately form a “Holy Shit” chant, knowing that could have been the difference maker in the whole match.  There is no sign of progress from the two who are now being checked on by about five EMTs who rush down to ringside.  Suddenly Seth Richards marches down and pushes the EMTs away!  They try and argue his decision but he says this match will continue without their help! 




Shannon:  This is totally not right.


Arnold:  Gotta love our VP, always doing what’s best for UWA!


Security comes down by Seth’s orders as they escort the EMTs up the ramp.  Seth follows, yelling at them until they fade behind the curtains.  Billy groggily drags himself up onto the ring apron and looks down at Zander in shock.  After struggling to get into the ring he finally does and grabs sets the ladder up again in the middle of the ring.  He climbs...


Shannon:  Billy is going to win this one without second thought!


Billy is halfway up now with Zander showing little movement at ringside in the wreckage.  He’s at the top now, his fingertips touching the gold but Zander finds some adrenaline left in him to stagger back into the ring and push the ladder!!  BILLY FALLS OFF ONTO THE ROPES CROTCH FIRST!!!


Shannon:  MAJOR NUT JOB!!!


Arnold:  You’re telling me.  Billy won’t have kids ever after taking TWO hard blows like that.


The fans are on their feet, not knowing how much longer this one can go but still cheer the two great athletes on.  Billy falls off the ropes and lands at ringside by the commentating table, favoring his now crushed “jewels”.  Zander is sat up in the ring looking around with a look of exhaustion on his face.  A few seconds pass and Zander regains some strength and walks over to the ropes and stands on the apron.  He goes to hit Billy down with an axe handle but Billy nails him in the sternum with a dropkick!  Zander drops down in a fettle position cradling himself hoping for the pain to go away.  Billy takes Zander by the mask and tosses him into the commentating table.  He gets on as well and locks on The Scorpio (Boston Crab)!  Zander is pounding his fist on the table fading by the second.  Billy releases the hold and walks over to get a steal chair from the ring announcer.  Without arguing he gets the chair and slams it onto Zander’s back with a hard smack.


Charles:  Billy is trying to keep Zander down for good, but on our table!


Arnold:  DAMNIT!  If you get a blood stain on there I will personally...  Hire Bane to kick both your asses!


Billy climbs onto the ring apron and starts to ascend to the top rope!!!  He takes a pause, a deep breath, and jumps off for an elbow drop but Zander moves out of the way!!!  BILLY LANDS ON THE EDGE OF THE TABLE WITH A THUD!  Zander shakes the cobwebs and grabs the steal chair and aims at Billy as he wobbles around.  Zander moves in to nail him BUT HE MOVES AND ZANDER HITS SHANNON SQUARE IN THE HEAD!!


Arnold & Charles:  SHANNON!!!!!!


“OH SHIT” can be heard through the arena as everything goes silent.  Zander stands above Shannon in a state of disbelief!  He knees down quickly and checks on her, feeling completely bad about what he has done.  EMTs rush down to the ring and Charles and Arnold take their headphones off to check on their colleague.  Zander grabs his hair and looks around to see Billy slide back into the ring.  Zander shakes his head and continues to check on her but looks back at Billy every now and then.  Finally he goes back to try and finish the match.  Once he gets inside the ring he goes to kick Billy in the gut and nail Zander Bomb (X-Factor) but Billy comes out of nowhere with a low blow!!!  He sets Zander up between his legs and lifts him up onto his shoulders.  After walking around for a bit, he DRIVES ZANDER DOWN THROUGH THE TABLE WITH THE BRILLIANT BOMB (Powerbomb)!!!  Billy stumbles backwards and finds a ladder.  Taking his biggest chance in the match, he sets the ladder up and begins to climb.  The fans cheer and also boo wanting Zander to win.  Billy is at the very top of the ladder, again his fingertips touching the piece of gold.  BILLY PULLS THE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OFF OF THE ROPE AND FALLS FROM THE LADDER HUGGING THE BELT!!!


“We Are The Champion” by Queen hits again as Billy, bloody and all, gets to his feet with his arms raised high along with his Cruiserweight title.  Charles finds enough time to put his headphones back on.




Billy falls down and rolls out of the ring with the fans cheering him on, most of them anyways.  Another team of EMTs rushes down to the ring to check on Zander.






---Not Gone Yet---



(The fans let up a mixed reaction of boos and cheers as “The Berserker” Paul Phoenix is shown stepping out of his limousine in the back with his gear bag in hand. Paul totally ignores Caramel Sanders trying to get an interview and walks straight into his locker room as the scene fades to black.)





---UWA Television Tournament Finals---

---UWA Television Championship Match---

---Trash Taylor verus Blake “Turbo” Dyhart---





Charles: Are you sure your alright, Shannon??


Arnold: Yeah, goofus boy hit you pretty good…


Shannon: I’m fine, and it wasn’t Zander’s fault anyways…


Arnold: Whatever… Next Match!


(“City Slicker” By CirKuz hits and out walks Trash Taylor to a big pop from the Toronto fans. But before he can get halfway down the ramp out runs “Turbo” from behind and clobbers Trash in the back of the head with a steal chair!! Referees swarm the stage but they can’t stop it as Dyhart beats and beats and beats on Trash’s back and head with a steel chair. Finally referees break up the two but Turbo heads for the ring and the refs have to option but to allow the match to go forward as Turbo pulls Trash up into the ring and the bell goes as Turbo cockily places one foot over the out cold Taylor…)






Charles: This tournament has been ruined by this no good street punk!!







Shannon: What a loss…






Arnold: Woo Hoo!!!




Arnold: God bless “Turbo” not only is he starting to find his ways.. but he kept me from having to watch another horrendous matchup!!!


(Turbo celebrates in the ring and Referee Flash Jefferey brings him the UWA Television Championship which Turbo wraps around his waist smiling from ear to ear as the fans boo like crazy. But those boos soon turn to cheers as the face of none other the President James Tanner pops up on the Universal-Tron!!!)


James: You look happy, Blake. Which is why this is so hard for me to tell you… But YOUR NOT THE TV CHAMPION!!!


(The crowd erupts in cheers as Tanner continues and Turbo flips in the ring and won’t let go on the TV Title.)


James: You haven’t earned that title tonight… You’ve cheated at every turn through this tournament! Which is why the Televison Championship will be decided next Vortex in a Four Way Elimination Match featuring William Blessing, Earl Davison, Trash Taylor and yourself for the UWA Television Championship! And if you cheat for that win, Blake, I’ll have you wrestling house shows for three months!!!


(The crowd erupts in cheers but not “Turbo”, he points at the screen and shakes his head and then runs off to the back with the Television Championship before Referee Flash Jefferey can take it back.)


Charles: There, now that’s more fair!


Arnold: What a cheap shot from Tanner?! Turbo earned that title tonight!


Shannon: Right Arnold…




---You Ready?---


Bane is shown walking through the backstage area getting himself ready the big match-up later on in the evening.  Suddenly the big man hits the ground face first in obvious pain as he arches his back.  The camera pans around to show Magnum Steele standing over him holding onto a now bent steel pole.  He smiles evilly as he slams the pole back down across the back of Bane then throws it down.

Magnum: That's just a small taste of what our match will be like tonight.  Hope your ready.

Magnum kicks him a couple of times for good measure before walking off down the hallway.



---UWA Intercontinental Championship Match---

---William Grand versus “Fighting Force” Damien ArkAngel---


(“Bow Down” By Westside Connection hits and the fans rise up in half cheers and half boos as out walks the challenger to the IC championship, William Grand. William raises his arms in the air as some members of the crowd cheers for the challenger while others still boo. William sneers at the fans near ringside before sliding into the ring and avoiding Referee Flash Jefferey who is the ref chosen to referee this matchup. William leans against the top turnbuckle and cracks his knuckles awaiting his ex-ally and the Intercontinental Champion, Damien ArkAngel.)

Arnold: Doesn’t William look really ready? I think I might have to pick him for this one…

Charles: Sure Arnold…

(“Forest” By System of a Down hits and the fans erupts in loud boos as the Intercontinental Champion, “Fighting Force” Damien ArkAngel walks out onto the ramp and immediately starts to trash William from the top of the ramp. William isn’t gonna take it though and pushes past Flash and jumps from the ring and heads up the ramp after Damien!!)

Shannon: Grand isn’t gonna waist time.

(William and ArkAngel meet halfway down the ramp and Damien goes for a cheap shot with the Intercontinental Title Belt but Grand ducks and then boots Damien in the stomache before suplexing him onto the steel ramp!!! William quickly pulls Damien up and with a pop from the crowd lifts him up into the air and then POWERBOMBS HIM OFF THE RAMP AND THROUGH A CREW TABEL BELOW!!!!)

Crowd: “HOLY SHIT!!! HOLY SHIT!!!”


Charles: William Grand may not have left anything left of Damien for this match to even begin?

(Flash Jefferey and about 5 other referees and EMT’s swarm over the wreckage of Grand and Damien and much to the surprise of everyone it is Damien who is the first to get to his feet?!?!)

Shannon: How is ArkAngel standing???

Arnold: Uh… I change my mind.. I pick Damien to retain!

Charles: I really can’t believe it that Damien is even walking, let alone to be the first man up after that… His body must be running on pure adrenaline?!

Arnold: On hatred, CB, he hates William Grand!

(ArkAngel pushes past a group of EMT’s and pounces on William and begins to pound down on Grand with hard right hands and left hands just flying like crazy!!)

Shannon: ArkAngel looks like an animal?!

(Damien finally pulls William up and pulls him by the hair down the side of the ramp towards the ring but stops and rolls him up on top of the ramp and climbs up himself. ArkAngel feels his back where the grate marks from the ramp can still be seen and pulls Grand up and hooks him up and drives him into the steel ramp with a Gutwrench Powerbomb!!!)

Arnold: Wow, this is amazing!

(The crowd boos Damien loudly as Flash tries to get the two to get back in the ring, Damien finally consents and literally peels William up and rolls him into the ring and slides in after wards and the bell finally goes to officially start this matchup with Damien going for a pin right away…)









Charles: NO! NO! NO! Grand kicks out!

Shannon: What a showing to just kick out of that Gutwrench Powerbomb onto the steel ramp by William Grand!

Arnold: Uh… Maybe I was right with my first pick... Yeah, I pick William Grand again!

(Damien pounds the mat in frustration as the fans are on their feet in cheers for William who slowly pulls himself over to a neutral corner and begins to pull himself up slowly as ArkAngel charges in and begins to pound at William with hard kicks to the chest and arms trying to wear the challenger down as best he can. Finally pulling William up and going to Irish Whip him across the ring but stopping and quickly dropping Grand down with a modified bulldog! William holds his head in pain as ArkAngel walks around William and sneers and shouts all sorts of swear words at him before stomping viciously on William’s already injured shoulder.)

Charles: Damien wants to concentrate on that shoulder he started on last Vortex with that steel chair.

(Damien pulls William up and locks him up in a arm lock as William yells out in pain. Damien tightens the arm bar, but William finally reverses it and wrenches up on the arm of ArkAngel before tripping his legs up and dropping the Intercontinental Champion flat on his face!! The crowd pops as William quickly moves down and then locks in an ankle lock on the Intercontinental Champion much to the crowd delight as ArkAngel tries to scramble for the ropes but William has got the ankle lock locked in tight and Damien isn’t going anywhere…)

Shannon: This is bad for Damien!!

Arnold: I knew I was right to go with William!!

(Damien scrambles for the ropes again but again William holds tight and keeps Damien far away from the ropes as the Intercontinental champions ankle is damn near about to snap! ArkAngel looks like he’s about to tap but pulls himself up and summersaults out of the ankle lock and pushes Grand back with his feet and scrambles from the ring as he tries to stand on his now hurt ankle but it doesn’t look good.)

Charles: This may be it for Damien.. He escaped the ankle lock but what damage has been done to the Intercontinental Champions ankle?!

Shannon: Grand has definitely put himself in the drivers seat.

(Referee Flash Jefferey starts the manditory ten count as Damien hobbles around outside the ring…)









(Damien quickly slides into the ring to break the ten count but then slides back out again!)

Charles: William should ignore the ten count and get on his ass!

Shannon: This is only letting ArkAngel regroup…

(Damien smiles as he has broken the  ten count but turns around just in time to be greeted by William Grands boots right to the chin! ArkAngel falls back against the announcers table as William slides from the ring but slides right into a nicely scouted spear from the “Fighting Force”!!!)

Charles: ArkAngel came out of nowhere with that Spear!!

(The crowd boos as both Damien and William lay outside the ring and Flash jumps out to check on each. Damien is once again the first to his feet and slowly leans over to pick up William again and this time whips him straight into the steel steps with a loud CRASH!!!)

Shannon: Damien ArkAngel should be disqualified for that?!

Arnold: Oh wait… I changed my mind again! Damien, Damien retains!

Charles: Why don’t you just say that one of these two will win and be done with it??

Arnold: I like the suspense… It’s like sex!

Shannon: That’s disgusting!!

Arnold: Hehehe…

(Damien ignores the pleas from Flash and quickly pulls William up again and lifts him up onto his shoulder and aims at the ring post as he gets up a head of steam but Grand slides off of Damien’s shoulder and gives him a shove in the back for good measure as ArkAngel crashes into the ring post himself!! William quickly tosses Damien into the ring again and slides in himself and hooks the legs for a pin…)










Shannon: So close, but give credit to Damien he kicked out!

(William gets up and crouches down in attack position as ArkAngel slowly begins to stir. The crowd is on its feet as ArkAngel pulls himself up and turns around right into….)

Charles: Courtesy Call!!!! (Sweet Chin Music)

Shannon: Grand got it?!

Arnold: I changed my mind again… William wins!



















Charles: NO WAY!!!

Shannon: Damien ArkAngel just kicked out of the Courtesy Call!!!

Arnold: HOW?!

(The crowd is in a frenzy as Damien has kicked out. William seems shocked and holds up three fingers to referee Flash Jefferey but the shakes his head and only holds up two. William seems angry though and quickly gets up and shoves Flash into the corner but as he turns around is ROCKED by a low blow from Damien!!!)

Charles: Low Blow! Low Blow!

Shannon: Damien isn’t done yet!

(Grand drops down and holds his royal globes and Damien quickly pulls himself up using the ropes and wipes the bit of blood on his lip from the Courtesy Call before crouching down himself and waiting, stalking William as he slowly begins to move. William pulls himself up and turns around just as Damien attempts his own Courtesy Call (Sweet Chin Music) but Grand manages to duck it and in turn kicks Damien in the stomache and hooks up for a…)

Charles: Grand Finale!!! (Original Pedigree)

Shannon: No?!

(Just as William is about to hit the Grand Finale, Damien pushes up with all his power and lifts William up and with all his strength SMASHES him down into the mat with…)

Shannon: Trigger Bomb!!! (Test Diving Powerbomb)

Arnold: Damien hooks the leg?! I knew he would win…
















(The crowd erupts as William SOMEHOW gets his shoulder up?!?! Damien snaps and pounds the mat with both fists in a fit of rage before getting up and lifting the still stunned Grand up onto his shoulder again but instead of hitting the Trigger Bomb right away, Damien taunts the crowd by giving them the double fingers, THUS GIVING WILLIAM A CHANCE TO SLIP OFF AND A BOOT TO THE GUT LATER….)

Charles: Grand Finale!!! Grand Finale!!! (Original Pedigree)

Shannon: Williams got the cover?!























Charles: It’s over?! William Grand has done it!! William Grand is the Intercontinental Champion!!

Arnold: I knew he would win right from the start!

Shannon: Oh my god…

(William gets to his feet and is handed the UWA Intercontinental Championship as the arena is on its feet! William cradles the IC title like a newborn child as he drops to his knees. The fans cheer loudly as Damien finally comes around and looks over to see William holding what is now HIS Intercontinental Championship and sneers in anger before sliding from the ring and slowly making his way up the ramp as “Bow Down” by Westside Connection blares and William celebrates in the ring.)

Charles: What a match! What a night!

Arnold: And we’re not done yet… Phoenix versus Seven.

Shannon: And Magnum Steele versus Bane is still to come!!!


---Tensions At The Breaking Point---


Magnum Steele is shown walking towards the ring as his UWA Universal Heavyweight championship match is only minutes away. But before Magnum can take another step he is tackled into the cement wall by “The God of Pain”!!! Immediately security and referees are in between the two as both men are pushes back but not before Magnum and Bane take out at least 3 security guards each with hard rights and lefts. Finally Bane backs off and just points at Magnum with his mammoth hand as the scene fades back to ringside.




---UWA World Heavyweight Championship---

---“The Berserker” Paul Phoenix versus “Dark Angel” Seven---



Shannon:  This match has been in the making for a long time and now after weeks of battling, Paul Phoenix will have his shot at the UWA World Heavyweight Champion Seven!


Charles:  I think both men have a lot to prove in this match.  Especially Seven as he’s been called a fraud and a copy as of late.  But “The Berserker” is looking to come into this match with nothing, but leave the World Champion of our company.


Arnold:  You two talk way too much.  You’re holding up one of the few non-boring matches of the night!


The arena goes silent until the lights cut out and “I Stand Alone” by Godsmack begins to play.   Red and black light flicker about as Paul Phoenix comes out to a shower of boos from the fans.  He cockily walks down the ramp, flexing his muscles and talking trash to the fans.  Once he gets to the ring he hops inside and flaunts around and waits in the middle of the ring while his music begins to die down.


Arnold:  Hate him, love him, you have got to respect his talent.


Shannon:  He’s a big guy, that’s for sure!  Probably the biggest advantage he has over Seven!


“Stupify” by Disturbed is the next to hit, bringing the fans to their feet as the obvious favorite steps out onto the ramp in his usual dark attire.  The UWA World Heavyweight Championship is wrapped around his waist, revealing to the world he is one of the best in the business.  He walks down the ramp with slow, but large steps not paying attention to the fan’s appraisal.  Seven walks up the steel steps and walks along the apron but is met by Paul Phoenix who sits on the ropes and welcomes him in!  Seven instead steps over all three ropes and steps into the ring.  He walks over to where the main cameras are facing and leans against the ropes, taking his title off from around his waist and holding it high into the air with one hand. 




The bell sounds as Paul Phoenix comes up from behind Seven and knocks him off the ropes and tumbling out to ringside.  The fans boo while Paul steps outside and kicks Seven before he has a chance to get back to his feet.  Paul grabs the World title and straps it around his waist acting as if he already owns it!


Shannon:  Now that’s just the biggest slap in the face to UWA and Seven!


He grabs Seven by the hair and rolls him back into the ring.  Seven is quick to his feet though and as Paul gets onto the apron he grabs him by the head and tosses him over the ropes and into the ring.  Paul backs up a bit to get to his feet but is met with a clothesline to take him back down.  Seven grabs Paul and sends him into the ropes.  Off the return Paul comes off with an elbow shot to the face.  He gets back up quickly only to be met with a slap to the chest.  Seven returns though with a slap of his own.  Paul looks for a clothesline but it’s only ducked by Seven.  Seven comes up from behind Paul, unstraps his belt but keeps a hold of the two ends then sends Paul flying over his head with a German Suplex!  Referee Reese Florey swipes the title away and tosses it to the ring announcer.


Charles:  Seven using that title as an offensive weapon!


Arnold:  Well, I’m offended being in the same company as this freak!


Charles:  OFFENSIVE, not offensive…


Paul gets back to his feet and is sent into the ropes.  He comes off the rebound to duck an attempted clothesline.  Once he comes back he nails Seven with a diving punch.  Seven staggers back into the ropes where Paul slaps him in the chest and sends him across the ring.  He bounces off the ropes and comes back only to be dropped down in a spincebuster by Phoenix who goes for a pin and only gets a one count out of it.  Paul lifts Seven up by the hair and goes to whip him into the turnbuckle but Seven puts on the breaks and hits Paul with a short-arm clothesline!  Seven drops down and looks as if he were going for the pin but instead chokes him viciously for a few seconds until Reese counts him down.  He releases the hold at the count of five. 


Shannon:  Seven is relentless.  He doesn’t care how he finishes you, as long as he comes out with the win.


Seven grabs Phoenix and tosses him out of the ring only to follow him out.  Paul gets to a knee when Seven lifts him up and drops him throat first over the guardrail.  Paul staggers back and is sent right into the steel steps!  Seven rolls back into the ring and waits while Paul regains his senses.  The ref reaches six when Paul gets back into the ring but Seven drops down on him with a few elbow drops.  He drags his opponent to the middle of the ring and takes the pin.






Kickout.  Seven goes to lift Paul back up but Paul hits a few haymaker punches to the gut.  He then pushes Seven into the ropes and catches him in a strong sleeper hold.


Arnold:  Paul Phoenix locks in one of the best moves in this business!


Shannon:  I thought you said this move was boring?


Charles:  Shannon, just nod your head and smile, simple as that.


Seven jabs Paul in the gut and shoots him into the ropes.  He drops down on his stomach while Paul leaps over.  Paul comes back off the ropes and Seven frog jumps over him.  Paul stops and as Seven turns around he grabs him in a Belly-to-Belly!  Seven sits up and gets up to stare down Paul who lays in a shot to the head.  Seven snaps his head back and grabs Paul’s fist as he goes for another punch.  He squeezes it but Paul shows his strength and tosses Seven across the ring with one arm!  Seven staggers to his feet and is slammed down with a scoop slam from The Berserker.  Paul launches himself off the ropes and comes back with a leg drop across the throat and the pin.  One, two, another kickout.  Seven grabs onto the ropes and gets to his feet but as he sees Paul charge at him he grabs the top rope and drops down.  Paul stumbles over and hits the ringside mat with a thud.


Shannon:  Nice use of the ropes by Seven.


Charles:  I think they might be coming over here!


Arnold:  What is it with people and coming to our table?!  GET YOUR OWN!


Seven steps over the ropes and grabs Paul from behind to smash his face into the commentating table but Paul blocks and elbows Seven in the face.  Paul grabs Seven’s head and rams it into the table.  He does this a few more times before pushing him down to the mat.  Without caring about the DQ clause Phoenix grabs one of the cameraman’s cords and wraps it around Seven’s throat and begins to choke the life out of him.  Ref Florey yells down for him to stop and get back into the ring.  Paul drops the cord and slides into the ring for a split second onto to break up the countout.  Seven slowly gets to his feet but is guided on top of the table and punched a few times.  Paul gets on top with him and lifts him to his feet.  He places Seven on his shoulders and looks around with a huge smile on his face.




Paul goes to spin Seven around but Seven lands on his feet and wails at him with a load of punches.  Paul goes to attack but Seven sends him into the air and dropping to the hard matting at ringside with an elevated back body drop!


Shannon:  That had to take his breath away!


Paul arches his back and squints his eyes in pain.  Seven realizes the count is now at NINE!  He quickly grabs Phoenix and rolls him into the ring and follows.  Once inside Paul wobbles over to the ropes.  Seven charges at him with a clothesline and connects.  Paul snaps back up and is taken down with another clothesline and snaps back up again.  This time Seven sends him into the ropes and as he comes off the rebound Seven twirls him around and places him over his shoulder.  He goes for a powerslam but Paul slides behind and nails a blatant low blow not seen by the ref though!  The crowd boos like crazy as Paul places Seven’s head between his legs and lifts him on his shoulder.  Seconds later he drives Seven down with a ring rattling powerbomb!!!  He goes for the pin…
















NO!  Seven gets the shoulder up.  Paul looks over at the ref and stalks him around the ring.  He traps him in the corer and grabs him by the shirt.  Suddenly Seven charges at Paul but Paul moves out of the way, revealing the ref in the corner.  Seven is too late to stop and squashes Reese Florey in the turnbuckle!




Shannon:  It wasn’t even his fault!  Paul put him there!


Seven looks down at the ref and taps him to see he’s alright.  Obviously not but by this time Paul has grabbed a steel chair and brings it into the ring.  He lifts it in the air and charges at Seven but Seven turns around and hits a thunderous big boot, smashing the chair right back at Paul’s face!!!  The crowd pops.  Seven looks down at Paul and lifts him up.  He then places his arm over his shoulder and drills him down with…




Arnold:  HA!  CARMA always comes back to haunt you.  Seven hits the ref now the ref isn’t there to count for him!


Seven takes the pin just as Reese is sluggishly crawling over for the count.




















PAUL KICKS OUT!  Seven grabs his hair, not believing he just kicked out.  Seven signals for the end and lifts Paul to his feet.  He places him in a reverse DDT position, looking for the Redemption (Test Drive)!  Seven spins around but Paul somehow finds a way to add an extra twist AND DRIVES SEVEN DOWN WITH HIS OWN BRINK (Test Drive)!!!




Paul pulls himself over to Seven and makes the pin.












SEVEN GETS A FOOT ON THE ROPES!  Paul pounds the mat and mounts over Seven to ram his fists into his face.  Seven grabs him around the throat though and gets to his feet!  He forces Paul into the turnbuckle and lays the “smackdown” on him with a combination of punches, jabs, uppercuts, and kicks.  Paul finally rolls out of the ring and begins to walk around ringside until he reaches the ring announcer.  He gets this huge grin and takes the World Title.  Then he gets back into the ring and tosses the title at Seven followed by a missile dropkick to the title which hits Seven in the face!






Arnold:  Eh, I guess I’ll let you use that one.


Paul lifts Seven to his feet and looks for another Belly-to-Belly but Seven keeps his ground.  Instead, Seven hits a headbutt, which at first doesn’t phase Paul but after a few more Paul releases the hook.  Seven goes for a few hard tricep shots the face and then sends him into the ropes.  Paul holds off though and slides out of the ring.  Seven walks over to grabs him but Paul comes off with a guillotine off the ropes! Seven staggers around while Paul quickly scurries into the ring and hits a hard spear to the gut!  He goes for the pin.












Seven kicks out again with much approval from the crowd.  Paul is irate again and kicks Seven until he falls into a heap on the ringside floor.  Ref Florey argues with him to lay off the kicks.  Paul doesn’t find this at all pleasing and gets into the refs face.  He finally calms down a bit and goes through the middle rope to grabs Seven but SEVEN WITH A HARD STEEL CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD!!!


Arnold:  DQ!!  DQ HIS ASS!!




Paul falls down, knocked out cold.  Seven gets back into the ring while also hiding the evidence of a steel chair shot.  He crawls over to make the pin.

































Shannon:  That’s usually what the three count means!


Charles:  Well, Seven retains nonetheless, whether he cheated or not.


Arnold:  Paul will get his rematch!  And he’ll win next time too!


Seven is handed his World Heavyweight Championship as his arm is held into the air.  The camera cuts to commercial.





Scorpio Productions




Universal Wrestling Alliances




“Live From Turner Field in Atlanta Georgia!”

Coming Soon!





---UWA Universal Heavyweight Championship Match: Cell Match---

---“The Monster” Magnum Steele versus “The God of Pain” Bane---



Charles: It is finally time to crown a UWA Universal Heavyweight Champion!

Arnold: No jumping back and forth for me here… It’s all Bane baby!

Shannon: But can “The God of Pain” survive “The Monster”???

(“Regulators” By Warren G and Nate Dogg seems to break the silence in the arena as the fans rise up and cheer loudly the man they obviously want to win the Universal Heavyweight Championship, as “The Monster” Magnum Steele walks out onto the ramp, wearing a promotional “I’m The Monster!” t-shirt which he rips open (ala Hulk Hogan) much to the delight of the ladies in the crowd. Magnum slowly makes his way to the ring and looks up at the solid steel Cell that hangs over the ring and nods his head as he slowly slides under the bottom rope and climbs to the top turnbuckle and taunts as the fans go nuts!!)

Charles: Magnum Steele has become one of the most popular superstars that UWA has to offer since he left SLWA!

Arnold: Yeah, but now Magnums got bigger problems than the fans liking him or not… He’s about to face the one man who maybe can claim to be just as big, and for sure can claim to be just as bad as “The Monster”!

(Magnum looks up as the crowd starts to cheer as the Cell slowly begins to lower down over Steeles head. Blue and white lights illuminate the steel cell as it slowly and finally reaches it’s destination as “The Monster” is totally caged in except for one door nearest to the ramp as with the lights still off the sounds of “Bottled Up Inside” By Korn hits and the fans boo as out walks Bane and waists no time, no taunting, and walks straight into the Cell and slides under the ropes and stands eye to eye with Magnum as the fans are on their feet wanting to see the two biggest men in UWA go at it!)

Shannon: The fans want it and they’re going to get it…

(The door behind Bane is quickly shut and locked with a large chain and padlock so that neither man can escape the steel structure. The bell goes and both men stare at each other with nothing but hatred in their eyes but it is Bane who breaks the silence and with a great cheer from the Skydome fans, the battle is underway as both men swing rights and lefts hard into each others faces and bodies!!! Bane wears Magnum back into the ropes and launches him across the ring and follows it up as “The God of Pain” buries his knee into the abdomen on “The Monster” with such force that Magnum almost buckles!! Bane doesn’t stop though and whips Magnum across to the other side of the ring and once again follows it up with a high knee to the gut that gets a moan of pain out of Steele.)

Arnold: Bane! On top right from the start!

Charles: Don’t count your chickens until they hatch!

Arnold: Thank you Farmer Bob….

Shannon: Hahaha…

(Bane drags Magnum into the center of the ring and powers his elbow and arm into the back of Steele but Magnum refuses to go down to his knees as Bane once again drives his elbow straight into the kidneys of Magnum Steele, but Magnum just stumbles and falls into the ropes but then launches himself off the ropes and hits a hard spear into the lower torso of “The God of Pain” but amazingly Bane doesn’t go down but falls back and holds himself up in the ropes. As once again both men are up on their feet and standing eye to eye.)

Charles: It may be awhile before these two can feel each other out.

(Magnum tries to swing at Bane but “The God of Pain” has it scouted and ducks under Magnums massive arm and amazingly hits a Backdrop that takes Magnum Steele up and over and to the mat with a thunderous bang! The crowd is chanting “UWA!” as Bane gets up and stomps away on the now down and vulnerable “Monster”! Magnum tries to pull himself to the corner but Bane is to fast for him and grabs his leg and pulls him back into the center of the ring and hooks up both of Magnum’s legs and then CATAPULTS THE 7 FOOT, 489 POUND “MONSTER” RIGHT OVER THE TOP ROPE AND CRASHING INTO THE CAGE ON THE OUTSIDE!!!)


(The fans have exploded at just seeing such a huge man fly through the air like that as Bane looks over the top rope at the destruction he has inflicted on Magnum Steele, as “The Monster” went face first into the solid steel caging on the Cell and is now laying on the ground in a heep as Bane slowly pulls himself out of the ring and picks Magnum up by the head and then smashes “The Monsters” face right into the ring post before turning around and shoving his face right into one of the foot holes on the cage itself!!! The pointed ends of the cage that are exposed are SHOVED RIGHT INTO MAGNUMS FACE AS “THE MONSTER” CRIES OUT AND HOLDS HIS NOW VERY BADLY BLEEDING FACE IN HIS HANDS!! Bane grabs Magnums face and then wipes all five fingers down the front of his own face and marks the blood of his enemy on his skin as Magnum slowly pulls himself up and tries to swing at Bane but the blood in his eyes has blinded him and he hits nothing but air as Bane simply boots Steele in the side and “The Monster” collapse against the steel cage.)

Charles: Magnum Steele is being manhandled by this monster, this god of pain!

Arnold: Woo Hoo!!!

(Bane slowly picks Magnum up again as the fans have calmed down and are pretty quiet now as Bane has taken them totally out of this match by destroying Magnum so early on. But the silence seems to shatter as Bane’s attempt at an irish whip goes bad and Magnum reverses and sends Bane shoulder first into the steel cell!!! Bane stumbles back but is knocked flat on his ass by a HUGE clothesline from Magnum!!!)

Shannon: That got these fans going again!!

(Magnum reaches down and pulls Bane up before rolling him back into the ring and quickly following as he lifts Bane up into a powerbomb position…)

Charles: Can Magnum Steele powerbomb a man the size of Bane?!

(Magnum tries to he can’t get Bane up and over… “The Monster” roars and tries again but he can’t lift Bane up high enough and drops him again… He tries toa third time and to the amazement of the crowd gets Bane up in the air and drives him into the mat with a huge Maximum Pain!!! (Farooq Style Powerbomb) Magnum quickly drops for the first pin attempt of the match…)












Charles: Bane kicks out! We were all expecting that!

Arnold: It’ll take more then that to keep Bane down…

(Magnum gets to his feet and crouches down as the fans cheers loudly awaiting what could be… a 213 attempt but as Magnum hooks Bane up, “The God of Pain” hits one hell of a low blow and brings Magnum down to size!!! Bane pulls himself up and then drills Magnum’s face and head into the mat with a Tornado DDT!!! The fans are still chanting for Magnum as Bane is the first one to his feet and pulls Magnum up himself this time as he gets in position for an Implosion attempt!!!)

Charles: Bane can’t lift Magnum Steele, if he does, then by god he deserves the UWA Universal Heavyweight Championship!!

(Sure enough it doesn’t look like Bane can lift Magnum as Steele holds on tightly to Banes legs for support. Finally after three attempts, Bane knees Magnum in the chest hard and then locks him into a Bearhug!!! The fans boo as Bane pulls with all his might on Magnum but Steele won’t submit and this time hits a low blow of his own that drops Bane down to his knees and from their Magnum picks him up and hits to the amazement of the fans and the announce crew….)


Charles: 213!!! 213!!! (Spiral Powerbomb)

Arnold: NO!!!!!

Shannon: Magnum’s got the cover and listen to these fans… Magnums done it!!!




















Arnold: OH NO HE HASN’T!!!!!

(A massive boo goes up as somehow, someway, Bane has just kicked out of the 213!!!)

Charles: I can not believe it!!

Shannon: No one here can!! Look at Magnum, he’s in shock!!!

(Magnum’s face has turned a crimson red as he quickly picks up Bane and hooks him up to looks for the 213 again but all of a sudden “Points of Authority” By Linkin Park explodes over the PA system and out walks the long missing Co-President of UWA, Alex DeMonye with a steel chair in hand!!!)

Arnold: He’s back!!!!

Charles: And that’s not necessarily good news for Magnum!!

(The fans are in a state of bewilderment as DeMonye demands that the Cell door be opened and Referee Reese Florey has no choice but to obey his boss as the door opens and in slides Alex DeMonye with steel chair in hand standing right in front of Magnum… DeMonye swings the chair but Magnum smokes it with his fist and pushes it away!!!)

Charles: Magnum Steele just punched that steel chair away?!!?

(DeMonye immediately drops his mad look and pleads with Magnum as the crowd cheers loudly for “The Monster” as he tucks DeMonye under and looks to hit a 213 on the Co-President of UWA, but Bane launches his attack and boots Magnum in the back which causes DeMonye to fall from the ring and Magnum to fall forward… Steele turns around and Bane quickly kicks him square in the nuts and then hooks Magnum up and delivers….)

Arnold: The Implosion!!! (Tombstone Piledriver)

Charles: Right onto that steel chair!!!

Shannon: The cover….























Arnold: Bane did it! Bane did it!!! He’s the first ever UWA Universal Heavyweight Champion!!!

Charles: Bane has done it, but it took the interference of our Co-President to get the job done…

Shannon: Magnum will get a rematch though, they won’t end this like this…


(In the ring Bane is presented with the UWA Universal Heavyweight Championship by none other then Alex DeMonye as “Bottled Up Inside” by Korn hits again and DeMonye and Bane walk from the Cell and up the ramp to the loud boos of the fans who were cheated from a fair match. At the top of the ramp though DeMonye stops and pulls out a microphone as the music dies down….)

DeMonye: Listen to me! And listen good! UWA has crowned it’s first Champion, it’s first Universal Heavyweight Champion and a man I have hand picked for a reason… Bane has been to GZW before, Bane has been there and back and faced there best! It’s time… The Drums of war shall beat throughout CCW as GZW attacked me at F:ZD… Payback will come… WAR HAS BEGUN!!!

(There is a loud mix of boos but mostly cheers at this statement as DeMonye raises both arms up in the air as Bane holds his UWA Universal Heavyweight Championship over his left shoulder as DeMonye is about to continue but the crowd stops short as “School of Hard Knocks” By P.O.D hits over the PA system and out comes the acting Co-President of UWA and President of LCW… Chris Sharp! Being wheeled out by none other then Paul Phoenix!!)

Charles: What’ this about?!

Arnold: Who cares?! WAR HAD BEGUN!!!

DeMonye: Thank you Paul, right on time… You Chris, have far with stayed your time here… Your welcome is over! You’ve tried for weeks to take MY job and MY company out from underneath my nose… I won’t have it!!! So guess what Chris…YOUR FIRED!!!!!!

(The crowd boos loudly as DeMonye stands face to face with his old friend.)

Shannon: These fans don’t want Chris to be fired at all…

Arnold: The fans are idiots!

(DeMonye smiles as he stands up and then a loud “OOOHHH!!!” goes up from the crowd as DeMonye SLAPS CHRIS ACROSS THE FACE!!! Alex turns around an soaks up the boos from the crowd with his arms in the air as both Bane and Paul hold a shoulder of Chris’s but both back off and those boos soon turn to LOUD CHEERS AS CHRIS SHARP STANDS UP OUT OF HIS WHEEL CHAIR AND WALKS UP BEHIND DEMONYE!!!)

Charles+Shannon+Arnold: OH MY GOD!!!

(DeMonye turns and the look of his face says it all as Chris hauls back and clobbers DeMonye with a hard right hand to the jaw that almost knocks the Co-President out!!! Alex stumbles back and calls to Paul for help but instead Phoenix boots DeMonye in the stomach and to the shock of everyone locks DeMonye up with The Berserker!!! (Torture Rack) as DeMonye scream in pain!!! Paul lets DeMpnye down but Bane steps up and lifts Alex into the air before driving him into the steel rampway with…)

Arnold: The Implosion!!! (Tombstone Piledriver) Onto the steel ramp!!!

Shannon: DeMonye isn’t moving!! What a sickening attack!!

Charles: I’m shocked!!

(Chris reaches down as the arena falls silent and raises the microphone to his lips as he looks down at the limp body of his one time friend…)

Chris: I told you measures would be taken to neutralize your power… And now Alex, I have pleasure of saying…. YOUR FIRED!!!! From MY COMPANY!!!

Arnold: Holy Girls Gone… Ah screw it!! HOLY SHIT!!!

Charles: What does all this mean? We’re out of time… Thank you for joining us tonight!

Shannon: Perfect Darkness has settled over the UWA!!!!




Billy Reid Writings

(Matches 3,6)

Desert Storm Productions

(Matches 2,9,12)

Big Dawg Writings

(Match 8)

Voltage Writings

(Matches 1,4,5,7,10,11,13)


Scorpio Productions 2002

Universal Wrestling Alliance 2002