Ok, guys. Here's your time to shine.
You do know what this bar means, don't you?
This bar means I need money. Well, actually, this bar is the prigress bar.
It tells you how much more money I need in order to get everything I need done.

You know, money...that thing where you can buy things like
gas, food, clothes...pay rent and other things.

Do you actually want a list giving reasons? I can supply you with a list of reasons (legitimate reasons!)
as to why I need money. If you think i'm going to go out and buy crack or alcohol or a car
then you're wrong. I actually do need money and I know that a lot of you out there want to help me.

You're still reading, god bless you.
If you could spare ANY MONEY really...I mean it.
$0.10, $1.00, 10.00, $100.00, $1,000
cause you're either po' (very poor) or super rich
or just really want to see me go to the dentist (among other things),
paying my rent and bills makes me happy!!

I would appreciate it tremendously if you could donate!
I wonder if it's tax deductable...technically it is.

Here's how you do it:
donate me money via
My e-mail address is
I'll even write you a thank you card...

