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Web application security assessment by fault injection and behavior monitoring
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Source International World Wide Web Conference archive
Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on World Wide Web table of contents
Budapest, Hungary
SESSION: Data integrity table of contents
Pages: 148 - 159  
Year of Publication: 2003
Yao-Wen Huang  Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Shih-Kun Huang  Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Tsung-Po Lin  Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Chung-Hung Tsai  National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
ACM: Association for Computing Machinery
ACM Press   New York, NY, USA
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As a large and complex application platform, the World Wide Web is capable of delivering a broad range of sophisticated applications. However, many Web applications go through rapid development phases with extremely short turnaround time, making it difficult to eliminate vulnerabilities. Here we analyze the design of Web application security assessment mechanisms in order to identify poor coding practices that render Web applications vulnerable to attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting. We describe the use of a number of software-testing techniques (including dynamic analysis, black-box testing, fault injection, and behavior monitoring), and suggest mechanisms for applying these techniques to Web applications. Real-world situations are used to test a tool we named the Web Application Vulnerability and Error Scanner (WAVES, an open-source project available at and to compare it with other tools. Our results show that WAVES is a feasible platform for assessing Web application security.


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