

This position is used for a variety of reasons, sometimes as punishment, you will lie on your stomach, face down and turn your head to the left with your wrists crossed behind your back, your ankles will be crossed, as well, as if for binding and you will hold perfectly still to make this as easy as possible for your Master or Mistress.

"Bara, Kajira!" he said. She rolled quickly to her stomach, placing her wrists behind her , crossed her ankles, ready to be bound.
-Explorers of Gor, page 77


This position is used for varied reasons, one of them being that it just pleases the Master/Mistress, you will fall to the floor face down, your forehead resting flat on the surface your arms at your sides and your legs widely spread and then you will crawl to your Master/Mistress on your belly.

"Approach me on your belly," I said. She squirmed to the table, her hands still behind her.
-Renegades of Gor, page 75.

"There are various forms of bellying, " I said, and bellying may be sutable and pleasingly combined with other forms of floor ariation, suitable for an ignorant free female who has not yet even begun to discover the depths of her sexuality." She looked up at me. "On your belly, " I said. She backed off a bit, and went to her belly, her hair was before her face, as she now on her belly before me looked up at me.
-Mercenaries of Gor, page 411



"I then threw the second blanket, the top blanket over her, covering her completely. When a blanket, or cloak, or covering of any sort, is thrown over a slave like this she may not speak or rise. She must remain as she is, silent, until the master, or some free man, lifts the covering away."
-Explorers of Gor, page 94


This position is used to put on slave bracelets for chaining a slave. A common place to chain slaves is their Master/Mistress's bed or where there are rings in the walls. you will place your hands behind your back, with your shoulders pushed back, and your breasts thrust outward, hold your hands clasped tightly behind your back…. Ready for bracelets to be placed on them by your Master/Mistress.

"Bracelets," he snapped. She put her head in the air and placed her hands behind her back."
-Hunters of Gor, page 146


This is very similar to belly but there are differences, you get down on all fours, palms to elbows flat on floor, your rask in the air with your forehead close but not touching the floor and crawl to just an inch from your Master/Mistress's feet.

"I crawl to my Master on my belly," she said," and beg for his touch. I smiled. I, a guest in the tent, now stood to her, of course, as her Master. Such girls come with the price of the lodging.
-Beasts of Gor, page 80

Gorean Love Bow

This position is very painful to maintain for longer then five minutes. (it is very similar to the Earth back bend) you kneel in the nadu position and bend your body backwards, your head stays to the floor, as you place your hands by your head, and pull up into a back bend (NOTE: do not do this if you are not on a soft surface with cushions.. it is too easy for a slave's muscles to not hold like this and they could seriously hurt themselves.. so use caution and common sense.)

This position may be used in inventive serves, as an alternative to table, as part of the "Belt Dance". The position is painful and not maintained for longer than a few minutes, her head then touches the fur, her body a cruel, helpless bow.
-Assassian of Gor, page 185

Over her iron collar she wore a heavy leather Kur collar, high, heavily sewn, with its large ring. He thrust her two wrists before her body, into the ring he had cut from the Kur. He then tied them inside, and to, the ring. He then, from his belt, took a long length of binding fibre and, doubling it, looped it, securing it, at its center to the ring, leaving two long ends. He then threw her, on her back, over the body, head down, of the fallen Kur. He took the two loose ends of the binding fibre and, taking them under the body of the fallen Kur, dragged her wrists, elbows bent, over and above her head; he then, bending her knees, tied one of the loose ends about her left ankle, and the other about her right. It was the Gorean love bow. He then, regarding her, cut the Kur collar from her throat with the ship's knife. He threw it aside. She now wore only one collar, his. she closed her eyes. She moved, lying across it, on the body of the Kur. It was still warm. "It is we who are victorious," said he. She opened her eyes. "It is you who are victorious, Master," she said. Already her hips were moving. "I am only a slave girl," she wept. With a roaring laugh he fell upon her.
-Marauders of Gor, page 261


A slave will stand, feet flat on the ground, bowing at the waist. This is so the slave's hair might fall forward for display. In this position it can be cut, seized, or used for any purpose that sates their whim.

"I held my left hand open, at my waist. She stiffened, and looked at me, angrily. I opened and closed my left hand once. I saw her training in Gorean customs had been thorough. But she never thought that such a gesture would be used to her. She came beside me, and a bit behind me, and, crouching, put her head down, deeply. I fastened my hand in her hair. She winced. Women are helpless in this position."
-Beasts of Gor, page 409


you go to your Master/Mistress and kneel behind Their left foot, awaiting Their movement whereupon you stay to Their left and slightly behind Them following Their every move.

He turned about and, with his weapons, strode from the camp. I followed him, at his heel, where a slave girl belongs."
-Slavegirl of Gor, page 109

High Harness


--"Lift your head, " he said. "Higher. Higher!" She looked up at him, her head far back, the leash on her throat.... "You need not now keep your head in high-harness position,", he said to the girl. She moved her head.
-Mercenaries of Gor, page 308-309

Kolar, Collar or Female Submission

you kneel at your Master's feet and lean your body back, sitting upon your eels, with your arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and your head beneath them lowered in supplication and respect.

"Assume the posture of female submission," I told her. She did so, kneeling back on her heels, her arms extended, wrists crossed, her head between them, down. She was weeping.
-Tribesman of Gor, page 359

Kneeling to the Whip


"I went to Targo, trembling, and knelt at his feet... I crossed my wrists beneath me and touched my head to the floor, exposing the bow of my back. It is the submissive posture of a slave girl who is to be punished. It is called Kneeling to the Whip."
-Captive of Gor, page 200

Lesha or Binding

This position is used to attach a leash.. you kneel, your back to your Owner, with your chin lifted and head turned to the left, you offer your collar for leashing, your wrists are behind your back, ready if needed, to be snapped into slave bracelets.

"Standard binding position,' he said. I was prone. When a girl is prone, the standard binding position is to cross the wrists behind the back and to cross the ankles."
-Slavegirl of Gor, page 125

"Lesha," snapped the second officer to the blond girl. She spun from facing him, and lifted her chin, turning her head to the left, placing her wrists behind her, as though for snapping them into slave bracelets.
-Explorers of Gor, page 76


Kneel with your thighs spread wide, for your Owner's viewing pleasure. Hold your back straight or slightly arched, with your shoulders even or slightly drawn back to thrust your breasts forward, again for viewing pleasures. Hold your head high, it shows pride in your slavery, as well is allows the Master to see your face, and displays your collar if you have one, your eyes should be lowered showing submission and respect. Hands rest on the upper thighs with the palms up.

While the kajira is displayed, and hopefully beautifully so, her words while describing her beauty, or the kajirus handsome manner, do not tell the Free Person what they are seeing is beautiful, a gift, or a treasure.The slave hopes this is so , but that is for the Free Person to determine, so the slave attempts to show that is what is seen. This position is called, pagar nadu. Nadu meaning simply kneeling, pagar meaning pleasure. "He suddenly snapped His fingers and , in the swift double gesture of a Gorean Master, pointed to a place on the dirt floor before Him, almost simultaneously turning His hand, spreading his fist and index finger, pointing downwards. I fled to Him and knelt before Him, my knees in the dirt, in the position of the pleasure slave, my head down trembling"
-Captive of Gor, page 143



"Nestle," I told her. "Yes, Master," she said. She nestled obediently in the crook of my left arm.
-Explorers of Gor, page 279



"There are many ways to perform obeisance. "I said. "I am a free woman," she said, " I know none of them." "I shall instruct you briefly in three," I said. " First kneel before me, back on your heels, yes, with your knees wide, wider, your hands on your thighs, your back straight, your breasts out, good, your belly in, good, and now lower your head in deference, in submission." "Now that," I said, " may not be exactly a form of obeisance, for authorities do not all agree, but for our purposes we shall count it as one. It is, at any rate, a beautiful position, and it is, certainly, a common position of slave submission." "Now" I said, "and this is clearly a form of obeisance, bend forward and put your head to the mat, the palms of your hands on the mat. Good. Now lift your head little and come forward, substantially keeping the position. Forward a little more." "But then my face will be at your feet," she said," My lips will be over them!" "Yes," I said, "Good, now, put your head down and lick and kiss my feet."
-Mercenaries of Gor, page 409-410


I was amused, for she had run as a slave girl is taught to run, with rapid short steps, her legs almost straight, her feet scarcely leaving the ground, back straight, head turned to the left, arms at her side, palms out at a 45 degree angle, more of a dancer's motion than a true run.
-Assassins of Gor, page 45



In this discipline the female is forbidden human speech. She is also forbidden human posture, in the sense that she is not allowed to rise to her feet. Her locomotion, unless commanded to roll, or put under similar commands, suitable for a pet, will be on all fours. Her food will be thrown to her, or put in pans on the ground. In either case, she must feed without the use of her hands. She may also, of course, be fed by hand, but, again, will not be permitted to touch the food with her hands. She may be taught tricks. Sometimes these are taught as functions of arbitrary sounds, so that she must learn them as any animal might, without the benefit of an earlier understanding of the word used. If she is slow to learn, of course, she is punished, as would be any other animal. hWhen used, too, it will commonly be in the modality of the she-quadrupled. This discipline is often used as a punishment, but it may figure in the training of a new girl. It helps her to understand what she now is, an animal totally subject to her master.
-Mercenaries of Gor, page 215-216

Slave Lips


Similarly, I was not required to respond to certain sorts of commands, for example, to make "slave lips," pursing my lips for kissing, or to writhe slowly before my viewers.
-Kajira of Gor, page 224

Slaver's Caress or Whip's Caress


Then, before I could realise what he intended, he had subjected Miss Cardwell to what, among slavers, is known as the Whip Caress. Ideally it is done, as Kamchak had, unexpectedly, taking the girl unawares. Elizabeth suddenly cried out throwing her head to one side. I observed to my amazement the sudden, involuntary, uncontrollable response to the touch. The Whip Caress is commonly used among Slavers to force a girl to betray herself.
-Nomads of Gor, page 168

Submission or Third Form of Obeisance


"Now" I said, "for a third form of obeisance. You may belly to me." "I do not understand," she whispered. "There are various forms of bellying, " I said, and bellying may be suitably and pleasingly combined with other forms of floor movements, approaching the Master on all fours, turning to your sides and back, writhing before him, and so on. We will take a very simple variation, suitable for an ignorant free female who has not yet even begun to discover the depths of her sexuality." She looked up at me. "On your belly," I said. She backed off a bit, and went to her belly, her hair was before her face, as she now on her belly before me looked up at me. "Now inch forward," I said, " remaining low on your belly, and when you reach my feet, once again, as before, lifting your head a little, tenderly and humbly, and beautifully, as though you were a slave, lick and kiss them. Good. Good. Now take my foot and place it gently on your head. Very good. Now place it again on the Mat, and kiss it again. Good. You may now belly back a little, humbly. I have not yet given you permission to rise of course."
-Mercenaries of Gor, page 410-411



"Thigh," I said. The dark-haired woman immediately turned to her side, exposing her left thigh to me.
-Vagabonds of Gor, page 383



"Kneel," I said. "Kneel?" she asked."That is my first order, " I said. She regarded me. "Do you not know how a woman serves at table?" I asked. "You may keep your knees together," I said, "as you are a free woman."
-Renegades of Gor, page 269

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