    10.07.01 Hotell 88
    17.06.01 Germans marches
    02.05.01 White minority
    27.04.01 Cd production
    08.04.01 Info -14
    30.03.01 Russian, Estonian gangs in Finland
    28.03.01 NSF house burned down
    23.03.01 Swedish justice
    14.03.01 Swedish Youth on the rise!?
    14.03.01 Germany helps "victims"
    06.03.01 Hamas wants weapons
    27.02.01 Hate Crime's England Trip
    21.02.01 Patriots in Germany got hard jail time
    12.02.01 Where is Sweden heading?
    12.02.01 Hate Crime to England
    12.02.01 Landser to Finland?

10.07.01 Hotell 88

So now they diceded to build an multimillion hotell on the place where Germanys greatest man lived for many years, Adolf Hitler. If you really think about it then you realise that its quite a good idea, for us I mean. Imagen walking on very same place that the white race greatest hero have walked on. I personally dream of taking a trip to Austria and live a couple of days in the hotell. But now have the greedy, money- loving "victims" have stared screaming genocide again, I belive genocide is the only word they know. So now the hotell owners have promised to check every suspect if they have a "nazi" background. It's so pathetic that I don't know if to scream or laugh at it.

17.06.01 Germans marches

Nice to see that someone cares about their countrys and races future. 500 NPD members marched in a city named Göttingen. Of course the left-wing scum was there to provote violence. About 100 where arrested. It is strange that the NPD was allowed to march.The goverment tried ofcourse to stop it but when a court decided that they where allowed to march they couldn't do anything more. Germany if someone has one of the worse freedom-of-speech laws I know. For exmple you can get arrested if the neighbour hears you talking too loud with you friends about the struggle in your own home.Sick,sick,sick!

02.05.01 White minority

Couldn't almost believe my eyes when I today read on text-TV that in America they have had some kind of counting (that they do every 10th year) of people. They came to that conclusion that whites are minority in over 50% of the 100 biggest cities. Are they allowed to write about how the white race is going under on jew-controlled TV!? This is just what we are warning for all the time: THE WHITE RACE IS GOING UNDER if we don't make a statement. Feel sorry for the white population that lives in the states. I don't wonder IF the revolution I wonder WHEN. Open up your eyes now and make a different so you don't have to say "Oops! I didn't know" when you are the last white on earth.

27.04.01 Cd production

Our foes tries with any means necessary to gain control of our thoughts and beliefs. It's really pathetic how they have the time, money and will to fight us when they as well as we know they can never stop us. Now the belief-police has stopped a CD production in Hungary, which was used by Midgård, according to rumors. So what!? Then they just seek another CD factory and convince them to start producing CDs with the forbidden music.

08.04.01 Info -14

Police in Sweden have crack the file securitycode to a patriot's contact list. Now its seems  to them that they have solved the whole "nazi" problem. So what if got the names. They can't do a fucking thing . Maybe the pigs should spend more time and money on real criminals, that roam the streets in Sweden. I Feel sorry for Sweden, this land is going right down the drain. Patriots being murdered on streets and police nothing else than put more patriots in prison for their political beliefs.

30.03.01 Russian, Estonian gangs in Finland

Tings are getting better and better all the time. Todays druglords in Finland is from Estonia or from Russia if you believe the Central Crime Police co-chief Kauko Aaltomaa. Yeah..import more and more criminals and junkies and after a couple of years start complaining about the crime and drugdealers. Only two words is needed in Finnish justices to make thing better: "Get Out!"

28.03.01 NSF house burned down

Soo it happens again. The communism shows it's ugly head again. Some one have burned down, NSF house in Örebro, to the ground. And even a high on crack junkie can guess that who these coward persons are. Ironicly they burned down a innocent law obeying persons building too. Nice to know that the next time it could be your house they burn down. Nice to know that these rats stand for freadom of speach, law and order and everything else in thing democratic society. But one warning to the coward antifa rats who did this: Please try and burn down my house and I will greet you at the doorstep with lead! Piece of SHIT AFA!

23.03.01 Swedish justice

Swedish court decided today that the 18 year old "dead man walking" Khaled Odeh, is going to sit in psycho hospital for murdering a 17 year old skinhead. In other words he will get out in a couple of years, free to murder again. In a National Socialist society he and all he's coward friends would get a bullet in theirs heads. Fucking cowards that assault one drunken skinhead with their gang (15 persons)! Let the punishment fit the crime. A couple weeks ago a patriot in Sweden was convicted to harder punishment than one from the gang who killed the skinhead. What was the patriot's crime you may think, wearing a cloths that had on the triskelon symbol. So it's a more serious crime to wear patriotic cloths than killing a skinhead!? Fuckin sick society.

14.03.01 Swedish Youth on the rise!?

1/7 of the Swedish youth in several schools in Sörmland (Sweden) isn't against or for "Nazis". This according to some papers which have done a study with students in Sörmland. This is a good sign in my opinion, this is the group we focus on, they aren't so badly brainwashed by "Swedish" media but it's a long way yet to gain total victory. I always try to see positive on the future and believe that the white race will wake up sooner or later. I only hope it's in my lifetime.

14.03.01 Germany helps "victims"

Germany proclaimed today that the so-called victims of  WW2 has been given DMK! What wrong with the German people, why won't they WAKE UP? Brainwashing is a powerful thing if your love is just for money. Germans take your proud country back, it's your tax money which is being spent on liars and parasites, and your race is on stake.

06.03.01 Hamas wants weapons

Hamas is asking for more weapons from the arab-world. If I would have more weapons I would give some to them. Even if they are not white I salute them for kicking Israel's ass. Fucking Israel is killing stone trowning children and the world says NOTHING. When Palestine are defending them selves against the jews, which have stolen the land from Palestinians, then the whole jew controlled world are screaming genocide...if they want a genocide then we should give them that...this time every fucking one.

27.02.01 Hate Crime's England Trip

Bad news...Hate Crime's trip to England is called off.

21.02.01 Patriots in Germany got hard jail time

Two young German patriots was sentenced to 10 years in prison for, get this, trying to burn up a house were non-white immigrants were held. WHAT THE HELL!? TRYING!? Soon you'll get 20 years for thinking of burning it down. What happened to once so proud Germany? After Istanbul, Berlin has the most turks in the world.. makes you wondering. Two other patriots were sentenced to 9 and 4 1/2 year's prison for probably just knowing the other two.

12.02.01 Where is Sweden heading?

Recently police stopped a bus of patriots, which was heading to a concert. Okey, where is the crime in that you might think. According to the non-pro-Swedish government it was so serious that they decided to escort the bus back to where they came from and doing so using a lot of tax payers money which could have been used for real crime fighting. If that wasn't all the police beat a patriot, just for having not according to them, right political believes.

12.02.01 Hate Crime to England

Finnish pride and joy Hate Crime will go to England. Nice to see Finnish band playing music in other countries than Finland. Would go to the concert but because of lack of money I strongly think the journey will not be off for me...but you never know.

12.02.01 Landser to Finland?

Nothing is sure but there are rumors that the famous German band Landser is coming to Finland. I personally hope so cause of my gigantic intress for the band. They fucking rule!

One blood demands one Reich.

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