Risk Ranks
Since this UWF all matches will No DQ not Fall count anywhere

One Star (*) matches ain't all that hardcore

Single Match (Well this is UWF there is NO DQ in this match need I say more?
and "It all so can be a tag match")

Two out Three Falls Match
(First wrestler to get two pins win,)

Iron Man Match (There will be a time limit whoever gets the most falls wins)

Blind Fold Match (Both are Blind folded and wrestle with them on.)

Submission Match (To win you make the other wrestler Tap Out)

Grab the Flag Match (There will be two on each side of the first
wrestler to Grab the other Wrestlers Flag wins, "Can also be a tag match")

Pig pen Match (First wrestler to put the other in the pig shit wins)

Loser Leaves Fed for 30 Days Match (Ok come on do I really need to tell you
the rules?," Can also be a tag match")

Pink Slip on a Pole Match (First wrestler to get the Pink Slip wins and the
loser is Fired , "Can also be a tag match")

Lumberjack Match (Well easy you leave the lumberjack beat you then throw
back into the ring "Can also be a tag match")

Slave for 30 Days Match (The loser must be the winners slave for 30 days and
he/she must do what the winner says or it but extra 30 Days. "Can also be a
tag match")

Boxing Match (This a Boxing match with real boxing gloves and no wrestling
moves just Boxing and no you can't Bite like so Boxer we don't need to name,
There are 12 3 mins rounds if knock the other guy out before all the rounds
are over you win and if don't I hope you have a good score)
Two Star (**) Matches are kinda hardcore for some guys

Ladder Match (To Win you climb the ladder and grab the whatever is above it,
"Can also be a tag match")

Fall Count Anywhere Match (You can get a pin fall anywhere no matter where
your at, "Can also be a tag match""

Last Man Standing Match (You must beat the ten count if you fail to beat it
then you lose)

Steel Cage Match (To win you must leave the Cage or Pin the other wrestler
"Can also be a tag match")

Loaded Fist Match (Its a normal match but your one of your Fist has a pair of
knucks or a chain around it)

Tables Match (To win you must put the other wrestler thru a table "Can also
be a tag match")

Weapon on a Pole Match (There is a pole with some kind weapon on it, Grab it
and use it," Can also be a tag match")

I Quit (Kinda like a Submission match but on this one to lose you must say I
Quit you don't have to be in a Submission move to say I Quit you can say it

Texas Deathmatch (In This match when a wrestler is pin for a three count,
You go to your corner as the ref starts to count if he makes it ten and the
wrestler your facing ain't up win, if he makes it up matches go on until
somebody is pinned and can't make the 10 count Ref can't stop the match only
a Doc can.)

Taped Boxing Match (Just like the boxing match but no gloves just taped Fist
there are five mins no round limits to win  You must knock out the guy or the
Doc can stop it from blood loss.)

Body Bag Match (To Win you must put the guy your facing in a Body Bag.)

Coffin Match (To Win you must put the guy your facing in a Coffin)

Weapons Match (Even Though this is UWF and you can bring or use weapons in any
match but sometime we forget so in this Match you won't Forget  and you can
bring a truck load of weapons. "Can also be a tag match")

Chain Match (A big Chain is on both wrestlers hand making it were they can
run from each from the Chain "Can also be a tag match")

Texas Bull Rope ( Same as a Chain Match but its a rope with a metal cow bell
in the middle of it" Can also be a tag match")

Chain Dog Collar Match (Same as a Chain but instead of it on your hand its
on your neck "Can also be a tag match")

Canes vs. Ladders Match
(A wooden Canes and Ladders are all around the ring
"Can also be a tag match")

Street Fight
(A match that in the streets of whatever town UWF is in, "Can
also be a tag match")

Scaffold Match
(A 20 foot Scaffold is above the ring, sometimes the
wrestlers start off on it loser falls or they start in the ring and make
there way onto the scaffold either way somebody going to fall and lose)

First Blood
(To win you make the guy your facing Bleed, "Can also be a tag

Loser get 10 hits in the head with a weapon Match
(Well you lose you get
hand cuff and hit in the head ten time with some kind of weapon winners pick
"Can also be a tag match"")

Lumberjack Chain Match
(Same Rules as a Lumberjack match now the lumberjacks
have Chain to hit you with "Can also be a tag match"")

Three star (***) This matches are Hardcore some wrestlers may not be able to
wrestle in them.

Barbed Wire Bat/Barbed Wire Chair  match
(In the Middle of the is a barb
wire bat  and Chair use them "Can also be a tag match")

(We all seen the TLC matches same thing here but the ladder is 35 feet
high have fun boys "Can also be a tag match"")

Last Man Standing/Scaffold Match
(Mixed with Last Man Standing and Scaffold,
You start of on the Scaffold you fall you got to beat the ten count and the
scaffold is 30 foot high)

Rage in a Cage
(To win Pin fall but there will tons of weapons in the Cage
and its only for 3 ways or 4 ways matches or Tag match not singles)

Barb Wire Dog Collar Match
(Same as a Chain  collar but instead of it being
a chain its a long piece if barb wire "Can also be a tag match")

Double Xtreme Tables
(To win you must put the other wrestler thru a table
off a ladder twice or just stack up two tables and put him thru that
way." Can also be a tag match")

Flaming Sticks Match
(Outside the ring is about 20 Flaming Sticks that used
to light up the match you can use them as a weapon but once there all none
its dark no light what so ever. "Can also be a tag match")

Barb Wire Fists Vs Glass Fists
(In this match one wrestler will have fists
wrapped Barbed Wire and the other one will have is fist covered in Broken
Glass "Can also be a tag match")

Lumberjack Barbed wire straps
(Same Rules as a Lumberjack match now the
lumberjacks have Barbed wire straps to whip you with to hit you with "Can
also be a tag match"")

Thumbtack bats Vs Barbed wire Bats
(Thumbtack bats and Barbed wire Bats are
around the ring)

Four stars(****) Now this ain't kid games these matches are brutal and all
these matches can tag matches

Glass Fist Boxing Match
(No Rounds, No time, One fist is covered on broken
glass, to win Knock him out or the Doc can stop it if somebody's life is on
the line)

Triple Stacked Light Tube Tables Match
(To win put the guy thru three Light
Tube covered Tables and so there will be about 6 triple stacked Light Tube
Tables around)

Barbed Wire Rage In a Cage
( Same Rules as Rage in a Cage but now its barbed
wire not Steel.)

175,000 Thumbtacks Match
(The Name is it all Thumbtacks everywhere)

Fans Bring the Weapons
(Now its time for the blood hound fans of UWF to
bring there sick weapons they make)

Light Tube Boards Match
(Four light tube boards will be in the ring)

Bed of Nails Match
(In the Middle of the ring is a Bed of Nails)

Barbed Wire Ropes Match
(Ok if don't know what this is then tell me were you
live and I'm come there and hit you with a tack hammer, The ropes are Barbed

Lucky 21 Staple Gun Match
(You have 21 dollar bills...whoever staples 11 to
the other guy first wins the match)

Light Tube Ropes
(Ok this one is new were the ropes should be there is a
long light tube is there.)

Light tube Coffin Match
(To Win put the other guy in a the Coffin and close

Electric Fence Match
(Around the ropes is a Electric Fence not a cage but
fence about 7 feet high touch it and get the piss shocked out of you)

Mouse Traps Boards/ Broken Glass Match
(Outside the ring is tons of Broken
glass and in the ring there is two mouse Traps boards)

Log Cabins of Glass Match
(In all four corners there a light tubes that
looks a cabin, there about 25 light tubes)

Five Stars (*****) Now these matches are for the most brutal, violent and
nasty individuals around. Please if you ain't a hardcore wrestler don't try
these matches. and Tag team do these matches.

UWF Deathmatch (No Rope Barbed Wire, Electrified Light Bulbs, Electrified
Light Tubes, Barbed Wire Boards, Caribbean Spider Web Glass, House of Glass,
Lobsters, basically anything you can think of death match.)

Ultra Cage of Doom
(Barbed wire Cage with C-4 on the wire, Log Cabins of
Glass, Sheets of Glass are on the wire, Fans Bring the Weapons and its a Last
Man Standing Rules)

500 Light Tubes/Barbed Wire Ropes/50,000 Deathmatch
(There tacks everywhere
I mean in the light tubes around the ring, In the ring, and there  tons Light
Tubes too "Very Sick and brutal")

Falls Count Anywhere Deathmatch
(No Rope Barbed Wire, Barded Wire Tables,
Barbed Wire Ladder, Barbed Wire Bat, and its Falls Count Anywhere  that what
it has in it and the rules folks)

Extreme Scaffold Match
(Its 40 foot high scaffold in the ring is barbed
wire, broken glass, tack and mouse traps, You start off on the scaffold you
fall you gotta beat the 10 count like in the Last Man Standing/scaffold match
but now its a higher scaffold and stuffs under it.)