Vitamin C

Finisher: Overdose
Alignment: Face
Achievements: ECW2 Hardcore Champion; KWF Champion; KWF Tag Team Champion(w/ James Tough); KWF Hardcore Champion; Hardcore Champion (2); UWF Tournament Winner; X Division Champion; Unified (X Division & Hardcore) Champion;

Debuting under the name Chris-O, Vitamin C is unarguebly the greatest wrestler in UWF history. With so many achievments under his belt he has accomplished everything there is to be accomplished. The only thing he has left to do is become UWF Champion but with what he has already achieved that would just be another tick on his list.

He has taken some of the biggest bumps ever, taken light tubes to the head, powder in his eyes, slammed through table after table, smashed with chair after chair, collided with ladder after ladder, its no wonder he's held the Hardcore Championship twice as well as holding it in other organisations.

He can endure just about anything, Vitamin C is never one to give up, never one to let the dust settle, he is so determined and adrenaline rushed that he anything that would normally look difficult to anyone else appears as a piece of cake for this hardcore veteran.

Behind all the hardcore wrestling you see from this guy, he has a great list of technical submission moves which give him a brilliant advantage over many others.