
This page is made by the permission of this girls Master....Ubar Strachan Aciar...Tancreds Landing

Quotes of Gor

The following are some of my own favorite quotes of Gor.

FM Quotes

I sensed then, for a moment, what it must be to be a Ubar. It was then, in that instant, that I first truly saw him, as he was, and as he must be. I looked then on loneliness and decision, and power. The Ubar must contain within himself dark strengths. He must be capable of doing, as many men are not, what is necessary. Only one can sit on the throne, as it is said. And, as it is said, he who sits upon the throne is the most alone of men. It is he who must be a stranger to all men, and to whom all men must be strangers. The throne indeed is a lonely country. Many men desire to live there but few, I think, could bear the burdens. Let us continue to think of our Ubars as men much like ourselves, only perhaps a bit wiser, or stronger, or more fortunate. That way we may continue to be comfortable with them, and, to some extent, feel ourselves their superior. But let us not look too deeply into their eyes too closely, for we might see there that which sets them apart from us. It is not always desireable to look deeply into the eyes of a Ubar. --- Explorers of Gor pgs 242-243

"There is no justice without the sword." "First the sword-then government-then law-then justice." Tarnsman of Gor, p.155-6

"When gold will not do, only steel can meet steel." Assassin of Gor, p.27

"There is only gold, and power, and the bodies of women, and steel." Raiders of Gor, p.90

The training of the assassin is thorough and cruel. He who wears the black of that caste has not won it easily. Candidates for the caste are chosen with great care, and only one in ten, it is said, completes the course of instruction to the satisfaction of the caste masters. It is assumed that failed candidates are slain, if not in the training, for secrets they may have learned. Withdrawal from the caste is not permitted. Training proceeds in pairs, each pair against others. Friendship is encouraged. Then, in the final training, each member of the pair must hunt the other. When one has killed one's friend one is then likely to better understand the meaning of the black. When one has killed one's friend one is then unlikely to find mercy in his heart for another. One is then alone, with gold and steel. --- Beasts of Gor page 358

"I am of the Warriors," I said. "But you may die," she said. "That is acknowledged in the codes." I said. "What are the codes? she said. "They are nothing, and everything." I said. "They are a bit of noise, and the steel of the heart. They are meaningless, and all significant. They are the difference. Without the codes, men would be Kurri." "Kurri?" she asked. "Beasts, such as ice beasts, and worse," I said. "Beasts such as the face you saw in the sky." "You need not keep the codes," she said. "I once betrayed my codes," I said. "It is not my intention to do so again." I looked at her. "One does not know, truly what it is to stand, until one has fallen. Once one has fallen, then one knows, you see, what it is to stand." "None would know if you betrayed your codes," she said. " I would know," I said. "I am of the Warriors." "What is it to be a warrior?" she asked. "It is to keep the codes," I said. "You may think that to be a warrior is to be large, or strong, and to be skilled with weapons, to have a blade at your hip, to know the grasp of the spear, to wear the scarlet, to know the fitting of the iron helm upon one's countenance, but these things are not truly needful; they are not, truly what makes one man a warrior and another not. Many men are strong, and large, and skilled with weapons. Any man might, if he dared, don the scarlet and gird himself with weapons. Any man might place upon his brow the helm of iron. But it is not the scarlet, not the helm of iron which makes the warrior." She looked up at me. "It is the codes." I said.
Tarl Cabot & Arlene ---Beasts of Gor page 340

"There are brave men in all castes," Explorers of Gor, p.433

"Manhood cannot be forever denied. The beast will walk at our side, or it will destroy us." Fighting Slave of Gor, p.115

"Goreans, I knew, seldom drew steel unless they intended to make use of it." Rogue of Gor, p.74

"…among masters, Goreans, larls among men, uncrippled, unsoftened, untamed beasts, categorical, uncompromising owners of women, …" Vagabonds of Gor, p.32

"Gorean men do not choose to be dominated, but to dominate, to be the master." Captive of Gor, p.193

"It is one of the excruciating delights of the mastery to expose oneself fully to, and yet skirt, the dangers of the girl's beauty, to keep oneself strong, to draw the absolute fullness of pleasure from her, and yet to resist her wiles, to get everything from her, and yet to keep her on her knees, completely." Slave Girl of Gor, p.36

"Be strong and do as you will. The swords of others will set you your limits." Marauders of Gor, p.10

"Within the circle of each man's sword, therein is each man a Ubar." Marauders of Gor, p.10

"Steel is the coinage of the warrior. With it he purchases what pleases him." Marauders of Gor, p.10

"Not everyone who is of the Warriors knows that he is of the Warriors." Rogue of Gor, p.317

"When a Gorean tells you to draw your blade, it is generally not wise to spend a great deal of time discussing the matter. He may have something in mind." Savages of Gor, p.88

. "Even warriors long sometimes for the sight of their own flags, atop friendly walls, for the courtyards of their keeps, for the hearths of their halls. Thus admit the Codes." Blood Brothers of Gor, p.306

"There are no mere points of honor." Vagabonds of Gor, p.63

"The Ubar must contain within himself dark strengths. He must be capable of doing, as many men are not, what is necessary." Explorers of Gor, p.243

"Ubars seldom see much point in engaging in single combat with common soldiers." Explorers of Gor, p.428

"…the sword of the warrior is pledged to a Home Stone, the assassin to gold and the knife." Beasts of Gor, p.136

"…reminded me of men of the caste of Assassins, as they sometimes are, before they begin their hunt. The edge must be sharp, the resolve must be merciless, the instinct to kill must in no way be blunted." Beasts of Gor, pg.86

"The Assassin is like a musician, a surgeon. The Warrior is a butcher, a ravaging, bloodthirsty lout." Beasts of Gor, p.413

"More than one triumph in a Gorean city has been spoiled by the bolt of an assassin." Magicians of Gor, p.90

"Men are the warriors and women were among the fitting spoils of their victories." Blood Brothers of Gor, p.213

FW Quotes

The female slave, in the fullness of her womanhood, and helplessness, attains heights of passion from which the free woman, in her pride and dignity, is forever barred. She is not a man's slave. Explorers of Gor pg 41

I saw the sense of the Kurii enlisting such women. They owed no Gorean allegiances. They possessed no homestones. They were aliens on this world. Did they not know that they, not having a Home Stone, were subject to any man's collar? Beasts of Gor page 147

Any free woman who couches with another's slave or readies for such, becomes , by law, herself a slave and the property of said slaves owner. Pg.7 Magicians of Gor

"If and when a free woman should utter this, in the Gorean culture, of course, this sort of thing is very significant. Indeed, in some cities such things as kneeling before a man, or addressing him as "Master" effects legal imbondment on the female, being interpreted as a gesture of submission."Pg.139 Players of Gor

This harsh treatment, incidentally, when she is thought to deserve it, may even be inflicted on a free companion, in spite of the fact that she is free and usually much loved. According to the Gorean way of looking at things a taste of the slave ring is thought to be occasionally beneficial to all women, even the exalted free woman. Thus when she has been irritable or otherwise troublesome even a Free Companion may find herself at the foot of the couch looking forward to a pleasant night on the stones, stripped, with neither mat nor blanket, chained to the slave ring precisely as though she were a lowly slave girl. It is the Gorean way of reminding her, should she need to be reminded, that she, too, is a woman, and thus to be dominated, to be subject to men. Should she be tempted to forget this basic fact of Gorean life the slave ring set in the bottom of each Gorean couch is there to refresh her memory. Gor is a mans world. pg. 67 Priest Kings of GOR

Kajira Quotes

"The glory of the kajira is that she is a slave; and the misery of a kajira is that she is a slave." ~Beasts of Gor, p.56~ ~*~this is my favorite quote~*~

"She is held in her bondage by the strongest of all bonds, that of love." Mercenaries of Gor, p.318

"The dancing of the female before the male, that she be found pleasing and he be pleased, is one of the most profound lessons in all of human biology. Others are when she kneels before him, when she kisses his feet, when she performs obeisance, when she knows herself the subject, truly, to his whip" Dancer Of Gor, Pg. 193

"You are no longer a free woman. You no longer need conceal your feelings. You may now openly and freely admit your interest in men and your love for them." Renegades of Gor, Pg 405

"He is Master, and I am Slave. He is owner, and I am owned. He commands, and I obey. He is to be pleased, and I am to please. Why is this? Because he is Master and I am Slave" Explorers of Gor pgs 178-179

"Most female slaves," said Hassan, "walk very proudly. They are proud of their slavery, and their mastery by men. They have learned their womanhood. It has been taught to them. In their way, though imbonded, totally, I suppose they are the truest and freest of women. They are closest, perhaps, to the essentials of the female, those of subservience to the masculine will, obedience, service and pleasure. In being most themselves, utter slave, they are most free. This is paradoxical, to be sure. Most girls, verbally will object to slavery, but this half-hearted, pouting, ineffectual rhetoric is belied by the joy of their behaviour. No girl who has not been a slave can understand the joy of it, the profundity and freedom. The objections of girls to slavery, I have noted, are usually not objections to the institution which, in the sweet heat of their bodies, they love dearly, and fear only to lose, but to a given master. Given the proper master they are quite content. In the proper collar a woman is serene and joyful. Tribesmen of Gor pages 332-333

"There is a difference," laughed Hassan, "between the pride of a free woman and the pride of the slave girl. The pride of a free woman is the pride of a woman who feels herself to be the equal of a man. The pride of the slave girl is the pride of the girl who knows that no other woman is the equal of herself." Tribesmen of Gor page 333

The slave seeks her master, the master his slave. When they find one another they will know it. She will kneel to him, and he will accept her as his. Beasts of Gor page 232

"I hope that I will please my master in the furs," she said. "You will do so or be lengthily and severely punished," I said. "If you fail, you could even be slain," She shuddered. "I will try to to be pleasing to him," she said. "Most masters," I said, "own only one girl. Do not think you are likely to spend all your time squirming at the slave ring." "I do not understand," she said. "There is much for a girl to do," I pointed out. "She keeps his compartments. She dusts and cleans. When they do not use the public kitchens she must cook for him. If he does not wish to take advantage of the public laundries, she must do his washing and ironing. She shops for him, and bargains in the markets, and so on. There is much for her to do." Beasts of Gor page 248

"The opinion of a slave is worthless," I said."Why do you say that?" he asked."I do not wish to offend Master," I said."Do you think, because you have been put in a collar, you become less intelligent?""No," I said."Slavery has many effects on a woman," he said, "It softens her, it enhances her beauty, it give her a profound sense of herself, it fulfills her, it increases, considerably, her sexual responsiveness, it increases a thousandfold her capacities to love, but one effect it does not have, it does not reduce her intelligence.""Yes, Master," I said.

Witness of Gor

She was seldom permitted to carry her whip outside the slave quarters, except in conducting a new slave through the corridors and bringing her through the small iron door, as she had me. When she left the slave quarters she normally knelt before a guard and handed him the whip, her authority ended. ....Outside the slave quarters we were normally under the governess not of Sucha, but men. We stood under her governance outside the quarters only when she was permitted to retain the whip. Slave Girl of Gor pg. 264

"what are my duties?" I asked"exquisite beauty, and absolute obedience" Slave Girl of Gor Pg. 261

When more than one slave girl stands in a relationship of slave girls, as when they serve in the same shop or house, or adorn the same rich man's pleasure gardens, it is common for the master, or masters, to appoint a "first girl". Her authority is then to the other girls as is that of the master. This tends to reduce squabbling. The first girl is usually, though not always the favorite of the master. There is usually much competition to be first girl. First girls can be cruel and petty but, commonly, they attempt to govern with intelligence and justice. They know that another girl, at the master's whim, may become first girl, and that they themselves may then be under her almost absolute power. In my own house I often rotated the position of first girl among my slaves who were native Goreans, I never made an Earth-girl slave first girl. This is fitting. Let them always be the slaves of slaves.
Explorers of Gor pgs 77-78 Tarl Cabot

She would then kneel before Sasi, her teacher, and offer her the bit of cake or pastry, which Sasi would take, taking most of it and returning a portion of it to her. "Thank you, Mistress," she would say, for Sasi was first girl.

Explorers of Gor pg 77

"Constance is first girl," I told her who had been the Lady Tina of Lydius. "Yes Master," said she who had been the lady Tina of Lydius. "Address her as Mistress," I told the former free girl. "Mistress," said she who had been the former free Lady Tina of Lydius frightened to Constance.

Beasts of Gor pg 135

"Thank you, Mistress", I said, restraining myself. Since she had become first girl in the camp we were all constrained to serve her and address her as Mistress. Even though she was given no jewelry or fine raiment, she was high slave in the camp.Slave Girl of Gor page 135

"I, too wish you well, Mistress," I said. I addressed her as mistress, for she was first girl.
Slave Girl of Gor page 245

"Where did you find this new slave?" asked Arlene of me, not too pleasantly, regarding the slim, beautiful girl I had brought with me. "I am not a slave, Slave," said the pale, aristocratic, black-haired girl. Arlene looked at me, frightened. "She is not yet a legal slave," I told Arlene, "so treat her with the technical respect due to a free female." Arlene fell to her knees before her, her head down, and the girl straightened herself, proudly. "Get up," I said to Arlene. She did so. "Though this girl is not yet a legal slave," I told Arlene, "she is actually a true slave." The girl recoiled. "Thus," I said, "she need not be treated with particular respect." Beasts of Gor pg 415

"Do you want to be respected?" I asked. "No man respects a woman who knows what else to do with her," she said. "It is a Gorean saying," I said. "I know," she said.
Beasts of Gor pg 434 Tarl Cabot asking a slave if she wants to be a Free Woman

"You have not answered my question," I said. "What question?" she asked. "Do you want to be respected?" I asked. "No," she said. She smiled up at me. "I want to be loved, and treasured. I want to be mastered."

Beasts of Gor pgs 434-435

I wondered what these men would do with me if they discovered I was not even a free woman. I forced the thought from my mind. Free men do not take it lightly that a Kajira would dare don the garments of a free woman. This is regarded as an extremely serious offense, fit to be followed by terrible punishments. It can be worth the life of one to do so. I began to tremble."
Slave Girl of Gor pg 121

For example, sometimes free women attempt, sometimes even disguising themselves, to spy on the doings of masters and slaves. For example, they might attempt, disguised as lads, to gain entrance to paga taverns. And often such entrance in granted them but later, to their horror, they may find themselves thrown naked to the dancing sand and forced to perform under whips. Similarly if they attempt to enter such establishments as pretended slaves they may find themselves leaving them by the back entrance, soon to become true slaves. In many cities, such actions, attempting to spy on masters and slaves, disguising oneself as a slave, garbing oneself as a slave, even in the supposed secrecy of one's own compartments, lingering about slave shelves and markets, even exhibiting an interest in, or fascination with, bondage, can result in reduction to bondage. The theory is apparently that such actions and interests are those of a slave, and that the female who exhibits them should, accordingly, be imbonded.
Magicians of GOR Pg. 50

"The free woman," I said, "lies down and waits to see what will happen. The female slave kneels beside her master, and begs to please him.The free woman deems it sufficient that she should exist, the slave girl, on the other hand, is expected not only to exist, but to excel; indeed, she fears only, commonly, that she may not be sufficiently marvelous for her master. It is little wonder that most men find the free woman, in her inertness, her ignorance and arrogance, boring. It is little wonder that most men prefer to order her rival to their furs, the helpless, collared, curvaceous, lascivious, feminine slave." Savages of GOR Pg.197

I kissed her. It is difficult for a girl not to esteem a man who does as he pleases, even though it is to her that it be done. A woman admires strength, especially if it is used to dominate and control her. It is, it seems, for men to command and women to obey, for men to dominate, and women to submit, for men to claim, and women to yield. It is, it seems the way of primate nature. Its test is enactment; its proof is joy; its evidence is love. If we have lost this, we have lost part of ourselves. Slave Girl of Gor pg 423

I looked up into his eyes. Then I was frightened. I saw that he was a Gorean master. However much he might hold me in regard, however much he might desire me. I saw that I could be to him only a helpless slave girl. Whatever might be his feelings for me I saw that he would have me only at his feet as a slave. I would be umcompromisingly owned. He would have all, fully from me. I would not be permitted to hold anything back, ever. He would be master, and I slave. Slave Girl of Gor pg 437

"That she who in her heart wants to be a slave girl is already a slave girl."
Tribesmen of Gor page 9

Slave girls relish compliments. Indeed, there is a Gorean saying to the effect that any woman who relishes a compliment is in her heart a slave girl.Beasts of Gor page 17

Most masters, incidentally, make a girl they own earn her compliments.
Beasts of Gor page 17

"What greater cruelty can a man inflict upon a slave than to deny her the collar?" she asked. Rogue of Gor page 18

"Thank you, Master," she whispered, and I continued to hold her. "I am a slave, aren't I?" she asked. "Yes," I said. "I have always feared so," she said. "In itself it is nothing to fear," I said. "Fear rather the actual state of bondage, and those who will be your masters."---Fighting Slave of Gor pg 373
"That would be terrible," said Arlene. "I could not stand to call her Mistress.'" When one slave girl is beaten by another the loser commonly finds herself forced to call the winner 'Mistress'. In slave kennels and pleasure gardens the beaten girl is often expected to obey and serve the stronger girl. Such cruel devices help to keep order among female slaves.
Beasts of Gor page 272

"Arlene," I said. "Yes, master, she said. "Is it a slave girl's first duty to be interesting?" I asked. "No," she said. "That is a concern of free women." "What is the first duty of a slave girl?" I asked. "To be pleasing to the master," she said. "Let that be your concern," I said. Beasts of Gor pg 279

"Do you think a girl such as you, so soft and beautiful, with your slave reflexes, can ever be anything but a slave on this world." "No," I said bitterly. "And your ears are pierced," she said. I tossed my head. "I know," I said. That in itself I knew would be enough to keep me a slave on Gor. I would always be a slave on Gor. Slave Girl of Gor pg 302

Tears formed in my eyes. There is a mock rebellion which is sometimes permitted a slave girl, or even commanded of her, for the master's amusement. I felt a tear on my cheek. "Show Rebellion," is a command which a girl must, as any other, obey. Yet it is a terribly cruel command. "Kneel," is the command which, commonly puts an end to her rebellion. When a girl is permitted defiance, it is then all the sweeter, I gather, to bring her to her knees before you. Suffice it to say the girl belongs to her master, completely. Slave Girl of Gor pg 153

"La Kajira," said Eta, pointing to herself. "Tu Kajira," she said, pointing to me. "La Kajira," I said, pointing to myself. "Tu Kajira," I said pointing to Eta. I am a slave girl. You are a slave girl. Slave Girl of Gor page 80

"Yes Mistress," said the blond. The two new slaves addressed our older girls as 'Mistress.' Kisu and I thought it that would be useful in keeping order among them. In any training situation, of course, it is common for the girl being trained to address a female trainer, whether the trainer is bond or free, as 'Mistress.' Strict discipline is essential in slave instruction. Explorers of Gor pg 421

"Not too unusual…where the master, in effect, willingly wears the collar, and his lovely slave, by the practice of the delightful wiles of her sex, with scandalous success wheedles her way triumphantly from the satisfaction of one whim to the next." Outlaw of Gor, p.54

"Myths say that only the woman who has been an utter slave can be truly free." Nomads of Gor, p.289

"Men respected free women; they desired, fought for, sought and relished their female slaves." Tribesmen of Gor, p.150

"Only a true slave begs to be free; that act brands a woman uncontrovertibly as a slave." Tribesmen of Gor, p.350

"Any girl knows that an interesting body is a moving body." Slave Girl of Gor, p.36

"It is dangerous for a girl to be beautiful on Gor, particularly if she is a slave. The more beautiful and vulnerable she is the more likely it is that her beauty will be seized and dominated, and ruthlessly exploited, by masters." Slave Girl of Gor, p.137

. "A girl who is bold is likely to think of marvels of pleasure for her master which a more timid girl would not dare to even contemplate." Slave Girl of Gor, p.172

"A slave girl must be at least a whore, and a marvelous one at that. Being a whore is but a small step in the direction of being a slave girl." Slave Girl of Gor, p.220

"A slave girl owns nothing. She has nothing to offer a man but her service and her beauty. She has nothing with which to pay but herself. T hat is the way men want it."Slave Girl of Gor, p.220

"Once a girl truly understands that she is a slave, and that there is no escape for her, once she understands it truly, emotionally, categorically, intellectually, physiologically, totally, deeply, profoundly, in every cell in her beautiful body, a fantastic transformation occurs in her. She then knows she is truly a slave. She then becomes wild, and free, and sexual, and cares not that she might be scorned by the free either for her miserable condition or helpless appetites; she knows she will be what she must; she has no choice; she is slave." Beasts of Gor, p.55

"Women, in their heart, long to submit; this is necessary for the slave girl; she must submit or die; submitted, she is thrilled to the core; she lives then for love and service, bound to the will of her master. The joy of the slave girl may seem incomprehensible to the free but it is a reality." Beasts of Gor, p.55

"What man, truly close to a beautiful female, can fail to feel her in his blood, and want to own her?" Beasts of Gor, p.71

"Every organism has its place in nature. That of woman is at the foot of man." Beasts of Gor, p.429

"A strong man needs a woman at his feet, who is truly his. Anything else is less than his fulfillment." Explorers of Gor, p.12

"A woman who has experienced slave orgasm can never thereafter be anything but a man's slave." Explorers of Gor, p.13

"Slave fires lurk in every woman. It is only a question of arousing them." Explorers of Gor, p.47

"The Goreans say that no woman is a true woman until she has submitted as a slave, and that no man has experienced his full sexuality until he has thrown her to the foot of his couch." Fighting Slave of Gor, p.65

. "Women dream not of equals but of masters." Fighting Slave of Gor, p.116

"…no free woman, because she is free, can truly compete for the attention of a man as can a slave girl." Fighting Slave of Gor, p.217

"Only where there are true men can there be true women." Rogue of Gor, p.100

"How lonely is the man who has not yet found his slave; how forlorn is the woman who has not yet found her master." Rogue of Gor, p.240

"Who is the most powerful, master or slave? The master as he may sell her or dispose of her in any way. He holds the whip. She must kneel at his feet, completely at his mercy, her will is nothing. She is owned and must please absolutely." Blood Brothers of Gor, p.316

"…it is only a slave, in her vulnerability and helplessness, who can know what love truly is." Kajira of Gor, p.48

"It is slaves who are assessed and have prices. Free women are priceless." Kajira of Gor, p.97

"No woman is worth anything until she is put in a collar. None of them have any worth until they are made worthless." Players of Gor, p.56

. "Any beauty a free woman has, for example, is enhanced a thousandfold when she becomes a slave." Players of Gor, p.92

"When a woman is absolutely powerless it is easy to teach her her sex." Players of Gor, p.99

"They all desire to be totally prisoners of love, and they will never be fully content until they become so." Mercenaries of Gor, p.68

"She is held in her bondage by the strongest of all bonds, that of love." Mercenaries of Gor, p.318

"In any contest of desirability the free woman must always lose out to the slave." Mercenaries of Gor, p.346

. "The female slave, yours in her servitude, is ten thousand times more interesting than a free woman could ever dream of being." Mercenaries of Gor, p.346
. "Bondage is a condition in which imagination and inventiveness in a slave are highly appropriate." Vagabonds of Gor, p.35

. "The true slave knows that her slavery, her natural slavery, is not a matter of the brand and collar, which have more to do with legalities, but of herself." Vagabonds of Gor, p.40

"Slavery to the woman is more than a sexual matter, though sexuality is intimately and profoundly involved in it, essentially, crucially and ultimately. It is an entire mode of being, an entire way of life, one intimately associated with love and service." Vagabonds of Gor, p.53

"This is because women are not the same as men. That women are the same as men, and should be treated as such would be regarded by Goreans as an insanity, and one which would be cruelly deprivational to the female, robbing her of her uniqueness, her delicious specialness, in a sense of her very self." Vagabonds of Gor, p.138

. " the love of a slave girl is the deepest and most profound love that any woman can give to a man. Love makes a woman a man's slave, and the wholeness of that love requires that she be, in truth, his slave. With nothing less can she be fully, and institutionally, content." Magicians of Gor, p.31

"Slave girls are not permitted to shortchange their beauty. They must fulfill its promise." Magicians of Gor, p.416

"She was a large girl, and formidable to us,…, but, compared to the men, she was only another female, no different from us. Compared to them, her size and strength, really only that of a woman, was, like ours, when all was said and done, simply negligible. Compared to them she was, like us simply small and weak. Before them, and to them, she could never be any more than we, only another female, small, lovely and helpless, a mere female, totally at their mercy." Dancer of Gor, p.107

"All women need the protection of men, though sometimes this protection is so profound and so familiar as to escape notice. But let the barriers of civilization lapse, even for a day, and their need for men would become unmistakably apparent." Vagabonds of Gor, p.206

"Thank you, Master," she whispered, and I continued to hold her. "I am a slave, aren't I?" she asked. "Yes," I said. "I have always feared so," she said. "In itself it is nothing to fear," I said. "Fear rather the actual state of bondage, and those who will be your masters." Fighting Slave of Gor pg 373

"Arlene," I said. "Yes, master, she said. "Is it a slave girl's first duty to be interesting?" I asked. "No," she said. "That is a concern of free women." "What is the first duty of a slave girl?" I asked. "To be pleasing to the master," she said. "Let that be your concern," I said. Beasts of Gor pg 279


General Quotes of Gor

"More than one triumph in a Gorean city has been spoiled by the bolt of an assassin." Magicians of Gor, p.90

I hated then men, and their wars, and their cruelties, and their frivolous honors. It was we, their women, who suffered in their madness.
Captive of Gor, Ch17

"Most alone are those whom love has once touched, and left." Captive of Gor, p.369

"Do not ask the stones or the trees how to live; they cannot tell you; they do not have tongues; do not ask the wise man how to live, for, if he knows, he will know he cannot tell you; if you would learn how to live do not ask the question, its answer is not in the question but in the answer, which is not in words, do not ask how to live, but instead proceed to do so."

Maurauders of Gor, p.9

"A creature who had not known hatred, lust and terror, I suspected, would be ill-fitted to understand the Kur, or men." Tribesmen of Gor, p.218

"One must turn one's back in time upon the impenetrable wall." Tribesmen of Gor, p.258
"And one may be rational, perhaps, without being weak. Indeed, is not weakness the ultimate irrationality?" Beasts of Gor, p.8

"You may judge and scorn the Goreans if you wish. Know as well, however, that they judge and scorn you. They fulfill themselves as you do not. Hate them for their pride and power. They will pity you for your shame and weakness." Beasts of Gor, p.11

On Gor it is generally understood that a man who chains a woman has full rights over her. Fighting Slave of Gor pg 269

"I could, of course, examine your thighs, your lower left abdomen, your body generally." I said. The thighs and the lower left abdomen are the brand sites recommended by Merchant Law. Masters, of course, may brand a girl whereever they please. She is theirs. Sometimes brands are placed on the left side of the neck, on the left calf, the interior of the left heel, and on the inside of the left forearm. The customary brand site, incidentally, is high on the left thigh. That is the site almost invariably utilized in marking Gorean kajirae. Fighting Slave of Gor pg 349

in times of danger, Gorean men could and sometimes did place their slave's key to their collar in such a place where the slave may retrieve it. As evidenced by the following:
"It is a hard business on which I embark," I told her. "In the sea bag," I said, "are various things. The key to your collar is there, for example. Too, there are coins. They should, keep you and the barbarian alive for a long time. "Yes Master," she said. Then she looked at me, wonderingly. "You would let me put my hand on the key to my own collar?" she asked. "Schendi may not be an easy place in which to survive." I told her. "You may find it convenient, in some circumstances, to remove your collar." Explorers of Gor pg 207

Women with deep feminine needs are mercilessly exploited by Gorean men. It was a pleasant game. They are so helpless. And yet how lovely they are. One must strive to remain strong with them. Beasts of Gor pgs 433-434

"One of the pleasant things about owning a slave," I said, "is the opportunity to converse with her, to listen to her, to hear her express herself, her feelings and ideas. One can learn much from a slave. Many slaves, like yourself, are highly intelligent. The can express themselves articulately, clearly, trenchantly and lyrically. It is a great pleasure to talk to them." "I see," she said. "Then, when one wishes," I said, "one puts them again on their knees."
Beasts of Gor pg 203

"Perhaps the world only speaks to those who are prepared to listen." Beasts of Gor, p.29
"…the world cannot be lonely where there are two people who are friends." Beasts of Gor, p.289
"Where there is beauty and friendship what more could one ask of a world. How grand and significant is such a place. What more justification could it require?" Beasts of Gor, p.289

"One does not know, truly, what it is to stand, until one has fallen. Once one has fallen, then one knows, you see, what it is to stand." Beasts of Gor, p.340

"How can one know the answer to a question which one fears to ask?" Explorers of Gor, p.11

"How difficult and subtle are the natures of men," Explorers of Gor, p.153

"Logic is as neutral as a knife," Explorers of Gor, p.223

"There are brave men in all castes," Explorers of Gor, p.433

"But who is stronger, truly, I asked myself, he who continues to wound and bleed himself to please others, or he who refuses any longer to do so?" Fighting Slave of Gor, p.94











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