Vietnamese Artists Collective Homeland

The Vietnamese Artist Collective is taking a break from organizing shows. Instead we are busy working on a Vietnamese American anthology and hosting artist salons. If you are interested in volunteering for the above projects, please email In the meanwhile, check out the following VAC artists:
Call for Submissions
The Vietnamese Artists Collective is seeking works by emerging Vietnamese artists of ALL AGES with ties to the San Francisco Bay Area for a literary and visual arts collection.

Show Us Your Stuff
We are open to everything and anything from traditional forms to the risky and experimental. Take your best shot – we don’t bite (unless you want us to). Prose, poetry, art, whatever: it all needs to be printed on 8.5 x 11 paper with THREE HARD COPIES of each piece.

Fiction, Creative Non-fiction, Drama: Includes one-act stage plays, screenplays, short stories, self-contained novel excerpts, comics, memoir/personal essays. Up to 2 pieces, less than 15-pages each. 10-pages and under then we’ll love you even more.

Poetry: Up to 5 poems. A maximum of 10 pages total.

Visual Art: Works in Black & White and Color will be accepted. We can only review work captured on the page, so please be sure to submit quality printouts.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Postmarked by November 15, 2005


Cover letter must include your NAME, PERMANENT EMAIL, TELEPHONE NUMBER(S), PERMANENT ADDRESS, and the GENRE of your submission.

Please include a SASE for notification; our carrier pigeons are tired. If you desire your work to be returned, please provide adequate postage. Please do not send us your only copy. We CANNOT accept electronic or faxed submissions. It gives us headaches and hurts our feelings: we’re a sensitive bunch. Snail Mail to: VAC, 723 46th St. Oakland, Ca 94609


Header in the upper left hand corner of each page should include: TITLE OF PIECE, and PAGE NUMBER.

SUBMISSIONS WILL BE JUDGED BLIND. So please: though we love how beautiful names can be (especially Vietnamese ones), don’t let them appear on the work itself. Manuscripts must be in 12pt font size (Times New Roman), double-spaced (except poetry), with a one-inch margin around.

PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED works will be considered so long as you tell us where it was published in your cover letter, and that you retained the rights to reprint your work. We don’t want to get sued here. SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS will be considered, so long as you tell us RIGHT AWAY if someone else snatches it up before we can. If your work is selected, we will ask for electronic copies.

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