Sontowski Prozessrechentechnik GmbH
Uwe Sontowski Hard- und Software Entwicklung fuer die Prozessrechentechnik
The company "Uwe Sontowski Hardware- and Softwareentwicklung fuer die Prozessrechentechnik" was founded in 1985. In January 1991 it was incorporated as the Sontowski Prozessrechentechnik GmbH. It was liquidated in 2000. A repair and spare part service is available for the products "VEC" and "OPTOAD2". Please contact me at .

Our main products was first process control software for thickness control of calander and extruder applications. In 1988 we began developing and producing VMEbus and customer specific hardware. In 1989 we porteted the Real Time Operating System OS-9 first to our 68020 CPU board VEC; In 1991 we ported it to our 68040 based VEC2 CPU.

Our main customer was
Betacontrol GmbH.
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The VEC (VMEbus single board computer). Developed in 1988 as the thesis for Uwe Sontowski. It contains a graphic processor, a 68020 microprocessor, and uses 4 Xilinx XC2000 and XC3000 FPGAs.
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The VME bus compatible OPTOAD2 contains an 18 bit AD Converter, 4 12 bit DA converters, 24 bit 24 V Outputs, 32 24 V Inputs and 2 bidirectional Counters.
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The SSR4PWM contains 4 pulse width modulated 110-240 Volt channels to control the heating of extruder gaps. It is based on a 8051 microcontroller and a serial customer specific protocol.
customer specific keyboard with 8051 microcontroller
For further information please contact Uwe Sontowski
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