this is a one-shot fic(until i decide to write something more^^;) written for fun! it's just a rough writing so pls excuse the grammatical/spelling/etc mistakes. actually, i'm writing this since there happen to be less yoshiki fics written nowadays...he might not be a jrocker anymore but he's still one of my favorite(if not favorite) drummers. dedicated to yoshiki^___^! wah, yoshiki...



Yoshiki groaned and covered a pillow over his ear to drown the sharp ringing tone of the phone. But the sound pierced through the fluffy cotton of the pillow to pull him away from his much needed rest. Almost growling, he blindly reached for the receiver in the dark.

"WHAT?! Do you know what time it is now?!" he barked into the phone with his head lifted up a bit from the bed.

" Yoshiki-san? S-sorry!" came a mumbled response.

" Hm?" Yoshiki could barely open his eyes. "Shinya?"


Smoke veiled his eyesight as he stepped into the dark pub. There were not many people around so it was not hard to find the young drummer whose head was resting on the counter top, sleeping among the empty glasses. Yoshiki walked over to Shinya; everything around him seemed dark as he didn’t remove his sunglasses.

" Shinya. Wake up." He shook him by the shoulders but Shinya only groaned and swept his hands away.

"Hmph!" Yoshiki took a seat on the vacant stool beside him. He felt less sleepy now that Shinya had woke him up and made him come all the way across town to find him sleeping in the pub. But he couldn’t possibly leave the drummer at risk of danger especially when he just signed a contract with Dir en grey two days ago.

" Shinya, if you don’t wake up, I’m going to go home," he threatened the sleeping man.

" Mmm? Yoshiki-san?" Shinya appeared to wake up; his eyelids opening a little to show his hazy eyes.

" Yes, I’m Yoshiki-san. Wanna go home now?" Yoshiki asked. He managed to grab Shinya in time before he fell off the stool.

" Yoshiki-san! You’re here!" Shinya exclaimed as if he didn’t hear the older man’s first sentence and embraced Yoshiki in a hug. Yoshiki’s eyes widen in surprise as the young drummer purred against his chest with his arms around his waist.

" Let’s go" he coughed as he dragged the drunk Shinya along out of the pub.

Finally after a lot of threats, he got Shinya into the passenger seat of his Ferrari. The door slammed with a band when he seated himself in the driver’s position, casting a infuriated glance at the younger man. A wave of nostalgia hit him. Looking at Shinya and his condition now, he was reminded of…

" Hey, no, don’t puke over there!"

" Oops, sorry Yo-chan!"

" You!!! That’s my new car, hide! You’re gonna help me clean up tomorrow!!!"

" Hm…what about you helping me clean up now?"

Shaking his head, he started the car. Shinya was nothing like hide; in fact, he was totally the opposite. He was just being an old man, reminiscing the past. He sighed. His days were over, he thought quietly to himself.

" Unnh…" Shinya groaned and tossed uncomfortably in his seat. His head was splitting with the alcohol and his throat felt worse than if somebody had poured acid down it. He felt something churning in his stomach.

" Wah, Shinya!!! Don’t puke in here!"


Stars dotted the blackness of the night sky. The grass crunched under his shoes as he walked on them. The air was cool and refreshing against his face as he approached the man crouching on the dewy grass.

" Feeling better?"

" Yeah, thanks," Shinya said as Yoshiki handed him the water bottle. The clear liquid relieved his mouth of the sour taste of vomit as he gargled with it.

" Where do you live? I’ll drive you home," Yoshiki offered, crouching down next to the young man. The night breeze blew the short blonde strands of his hair away from his face.

" I don’t want to go home."

" Why?" The crickets chirped cheerfully.

" I don’t want to," Shinya pouted like a spoilt child.

" Okay, so should I just leave you here?" Yoshiki stood up.

" Yoshiki-san?" Shinya hesitated a bit. " Can I…overnight at your house?"


Yoshiki’s temporary apartment was actually a luxury condominium but it was nothing compared to Shinya’s house back in Osaka of course. The young man stumbled in after Yoshiki entered. His head still pained but not as bad as earlier. Yoshiki brought him to the guest bedroom and bid him good night.

So Shinya sat on the rather new bed, a bit pissed off at Yoshiki for leaving him alone. He huddled under the covers, clutching the sheets to his chest. He wept; most probably because his head was throbbing with liquor and he couldn’t get to sleep. He wiped off the tears with the back off his hand, deciding that crying wasn’t going to help him get to sleep. He tiptoed out of the room, wondering if Yoshiki’s asleep yet.

The condominium was quite big, now that it was all dark and he didn’t know the way. He stumbled into a few empty rooms before reaching Yoshiki’s. The producer was already sleeping; a soft snoring sound filled the room. Shinya bit his lips as he quietly padded next to the man.

Yoshiki looked so peaceful with his eyes closed. A smile drew itself on Shinya’s pretty face as he lightly ran his hands through the fine hair. His cheeks turned a deep shade of pink as a sudden temptation to kiss Yoshiki wrapped him.

He sat on the floor for a few minutes, gazing at his idol. He still admired Yoshiki the way he did when he was younger. He remembered thinking that he would, one day, be a drummer as successful as Yoshiki. But that was probably impossible. Yoshiki was truly…legendary.

" Hmm…" Yoshiki suddenly moaned in his sleep and a slight frown creased his forehead. Shinya tensed up but then was relieved when Yoshiki when back to his rest.

Slowly, he tipped his head and gently placed a kiss on Yoshiki’s lips. His hands went to cradle Yoshiki’s head as his lips sought for deeper contact.

Yoshiki’s eyes fluttered open and he pulled back, scooting away from the young drummer. "Shinya! What are you doing here?!"

Shinya was disappointed and he didn’t hide that from his face. "I can’t sleep."

Yoshiki wiped his lips with his palm and then stared at Shinya as if he was really angry. Well, he should be angry! What does this kid think he’s doing?! I have an appointment at 8 tomorrow morning and he makes me fetch him in the middle of the night and now, he’s trying to steal my sleep?!!!

Shinya’s eyes were fixed on him as he crawled on the bed towards Yoshiki. The bedside clock ticked at 4.15. "Shinya, I’m very tired. Please go back to your room." Yoshiki massaged his temples, hoping to get rid of the headache now forming there.

" Yoshiki-san…" Shinya crawled into his lap and started showering kisses on his face.

" Shinya, stop this!" Yoshiki growled at him.

" Why? Doesn’t it feel good?" Shinya ran his palms in circles over the older man’s chest.

Yoshiki inhaled sharply to refrain from moaning. Shinya was right. This felt good. How long was it since he last felt this?

Yoshiki craned his head upwards as Shinya began nibbling on his neck while undoing his blouse. His own hands found their way under the young man’s top, now roaming over the flat abdomen. It had been too long. He grasped Shinya’s chin in his hand and pressed their lips together hungrily; his tongue slipping in, probing in the warm cavern. He heard Shinya gasp as he bit down on his lip.

It had been too long since he had a young lover like Shinya. Heck, it had been too long since he had a lover! Not since hide died. He was too heartbroken after his departure and then he had been too busy to meddle with relationships.

He gripped Shinya’s wrist as he pushed him to lie horizontally on the mattress; the young man didn’t resist. His teeth grazed against the skin of his neck as he sucked and bit on it to leave love bites. " Yo…shi…ki…!"

Yoshiki’s mind blurred with thoughts that meshed into each other.

This is wrong!

What am I doing?!

Shinya’s only a child!!!

Suddenly he pulled away from Shinya; his breathing laboured. Shinya glanced at him questioningly.

" No, I can’t do this." He shook his head.

" Yoshiki, it’s okay. I don’t mind," Shinya wrapped his arms around the older man.

" No, no! I can’t. I’d feel guilty for taking advantage of you!" Yoshiki reasoned, running his hand through Shinya long strands of hair.

" You’re not taking advantage of me. I want you too…"

They kissed the way lovers do in movies; soft and gentle.

"Shinya…you don’t understand. It’s not right. Not only the fact that we’re both guys but also…look at us. I’m over 10 years older than you! I’m an old man and you’re still a kid!" Yoshiki laughed.

A flash of hurt crossed Shinya face. He tore himself away from Yoshiki and sulked at the corner of the bed. "I’m not a kid!"

" You’re not?" Yoshiki asked, looking at Shinya’s back. "I thought only kids sulk like you’re doing now."

Yoshiki ducked as pillows flew his way. "I hate you, Yoshiki-san!" Shinya said as his wrists were caught.

"Brat!" Yoshiki covered Shinya’s mouth with another kiss before he could retaliate with more words.

Shinya pouted.

" I really need to rest now, Shinya. If not, I’ll be late for my meeting tomorrow." Yoshiki pulled the younger man into his arms.

" But I can’t sleep!" he complained.

" Hmm…I’ll let you sleep here with me. Is that okay?" Yoshiki winked at him before closing his eyes to sleep.

" Yoshiki-san?"

" Yes?"

" Can I overnight here next time when you don’t have to wake up early for a meeting?" Shinya asked.

Yoshiki appeared thoughtful for a second. "Of course. Now go to sleep."

Shinya circled Yoshiki’s waist with his arms and buried his face into Yoshiki’s chest. "Good night, Yoshiki-san," he whispered.



heh...i know it's a crappy fic but*shrug*...


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